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Charter for Water Recycling & Pollution Prevention

in Pulp & Paper Industries

A Logical Framework Approach

Central Pollution Control Board
July 23, 2014
In this presentation..
Status of Indian Pulp & Paper Industries
CREP (2002)
Action Points
Lessons learnt
Charter on Water Recycling & Pollution Prevention in Pulp & Paper
industries in Ganga River Basin (2012-13)
Proposed Charter on Water Recycling & Pollution Prevention in Pulp &
Paper industries
Proposed Norms
Proposed Charter
Detailed Implementation Programme
Proposed Strategies
Plan of Activities
Resource Planning

Effluent Discharge & Emission Standards notified under the
Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986

Charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection
(CREP) 2002-2008

Charter for Water Recycling & Pollution Prevention in Pulp &
Paper Industries in River Ganga Basin (GRBEMP Code:
014_GBP_IIT_EQP_04_Ver 1_Dec 2011) 2012-2013

Revised Effluent Discharge & Emission Standards proposed for
notification under the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986

State-wise Distribution of Paper Industry:
(source: IARPMA Directory, 2012-13)
State No. of Mills
Gujarat 123
Maharashtra 112
Tamil Nadu 108
Uttar Pradesh 99
Punjab 61
Andhra Pradesh 53
West Bengal 36
Uttarakhand 31
Karnataka 29
Haryana 21
Madhya Pradesh 19
Rajasthan 16
Kerala 15
Others 43
Total 766
Category-wise Distribution of Paper Industry:
(source: DIPP)

No. of Mills
Wood Based 30

Agro Based 150

RCF Based 653

Total 833

Challenges before Indian Paper Industry
Fiber Shortage
Wide variety of raw material- standardization of
puling process becomes difficult
Wide spectrum of technology- varies among mill
and with in the mill also
Machine age is much older than global average
Innovation mostly driven by Environmental
Pressure on product reverse direction- High
brightness paper in demand

Charter on
Large Pulp & Paper Mills

Discharge of Adsorbable Organic Halides (AOx)
- 1.5 Kg/tonne of paper within 2 years (1
April, 2005)
- 1.0 Kg/tonne of paper in 5 years (1
April, 2008)

Installation of lime-kiln for recalcination of lime sludge within
4 years (1
April, 2007)

Wastewater discharge
* <140 cum/tonne of paper within 2 years i.e. April, 2005
* <120 cum/tonne of paper in 4 years for units installed
before 1992 i.e. April, 2007
* <100 cum/tonne of paper for units installed after 1992.

Odour control by burning reduced sulphur emissions in the
boiler / lime-kiln
Installation of odour control system within 4 years.

Utilization of treated effluent for irrigation wherever possible

Colour removal from effluent

Charter on
Small Pulp & Paper Mills

Compliance of standards of BOD, COD & AOx
Recovery of chemicals by installation of Chemical
Recovery Plant(CRP) or
utilization of black liquor with no discharge from pulp mill
within 3 years(1
April, 2006) or
shift to waste paper

Upgradation of ETPs in one year so as to meet
discharge standards
Wastewater discharge <150 cum/tone of paper within 3
years (1
April, 2006)
Utilization of treated effluent for irrigation wherever
Colour removal from effluent

Note: Non-complying units to submit action plan with PERT
Chart along with bank guarantee to SPCBs by June 30,
2003Small Pulp & Paper Mills

Major change in Indian paper industry
leading to environmental improvement due
Remarkable improvement in environmental
Indicators- Effluent Volume, AOX
Increasing use of Wastepaper
Partial replacement of elemental chlorine in
Oxygen deglignification
Cleaner production Initiatives
System closure

Lessons learnt from CREP
Environmental Polices (Regulations, CREP) main
Poor monitoring and documentation of
implementation of CREP
Non- compliance of some action points
Dilution of standards

Charter for Water Recycling and Pollution Prevention
in Pulp and Paper Industries in Ganga River Basin
The Charter is comprehensive statement to reduce fresh water requirement, improve effluent
quality and optimise water recycling through a holistic approach for pollution prevention in
Pulp & Paper industries by emphasising on
Process optimisation,
Adoption of best practices,
Technology up-gradation, and
Quantum improvement in effluent treatment including tertiary treatment,
There is no compromise with regard to the industry meeting the prescribed effluent standards.
Compliance with the standards is mandatory.
The Charter has also been adopted by the IIT consortium as part of the Ganga River Basin
Environment Management Plan (GRBEMP).

Charter Implementation Programme :

A Detailed Charter implementation programme of about Nine months duration (July 2012 to March 2013) was
formulated in consultation with CPPRI, SPCBs of Uttarakhand and U.P. and Industry Associations, for
implementation by over 80 Pulp & Paper Mills operating in five identified clusters.

