Calibration of PH Meter and Conductivity Meter

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What is Calibration of pH Meter?

It is a process of preparing the pH Meter in checking its
accuracy reading using buffer solutions..
What is Benefits?
Accuracy of pH reading

Frequency of Calibration?
How the process works?
1.Prepare the following items
a.) Buffer 4 Solution
b.) Buffer 7 Solution
c.) Paper Towel
d.) Alcohol
e.) 2 pcs. of 40 ml beaker

2.Clean pH electrode and temperature probe using
alcohol then wipe using tube wiper.
3.Rinse the pH electrode and temperature probe using D.I.
water then blot dry using paper towel.
4.Let the pH electrode and temperature probe hang until
set-up of pH meter is done.

5.Press standby.
6.Press the set-up twice.
7.Press enter to clear all existing buffers.
8.Continue press the set-up to display the desired buffer
group. (2 4 7 10 12)..
9. Press enter to select the group and return to measure

10.Continue press the set-up again to display the degrees
Celsius temperature icon.
11.Press enter to accept C temperature unit and return to
the measure screen..
12.Continue press the set-up again to view the two decimal
point resolution selection.(88.88)

13.Press enter to accept the resolution and return to the
measure screen.
14.Prepare the 2 samples buffer solutions to 40 ml beaker..
15.Immerse the pH electrode and temperature probe to
buffer 4 solution into the center of the solution so that the
bulb of the electrode is completely covered..

16.Wait until stable appears on the screen then record the
BEFORE CALIBRATION on calibration checklist.
17.Press the standard twice then wait to appear the phrase
of GOOD ELECTRODE indicated below of the meter then
record the AFTER CALIBRATION on calibration checklist.

18.Rinse the pH electrode and temperature probe using D.I.
water then blot dry using paper towel.
19.Do the same procedure from number 15-18 to buffer 7.
20.Return the 2 buffer solutions and alcohol to its proper
Buffer 4 and Buffer 7 Solution
pH Meter and Conductivity Meter
What is checking of conductivity meter?
It is a process of preparing the conductivity meter in
checking its accuracy reading using conductivity standard
What is benefits?
Accuracy of conductivity reading..

Frequency of Calibration?
How the process works?
1.Prepare the following items
a.)Conductivity solutions
b.)40 ml beaker
d.)Paper Towel

2.Press standby at conductivity meter.
3.Clean the conductivity and temperature probe using
alcohol then wipe using paper towel.
4.Rinse the conductivity and temperature probe using D.I.
water then blot dry using paper towel.
5.Let the conductivity and temperature probe hang until
set-up of conductivity meter is done.
6.Press set-up again to view the measuring conductivity in
S then press enter.
7.Press set-up again to view the nominal constant of 1.000
then press enter..
8.Press set-up again to view the 2 cell constant (series of
dashes_ _ _ _). then press enter.
9.Pres set-up again to view the temperature coefficient of
1.5 then press enter.
10.Press set-up again to view the temperature unit C then
press enter..
11.Immerse conductivity probe into a portion of standard

12.Record the BEFORE CALIBRATION reading
corresponding with the temperature value of 25 degrees.
13.Check for the temperature reading if the value match
the standard solution displayed.(the conductivity and
temperature value can be viewed at conductivity solution
14.Press the standard twice to access the standardization
15.Record the AFTER CALIBRATION reading corresponding
with the temperature value into calibration checklist

Conductivity Solution
pH Meter and Conductivity Meter

Thank You!!


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