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Text Production: Essay

Sample Responses
Seven Days How have mankind s
activities affected the environment?
Background information
Thesis: st : Mankind has destroyed the
environment by creating and carrying out
research on nuclear technology and toxic
substances and ( thesis st with
preview points)
Content paragraph 1
Topic sentence :
The first way in which mankind destroys the environment is
by carrying out dangerous nuclear experiments and
creating toxic substances .
Support and evidence:
In the past 50 years, humans have carried out research
on radioactive materials such as nuclear testing which
involve explosions . . These blasts are actually strong
enough to cause desert floors to collapse and islands to
tremble according to stanza 5 of the poem. However the
government does not take responsibility for their actions
but instead denies the dangers of the explosions and
blindly assure the public that it is safe. This is proven
when the poet says on October afternoons explosions
and smiling spokesman says, the san andreas fault,
remains faultless
In the poem, Gary Dunford also describes how
humans dispose radioactive and toxic wastes by
leaving them in remote areas and emptying
tanks of them into seas where they will
eventually deteriorate and contaminate the sea.
Evidence from the text states ( Stanza 5 states)
cramming biological uglies into old trains, that
run on undetermined schedules, across the
landscape, and somewhere, sunken tanks of
arsenic are cloaked in barnacles and rust slowly
in salt water.
Concluding sentence: In short, .

2. What observations can be made about
(the negative aspect) of human character
and their relationship with the
environment from the film Avatar?
Background of the issue/ film:
Thesis st: This film portrays humans as a
race who are greedy, ..
Content paragraph 1
Topic sentence: One observation that can be made is
that humans are greedy and selfish
It is known that humans nowadays have become
materialistic and selfish. Many people in this modern
world think only of themselves and seek money, power
and fame. These characteristics are clearly seen in
several characters in the film. Selfridge, for instance,
was only interested in Pandora for its rich resources,
namely the metal .. Selfridge shows his self-
centered nature when he tells Dr Grace Augustine that
he is only interested in getting the mineral. He and his
team are not interested in being diplomatic to the Navi.
He also scorns Dr Graces effort in educating them and
respecting their culture. Similarly, Colonel Quaritch
considers Jake Sully as a good choice for the Avatar
program because he sees him as a marine and a spy
who could help the humans to get inside information
about Hometree and the mineral deposits.

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