CPCB issued directions under section 18(1)(b) of the Water Act to UEPPCB and UPPCB for implementation of the
Charter in over 80 mills in the five clusters, viz. Kashipur and Roorkee in Uttarakhand and Muzaffarnagar, Meerut
and Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh.

Salient Features:

Self assessment, implementation and monitoring by Industry
Creation of common testing facilities, facilitation and monitoring by Industry Association
Third Party assessment, monitoring and supervision by CPPRI
Regulatory Monitoring and supervision by CPCB & SPCBs


Categorization of Industry
Proposed Norms
Proposed Action Points
Categories of Indian Pulp & Paper Mills
(A) Existing Categorization under E(P)Rules
Large Pulp & Paper Mill (>24000 MT/Annum)
Small Pulp & Paper Mill (up to 24000 MT/Annum)
(B) Charter in Ganga River Basin
Agro based Writing and printing
Agro based Kraft Paper
RCF based Writing and printing
RCF based Kraft Paper

Categories of Indian Pulp & Paper Mills
(C) Revised Categorization under E(P)Rules
Pulp & Paper Mill Manufacturing Chemical Pulp
RCF or Market Pulp & Paper Mill
(D) Proposed Categorization under the Charter
Wood Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing bleached grades of
papers, paperboards & newsprint
Wood Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing unbleached grades
of papers and paperboards
Agro Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing bleached grades of
papers, paperboards & newsprint
Agro Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing unbleached grades of
papers and paperboards
RCF Based Paper Mills producing bleached grades of papers,
paperboards & newsprint
RCF Based Paper Mills producing unbleached grades of papers
and paperboards

Categories of Indian Pulp & Paper Mills
(D) Proposed Categorization under the Charter

Wood based and integrated Pulp and Paper mills manufacturing Newsprint,
Printing and writing (Bleach variety) with deinking plant.
Wood based and integrated Pulp and Paper mills manufacturing Newsprint,
Printing and writing (Bleach variety) without deinking plant.
Agro based and integrated Pulp and Paper mills manufacturing Newsprint,
Printing and writing (Bleach variety) with deinking plant.
Agro based and integrated Pulp and Paper mills manufacturing Newsprint,
Printing and writing (Bleach variety) without deinking plant.
Wood based and integrated Pulp and Paper mills kraft paper with deinking
Wood based and integrated Pulp and Paper mills manufacturing kraft paper
without deinking plant.
Agro based and integrated Pulp and Paper mills manufacturing kraft paper with
deinking plant.
Agro based and integrated Pulp and Paper mills manufacturing kraft paper
without deinking plant.
Waste paper based and integrated Pulp and Paper mills manufacturing
Newsprint, Printing and writing (Bleach variety).
Waste paper based and integrated Pulp and Paper mills manufacturing kraft
paper .

Categories of Indian Pulp & Paper Mills
(D) Proposed Categorization under the Charter
Integrated Mills producing bleached/ unbleached
grades of papers, paperboards & newsprint
Integrated Mills producing unbleached grades of
papers & paperboards
RCF Based Paper Mills producing bleached grades
of papers, paperboards & newsprint
RCF Based Paper Mills producing unbleached
grades of papers and paperboards
Integrated (chemical pulping) Pulp & Paper Mill
RCF based Pulp & Paper Mill

Objectives of the Charter

All time Compliance with Environmental Norms

Improved Environmental Performance beyond
Regulatory Norms

Increased Productivity

Compliance with International Commitments

To standardize process and ETP operations
To reduce wastewater generation and improved environmental
To ensure water recycling and pollution prevention in Pulp &
Paper Industries in identified clusters
To ensure regular operation of CRPs/CCRPs in Agro based kraft
Paper Mills
To prepare protocol for Common CRPs in Agro based kraft Paper
Implementation of continuous on line effluent & emission
monitoring system
Third Party monitoring and documentation

Large Pulp & Paper
Mills (Capacity above
24000 MT/Annum)
Small Pulp & Paper
Mills (Capacity upto
24000 MT/Annum)

7.0-8.5 5.5 9.0
TSS, mg/l 100 100
BOD, mg/l 30 30
COD, mg/l 350 --
Existing Treated Effluent Quality Standards for Pulp & Paper Mills
Total Wastewater Discharge Standards for Pulp & Paper Mills
Large Pulp & Paper mills
200 cum/ton of paper produced
100 cum/ton for mills established after 1992
Large Pulp & Paper mills (Rayon Grade) 150 cum/ton of paper produced

Agro based Small Pulp & Paper mills 200 cum/ton of paper produced
150 cum/ton for mills established after 1992

Waste paper based Pulp & Paper mills 75 cum/ton of paper produced
50 cum/ton for mills established after 1992

