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Read aloud will improves lg skills such as

structure and recall
Key element of storytelling is the voice of the storyteller
Depend on the capability of the storyteller to project their

Tips and activities suggested
for Voice Projection
Align your body correctly
-good posture and body alignment will determine if you have big or small
-relax,stand tall and strand straight
Check your breathing
-you must use proper breathing technique

Make sure voice resonates well
-your voice originates at your vocal cords and the resonates trought
chest,throat and head

When people have cold and sinuse are
blocked,their voice doesnt resonates
well and sounds odd

Expand the shape of your mouth
- Relax and open your mouth wide you will
end up producing a big and clear sound

Need to ensure you stay connected with
your audience,your voice can be hear
and use appropriate diction
Stories not to be told too fast or to slow
Storyteller are expected to enunciate
-use your voice effectively

To make sure the stories could
be brough

Practice pronouncing names or words
Be more aware of the common error of
enunciation such as
sputtering,hissing,biting,snapping of
consonant is not enunciation
Minimise vocal faults
Learn the fundemental of singing and
articulation,the formation of
consonant,the joining syllables
Start slowly and carefully and avoid
running the words together
Make sure the start and end of each
word is crisp

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