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(Chapter 1 9)

Theme of Love
Love comes after sex. Lawrence insists that you
can't have love without sex, and you're fooling
yourself if you think there's any such thing as a
sexless marriage. Love is the way that sex expresses
itself, and not the other way around. This is why
Lawrence wouldn't want you heading out to have a
bunch of meaningless sex because meaningless sex
is mechanical, and being mechanical is the worst
thing you can do to your body.

1. Exposition : At the beginning of the story, the narrator is just
telling the readers about some main character Connie and Clifford
and both their life.
2. Conflict : As time goes by, Connie becomes restless, and She
begins an affair with Michaelis.
3. Climax : Michaelis offers to marry Connie if she divorces Clifford,
and she, vulnerable, almost agrees. But later that night Michaelis
becomes resentful and angry by their inability to achieve
simultaneous orgasms. Connie is traumatized by Michaelis selfish
anger, and their relationship falters. Connie is depresion. She
always blame her husband in mind for this.
4. Falling Action : Connie hire Mrs. Bolton, a local nurse, as Clifford's
caretaker and companion, because she find it hard to take care
her husband.
5. Resolution : Connie's physical and psychological health begin to
improve after she hire Mrs Bolton
Lady Chatterley = The protagonist of the novel. Before her marriage, she is
simply Constance Reid, an intellectual and social progressive, the daughter
of Sir Malcolm and the sister of Hilda.

Oliver Mellors = The lover in the novel's title. Mellors is the gamekeeper on
Clifford Chatterley's estate, Wragby. He is aloof, sarcastic, intelligent and
noble. He was born near Wragby, and worked as a blacksmith until he ran off
to the army to escape an unhappy marriage.

Clifford Chatterley = Connie's husband. Clifford Chatterley is a minor
nobleman who becomes paralyzed from the waist down during World War I.
As a result of his injury, Clifford is impotent. He retires to his familial estate,
Wragby, where he becomes first a successful writer, and then a powerful

Mrs. Bolton = Ivy Bolton is Clifford's nurse and caretaker. She is a competent,
complex, still-attractive middle-aged woman. Years before the action in this
novel, her husband died in an accident in the mines owned by Clifford's

Michaelis = A successful Irish playwright with whom Connie has an affair
early in the novel. Michaelis asks Connie to marry him, but she decides not
to, realizing that he is like all other intellectuals: a slave to success, a
purveyor of vain ideas and empty words, passionless.
Hilda Reid = Connie's older sister by two years, the daughter of Sir Malcolm.
Hilda shared Connie's cultured upbringing and intellectual education.
Sir Malcolm Reid = The father of Connie and Hilda. He is an acclaimed
painter, an aesthete and unabashed sensualist who despises Clifford for his
weakness and impotence, and who immediately warms to Mellors.
Tommy Dukes = One of Clifford's contemporaries, Tommy Dukes is a brigadier
general in the British Army and a clever and progressive intellectual.
Charles May, Hammond, Berry = Young intellectuals who visit Wragby, and
who, along with Tommy Dukes and Clifford, participate in the socially
progressive but ultimately meaningless discussions about love and sex.

Place : The setting take place in Wragby. Wragby is
Clifford's estate. It's not much of an estate the house
isn't very impressive, and it's near an ugly mining
village called Tevershall

Time : The time is in 1920s

The Point of View used in this novel is the Omniscient
Limited (using of third person). The author tells the
story in third person (using pronouns they, she, he, it,
This novel using formal language. In every part
of the story, the author use formal language to
describe the story.
People shouldnt affair in their life.
Woman shouldnt be desire when they see a
Love someone from your heart not from your
own self satisfy.
Dont try with love.

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