Short Term
/t paper

Medium Term
/t paper
Long Term
/t paper
A1: Wood Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing
bleached grades of papers, paperboards & newsprint
90 60 50
A2: Wood Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing
unbleached grades of papers and paperboards
90 55 45
B1: Agro Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing
bleached grades of papers, paperboards & newsprint
90 70 50
B2: Agro Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing
unbleached grades of papers and paperboards
90 60 40
C1: RCF Based Paper Mills producing bleached
grades of papers, paperboards & newsprint
(50) #
(50) #
(50) #
C2: RCF Based Paper Mills producing unbleached
grades of papers and paperboards
25 20 15

# Mills manufacturing specialty paper
Proposed Fresh Water Requirements
Short Term
/T paper
Medium Term
/T paper
Long Term
/T paper
A1: Wood Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing
bleached grades of papers, paperboards & newsprint
80 50 40
A2: Wood Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing
unbleached grades of papers and paperboards
80 40 35
B1: Agro Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing
bleached grades of papers, paperboards & newsprint
80 55 40
B2: Agro Based Pulp & Paper Mills producing
unbleached grades of papers and paperboards
80 50 30
C1: RCF Based Paper Mills producing bleached
grades of papers, paperboards & newsprint
(45) #
(45) #
(45) #
C2: RCF Based Paper Mills producing unbleached
grades of papers and paperboards
20 20 10

# Mills manufacturing specialty paper and boards

Proposed Limits of Effluent Generation
Parameters Goals
pH 6.5 8.5
TSS, mg/l 50
BOD, mg/l < 30
COD, mg/l 250
TDS, mg/l 2100
Colour, PCU
AOx, mg/l
Proposed Norms for Treated Effluent Quality for Integrated
Pulp & Paper Mills manufacturing Chemical pulp
Parameters Goals
6.5 8.5
TSS, mg/l
BOD, mg/l
< 30
COD, mg/l
TDS, mg/l
Colour, PCU
AOx, mg/l
Proposed Norms for Treated Effluent Quality for RCF based
Pulp & Paper Mills
Odorous gases Existing
mg/ Nm
mg / Nm
Methods for
S 10 10 Gastec Tube

Incineration in
incinerator or
lime kiln
Total Mercaptans
( Methyl Mercaptan,
50 Gastec Tube

Proposed Norms for Odorous Emissions Mercaptans

Existing Norms Proposed Norms Remarks
15tph &
ESP SPM ,mg/Nm
: 150
S , mg/Nm

: 10
, mg/Nm
: Not
NOx , mg / Nm
: Not

SPM , mg/Nm
: 150 ( Boilers
set up before 2008)
SPM , mg/Nm
: 100 ( Boilers set
up after 2008)
S , mg/Nm

: 10
The norms for recovery
boiler & lime kiln will be
same as that for power
boiler with capacity > 15
For boilers
<15 tph
SPM , mg/Nm
: 600
SPM , mg/Nm
: 800
(<10 tph)

S , mg/Nm

: Not

SPM : mg/Nm
: 600
S , mg/Nm

: 10

As the level of SPM in
general is high
Based on the Study carried out in 9 mills under the project & other environmental monitoring studies carried out by CPPRI
Proposed Stack Emission Norms
NOX & SOx has already been notified under National Ambient Air Quality Standards

Charter Compliance
Targets related to
Upgradation -
Integrated Mills
Availability of Wet Washing System for
fibrous raw materials
Improved Pulp Washer
Oxygen delignification
ECF bleaching

* Chemical Recovery Plant (Individual or
Common) Mandatory

High Consistency Pulper for Waste Paper Based

Water Conservation
Targets General
Availability of calibrated flow meter at bore well
Availability of calibrated V notch / on- line flow
meter at ETP outlet - Mandatory
Paper machine nozzles of specified diameter ( less
than 0.75 mm ) - Mandatory
Installation of Fibe Recovery Unit like
Krofta / Sedi Cell/ Poly disc filter etc

Charter Compliance
Targets related to
ETP Upgradation
Adequacy assessment of Existing ETP Mandatory
Provision of Equalisation tank
Upgradation / Modification of Primary Clarifier to
achieve SS level of < 200 mg/l at clarifier outlet

Adequate Aeration through diffused /
surface aerators

Maintenance of MLSS level 2500- 3000 mg/l

Provision of Tertiary Treatment System *
Separate provision of electric meter at ETP

Creation of ETP lab facility, adequate manpower for
ETP and Environment Management Cell -
Note: The tertiary treatment system proposed
were Dual Media / multi grade filter , Pressure
Sand Filter , Activated Carbon filter for RCF
based mills and Physico Chemical treatment
Options + Dual Media / multi grade filter ,
Pressure Sand Filter , Activated Carbon filter for
agro based mills for treatment of treated
effluent for reuse / recycle

Fresh Water Consumption
Waste Water Discharge
Energy Consumption in ETP

Chemical consumption in ETP

Waste Water Analysis

Creation of ETP lab facility, adequate manpower for
ETP , Creation of Environment Management Cell,
Training of Manpower
Color Coding of
Pipe Lines
Fresh water Line
Back water / treated Effluent
Return sludge
Charter for Water Recycling & Pollution Prevention in
Pulp & Paper Industries
Category A1: Wood based - Bleached Grades of Papers,
Paperboards & Newsprint

Action Impact
Raw material
Preparation section
Wet washing of raw material Improves product quality ,
efficiency of CRP or CCRP/
Reduction in chemical
Treated wastewater for log washing

Dust Extraction system in disc chippers

Pulping and washing Installation of continuous digester/ super batch digester
Improves product quality ,
efficiency of CRP or CCRP/
Reduction in water and
chemical consumption
Installation of efficient black liquor system like screw press /
belt press / vacuum , pressure or diffuser washer
Twin Roll Press Evolution (TRPE) or SP press in fibrelines for
pulp dewatering (low soda loss)
Black liquor spillage collection pit with auto pumping
Oxygen Delignification (Short-term target)
Paper Machine
Segregation, collection & reuse of back water in the same
loop (close loop)
Water conservation through
increased reuse of back water
collection of excess clarified backwater in the water holding
tank equipped with level controller to facilitate cascading
Use of clarified back or recycled water in low-pressure
Use of self-cleaning, oscillating high pressure showers with
intermittent use etc depending upon the requirement
Nozzle diameter (0.7 0 0.80 mm), pressure (12-15 kg/cm
Installation of efficient Fibre recovery system such as poly
disc filter, flotation save all or dissolved air floatation at
paper machines
Pre biological treatment of dye containing wastewater
Action Impact

Up gradation of ETP Installation of screen (coarse followed by medium / fine) ,
primary clarifier (plate / tube settler), biological treatment
system, Installation of Tertiary treatment like Coagulation &
Flocculation, micro filter and/ or pressure sand filter,
activated carbon filter/ ozonisation (Mandatory)
Moving Bed Bio-Film Reactor (MBBR), Anaerobic digester
Diffuser aeration system is recommended over surface
aeration system to increase DO levels (optional)
Mist Cooling tower is recommended before Biological
Treatment Process to have control on water temperature
entering biological process (optional)

Note : To be adopted as per
the raw material usage,
process conditions , effluent
characteristics and regulatory
requirements for
environmental compliance
Good housekeeping
Preventive maintenance

Water conservation &
Improved ETP performance
Condensate collection and reuse
Installation of vacuum flume tank to recycle vacuum pump
sealing water and cooling water
Replacement of water seals by dry mechanical/ oil seals in
process pumps or closed loop
Monitoring and control Distribution of raw water from common reservoir through a
separate network to process, utility & domestic usage by
identified pipelines colored as per BIS code

Water conservation &
Improved ETP performance
Installation of calibrated magnetic flowmeters (sealed by
competent authority ) at borewell, process, utility &
domestic pipeline
Setting up of well equipped lab with trained manpower for
regular monitoring
Compulsory annual comprehensive water audit
Annual Performance evaluation of ETP
Online monitoring Continuous online effluent/ emission monitoring & data
transmission to SPCB/ CPCB pH, TSS, BOD, COD, Colour,
flow, DO (aeration tank)
Bleaching Replacement of elemental chlorine bleaching with ECF
bleaching (Long term target)
Inter recycling of bleach plant wastewater
Alkali extraction with oxygen & hydrogen peroxide (EOP)

Reduction in chemical
consumption/ Improves
wastewater quality & product
Black Liquor
Installation of chemical recovery plant
Black liquor spillage collection pit with auto pumping
Dregs washing and dewatering system
Medium Pressure (MP Steam) Soot blowing in recovery boilers
(to replace HP Steam soot blowing)
Installation of lime kiln in case of convention soda recovery
Total prevention of black
liquor discharge leading to
significant reduction in
pollution load
Odour & Air
Pollution Control
NCG collection, scrubbing and firing system
Collection of foul condensate from pulp mill digester &
chemical recovery, stripping using low pressure steam and
firing of stripped of gases (SOG). Stripped condensate to be
used in causticizing plant for mud washing.
Emissions from the boilers and rotary kilns to pass through
Electro Static Precipitators(ESPs)
Water sprinklers/ fogging/ mist to be installed to control
fugitive emissions at raw material handling areas
Category A2: Wood based - Unbleached Grades of Papers
and Paperboards

Action Impact
Raw material
Preparation section
Wet washing of raw material Improves product quality ,
efficiency of CRP or CCRP/
Reduction in chemical
Treated wastewater for log washing

Dust Extraction system in disc chippers

Pulping and washing Installation of continuous digester/ super batch digester
Improves product quality ,
efficiency of CRP or CCRP/
Reduction in water and
chemical consumption
Installation of efficient black liquor system like screw press /
belt press / vacuum , pressure or diffuser washer
Twin Roll Press Evolution (TRPE) or SP press in fibrelines for
pulp dewatering (low soda loss)
Black liquor spillage collection pit with auto pumping
Paper Machine
Segregation, collection & reuse of back water in the same
loop (close loop)
Water conservation through
increased reuse of back water
collection of excess clarified backwater in the water holding
tank equipped with level controller to facilitate cascading
Use of clarified back or recycled water in low-pressure
Use of self-cleaning, oscillating high pressure showers with
intermittent use etc depending upon the requirement.
Nozzle diameter (0.6 0 0.80 mm), pressure (12-15 kg/cm
Installation of efficient Fibre recovery system such as poly
disc filter, flotation save all or dissolved air floatation at
paper machines
Pre biological treatment of dye containing wastewater
Action Impact

Up gradation of ETP Installation of screen (coarse followed by medium / fine) ,
primary clarifier (plate / tube settler), biological treatment
system, Installation of Tertiary treatment like Coagulation &
Flocculation, micro filter and/ or pressure sand filter,
activated carbon filter/ ozonisation
Moving Bed Bio-Film Reactor (MBBR), UASB may also installed
for efficient effluent treatment.
Diffuser aeration system is recommended over surface
aeration system to increase DO levels (optional)
Mist Cooling tower is recommended before Biological
Treatment Process to have control on water temperature
entering biological process. (optional)

Note : To be adopted as per
the raw material usage,
process conditions , effluent
characteristics and regulatory
requirements for
environmental compliance
Good housekeeping
Preventive maintenance

Water conservation &
Improved ETP performance
Condensate collection and reuse
Installation of vacuum flume tank to recycle vacuum pump
sealing water and cooling water
Replacement of water seals by dry mechanical/ oil seals in
process pumps or closed loop
Monitoring and control Distribution of raw water from common reservoir through a
separate network to process, utility & domestic usage by
identified pipelines colored as per BIS code

Water conservation &
Improved ETP performance
Installation of calibrated magnetic flowmeters (sealed by
competent authority ) at borewell, process, utility &
domestic pipeline
Setting up of well equipped lab with trained manpower for
regular monitoring
Compulsory annual comprehensive water audit
Annual Performance evaluation of ETP
Online monitoring Continuous online effluent/ emission monitoring & data
transmission to SPCB/ CPCB pH, TSS, BOD, COD, Colour,
flow, DO (aeration tank)
Black Liquor
Installation of chemical recovery plant
Black liquor spillage collection pit with auto pumping
Dregs washing and dewatering system
Medium Pressure (MP Steam) Soot blowing in recovery boilers
(to replace HP Steam soot blowing)
Installation of lime kiln in case of convention soda recovery

Total prevention of black
liquor discharge leading to
significant reduction in
pollution load
Odour & Air
Pollution Control
NCG collection, scrubbing and firing system
Collection of foul condensate from pulp mill digester &
chemical recovery, stripping using low pressure steam and
firing of stripped of gases (SOG). Stripped condensate to be
used in causticizing plant for mud washing.
Emissions from the boilers and rotary kilns to pass through
Electro Static Precipitators(ESPs)
Water sprinklers/ fogging/ mist to be installed to control
fugitive emissions at raw material handling areas
Category B1: Agro based - Bleached grades of Papers,
Paperboards & Newsprint

Action Impact
Raw material
Preparation section
Wet washing of raw material Improves product quality ,
efficiency of CRP or CCRP/
Reduction in chemical
Treated wastewater for raw material washing

Pulping and washing Installation of continuous digester/ super batch digester
Improves product quality ,
efficiency of CRP or CCRP/
Reduction in water and
chemical consumption
Installation of efficient black liquor system like screw press /
belt press / vacuum , pressure or diffuser washer
Twin Roll Press Evolution (TRPE) or SP press in fibrelines for
pulp dewatering (low soda loss)
Black liquor spillage collection pit with auto pumping
Oxygen Delignification (Short-term Measure)
Paper Machine
Segregation, collection & reuse of back water in the same
loop (close loop)
Water conservation through
increased reuse of back water
collection of excess clarified backwater in the water holding
tank equipped with level controller to facilitate cascading
Use of clarified back or recycled water in low-pressure
Use of self-cleaning, oscillating high pressure showers with
intermittent use etc depending upon the requirement
Nozzle diameter (0.7 0 0.80 mm), pressure (12-15 kg/cm
Installation of efficient Fibre recovery system such as poly
disc filter, flotation save all or dissolved air floatation at
paper machines
Pre biological treatment of dye containing wastewater
Action Impact

Up gradation of ETP Installation of screen (coarse followed by medium / fine) ,
primary clarifier (plate / tube settler), biological treatment
system, Installation of Tertiary treatment like Coagulation &
Flocculation, micro filter and/ or pressure sand filter,
activated carbon filter/ ozonisation (Mandatory)
Moving Bed Bio-Film Reactor (MBBR), Anaerobic digester
Diffuser aeration system is recommended over surface
aeration system to increase DO levels (optional)
Mist Cooling tower is recommended before Biological
Treatment Process to have control on water temperature
entering biological process. (optional)

Note : To be adopted as per
the raw material usage,
process conditions , effluent
characteristics and regulatory
requirements for
environmental compliance
Good housekeeping
Preventive maintenance

Water conservation &
Improved ETP performance
Condensate collection and reuse
Installation of vacuum flume tank to recycle vacuum pump
sealing water and cooling water
Replacement of water seals by dry mechanical/ oil seals in
process pumps or closed loop
Monitoring and control Distribution of raw water from common reservoir through a
separate network to process, utility & domestic usage by
identified pipelines colored as per BIS code

Water conservation &
Improved ETP performance
Installation of calibrated magnetic flowmeters (sealed by
competent authority ) at borewell, process, utility &
domestic pipeline
Setting up of well equipped lab with trained manpower for
regular monitoring
Compulsory annual comprehensive water audit
Annual Performance evaluation of ETP
Online monitoring Continuous online effluent/ emission monitoring & data
transmission to SPCB/ CPCB pH, TSS, BOD, COD, Colour,
flow, DO (aeration tank)
Bleaching Replacement of elemental chlorine bleaching with ECF
bleaching (Long-term Measures: Plant having capacity > 150
Inter recycling of bleach plant wastewater
Alkali extraction with oxygen & hydrogen peroxide (EOP)
Reduction in chemical
Improves wastewater
quality & product
Black Liquor
Installation of chemical recovery plant
Black liquor spillage collection pit with auto pumping
Dregs washing and dewatering system
Medium Pressure (MP Steam) Soot blowing in recovery
boilers (to replace HP Steam soot blowing)
Installation of lime kiln in case of convention soda recovery
Total prevention of
black liquor discharge
leading to significant
reduction in pollution
Odour & Air
Control Devices
NCG collection, scrubbing and firing system
Collection of foul condensate from pulp mill digester &
chemical recovery, stripping using low pressure steam and
firing of stripped of gases (SOG). Stripped condensate to be
used in causticizing plant for mud washing.
Emissions from the boilers and rotary kilns to pass through
Electro Static Precipitators(ESPs)
Water sprinklers/ fogging/ mist to be installed to control
fugitive emissions at raw material handling areas

Category B2: Agro based Unbleached Grades of
Papers and Paperboards

Action Impact
Raw material
Preparation section
Wet washing of raw material Improves product quality ,
efficiency of CRP or CCRP/
Reduction in chemical
Treated wastewater for raw material washing

Pulping and washing Installation of continuous digester/ super batch digester
Improves product quality ,
efficiency of CRP or CCRP/
Reduction in water and
chemical consumption
Installation of efficient black liquor system like screw press /
belt press / vacuum , pressure or diffuser washer
Twin Roll Press Evolution (TRPE) or SP press in fibrelines for
pulp dewatering (low soda loss)
Black liquor spillage collection pit with auto pumping
Paper Machine
Segregation, collection & reuse of back water in the same
loop (close loop)
Water conservation through
increased reuse of back water
collection of excess clarified backwater in the water holding
tank equipped with level controller to facilitate cascading
Use of clarified back or recycled water in low-pressure
Use of self-cleaning, oscillating high pressure showers with
intermittent use etc depending upon the requirement.
Nozzle diameter (0.6 0 0.80 mm), pressure (12-15 kg/cm
Installation of efficient Fibre recovery system such as poly
disc filter, flotation save all or dissolved air floatation at
paper machines
Action Impact

Up gradation of ETP Installation of screen (coarse followed by medium / fine) ,
primary clarifier (plate / tube settler), biological treatment
system, Installation of Tertiary treatment like Coagulation &
Flocculation, micro filter and/ or pressure sand filter,
activated carbon filter/ ozonisation (Mandatory)
Moving Bed Bio-Film Reactor (MBBR), Anaerobic digester
Diffuser aeration system is recommended over surface
aeration system to increase DO levels (optional)
Mist Cooling tower is recommended before Biological
Treatment Process to have control on water temperature
entering biological process. (optional)

Note : To be adopted as per
the raw material usage,
process conditions , effluent
characteristics and regulatory
requirements for
environmental compliance
Good housekeeping
Preventive maintenance

Water conservation &
Improved ETP performance
Condensate collection and reuse
Installation of vacuum flume tank to recycle vacuum pump
sealing water and cooling water
Replacement of water seals by dry mechanical/ oil seals in
process pumps or closed loop
Monitoring and control Distribution of raw water from common reservoir through a
separate network to process, utility & domestic usage by
identified pipelines colored as per BIS code

Water conservation &
Improved ETP performance
Installation of calibrated magnetic flowmeters (sealed by
competent authority ) at borewell, process, utility &
domestic pipeline
Setting up of well equipped lab with trained manpower for
regular monitoring
Compulsory annual comprehensive water audit
Annual Performance evaluation of ETP
Online monitoring Continuous online effluent/ emission monitoring & data
transmission to SPCB/ CPCB pH, TSS, BOD, COD, Colour,
flow, DO (aeration tank)
Black Liquor
Installation of chemical recovery plant
Black liquor spillage collection pit with auto pumping
Dregs washing and dewatering system
Medium Pressure (MP Steam) Soot blowing in recovery boilers
(to replace HP Steam soot blowing)
Installation of lime kiln in case of convention soda recovery

Total prevention of black
liquor discharge leading to
significant reduction in
pollution load
Odour & Air
Pollution Control
Emissions from the boilers and rotary kilns to pass through
Electro Static Precipitators(ESPs)
Water sprinklers/ fogging/ mist to be installed to control
fugitive emissions at raw material handling areas
Category C1: RCF based Bleached Grades of Papers, Paperboards &

Action Impact
Pulping and washing Employing high consistency pulpers/ Drum pulper/ Continuous
Water conservation /energy
conservation/ improves product
quality Installation of Drum washers/ presses for pulp washing

Paper Machine
Segregation, collection & reuse of back water in the same loop
Water conservation through
increased reuse & recycle of back
collection of excess clarified backwater in the water holding tank
equipped with level controller to facilitate cascading reuse
Use of clarified back or recycled water in low-pressure showers
Use of self-cleaning, oscillating high pressure showers with
intermittent use etc depending upon the requirement at paper
Nozzle diameter (0.70 0.80 mm), pressure (12-15 kg/cm
Closed loop fibre recovery system for paper machine back water.
Installation of efficient Fibre recovery system such as poly disc
filter, flotation save all or dissolved air floatation at paper
machines ( Decker Thickener to be replaced)
Improves productivity/ water
conservation /improves
wastewater quality
Up gradation of ETP Installation of screen (coarse followed by medium / fine), primary
clarifier (plate / tube settler), biological treatment system,
Installation of Tertiary treatment like Coagulation & Flocculation,
micro filter and/ or pressure sand filter, activated carbon filter.
Diffuser aeration system is recommended over surface aeration
system to increase DO levels (optional)
Note : To be adopted as per the
raw material usage, process
conditions , effluent
characteristics and regulatory
requirements for environmental
Good housekeeping
Preventive maintenance

Water conservation & Improved
ETP performance
Condensate collection and reuse
Installation of vacuum flume tank to recycle vacuum pump sealing
and cooling water or closed loop
Replacement of water seals by dry mechanical/ oil seals in process
pumps or closed loop
Monitoring and control Distribution of raw water from common reservoir through
a separate network to process, utility & domestic usage
by identified pipelines colored as per BIS code
Water conservation &
Improved ETP performance
Installation of calibrated magnetic flowmeters (sealed by
competent authority ) at borewell
Setting up of well equipped lab with trained manpower for
regular monitoring
Compulsory annual comprehensive water audit
Annual Performance evaluation of ETP
Pulping and washing Floatation deinking with or without disperser Water conservation/improves
product quality
Bleaching Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide & hydrogen sulphide
Inter recycling of bleach plant wastewater

Air Pollution Control
Emissions from the boilers to pass through Electro Static
Water sprinklers/ fogging/ mist to be installed to control
fugitive emissions at raw material handling areas
Online monitoring Continuous online effluent/ emission monitoring & data
transmission to SPCB/ CPCB pH, TSS, BOD, COD, Colour,
flow, DO (aeration tank)
Category C2: RCF based - Unbleached Grades
of Papers and Paperboards
Action Impact
Pulping and washing Employing high consistency pulpers/ Drum pulper/ Continuous
Water conservation /energy
conservation/ improves product
quality Installation of Drum washers/ presses for pulp washing

Paper Machine
Segregation, collection & reuse of back water in the same loop
Water conservation through
increased reuse & recycle of back
collection of excess clarified backwater in the water holding tank
equipped with level controller to facilitate cascading reuse
Use of clarified back or recycled water in low-pressure showers
Use of self-cleaning, oscillating high pressure showers with
intermittent use etc depending upon the requirement at paper
Nozzle diameter (0.70 0.80 mm), pressure (12-15 kg/cm
Closed loop fibre recovery system for paper machine back water.
Installation of efficient Fibre recovery system such as poly disc
filter, flotation save all or dissolved air floatation at paper
machines ( Decker Thickener to be replaced)
Improves productivity/ water
conservation /improves
wastewater quality
Up gradation of ETP Installation of screen (coarse followed by medium / fine), primary
clarifier (plate / tube settler), biological treatment system,
Installation of Tertiary treatment like Coagulation & Flocculation,
micro filter and/ or pressure sand filter, activated carbon filter.
Diffuser aeration system is recommended over surface aeration
system to increase DO levels (optional)
Note : To be adopted as per the
raw material usage, process
conditions , effluent
characteristics and regulatory
requirements for environmental
Good housekeeping
Preventive maintenance

Water conservation & Improved
ETP performance
Condensate collection and reuse
Installation of vacuum flume tank to recycle vacuum pump sealing
and cooling water or closed loop
Replacement of water seals by dry mechanical/ oil seals in process
pumps or closed loop
Monitoring and control Distribution of raw water from common reservoir through
a separate network to process, utility & domestic usage
by identified pipelines colored as per BIS code
Water conservation &
Improved ETP performance
Installation of calibrated magnetic flowmeters (sealed by
competent authority ) at borewell
Setting up of well equipped lab with trained manpower for
regular monitoring
Compulsory annual comprehensive water audit
Annual Performance evaluation of ETP
Pulping and washing Floatation deinking with or without disperser Water conservation/improves
product quality
Air Pollution Control
Emissions from the boilers to pass through Electro Static
Water sprinklers/ fogging/ mist to be installed to control
fugitive emissions at raw material handling areas
Online monitoring Continuous online effluent/ emission monitoring & data
transmission to SPCB/ CPCB pH, TSS, BOD, COD, Colour,
flow, DO (aeration tank)
S No Action Time Frame Monitoring Mechanism
I. Process improvement and Water use
a) Installation of the meters for water uses
and effluent generated
(Flow measuring devices should be
installed for input water as well as at the
outlet of the treatment plant. These flow
devices should be of properly calibrated
V notch with arrangements for automatic
measurement of head. Additional
electronic or other type of flow meters
may also be installed. Arrangements
should be made for real time display of
measured (both current and monthly
cumulative) flows at prominent places
03 months
Charter for Water Recycling & Pollution Prevention in Pulp &
Paper Industries
S No Action Time Frame Monitoring Mechanism
I. Process improvement and Water use Benchmarks
b) Achieving the Benchmark
01 Year

Short-term standards-Proposed Standards
Category A1: Wood based Bleached
Grades of Papers, Paperboards &
Category A1: Wood based -Unbleached
Grades of Papers and Paperboards
Category B1: Agro based- Bleached
Grades of Papers, Paperboards &
90 m
Category B2: Agro based- Unbleached
Grades of Papers and Paperboards
90 m
Category C1: RCF based- Bleached Grades
of Papers, Paperboards & Newsprint
25 m
Category C2: RCF based- Unbleached
Grades of Papers and Paperboards

25 m
Charter for Water Recycling & Pollution Prevention in Pulp &
Paper Industries in Ganga River Basin
S No Action Time Frame Monitoring Mechanism
I. Process improvement and Water use Benchmarks
b) Achieving the Benchmark
03 Years

Medium-term standards-Best Achieved
Category A1: Wood based Bleached
Grades of Papers, Paperboards &
Category A1: Wood based -Unbleached
Grades of Papers and Paperboards
Category B1: Agro based- Bleached
Grades of Papers, Paperboards &
70 m
Category B2: Agro based- Unbleached
Grades of Papers and Paperboards
60 m
Category C1: RCF based- Bleached Grades
of Papers, Paperboards & Newsprint
25 m
Category C2: RCF based- Unbleached
Grades of Papers and Paperboards

20 m
Charter for Water Recycling & Pollution Prevention in Pulp &
Paper Industries in Ganga River Basin
S No Action Time Frame Monitoring Mechanism
I. Process improvement and Water use Benchmarks
b) Achieving the Benchmark
Benchmark standards 05 Years
Category A1: Wood based Bleached
Grades of Papers, Paperboards &
50 m

Category A1: Wood based -Unbleached
Grades of Papers and Paperboards
45 m

Category B1: Agro based- Bleached
Grades of Papers, Paperboards &
50 m
Category B2: Agro based- Unbleached
Grades of Papers and Paperboards
40 m
Category C1: RCF based- Bleached
Grades of Papers, Paperboards &
20 m
/ T
Category C2: RCF based- Unbleached
Grades of Papers and Paperboards
15 m
/ T
Charter for Water Recycling & Pollution Prevention in Pulp &
Paper Industries in Ganga River Basin
Action Time Frame Monitoring Mechanism
II. Improved ETP with tertiary treatment
The Treated wastewater should be reused
for industrial purpose. The suggested unit
operations include:
Screen (Coarse followed by medium/fine)
-> Equalization tank -> Primary clarifier
(plate/ tube settler) Biological treatment -
> Tertiary treatment like Coagulation &
Flocculation, micro filter/ pressure sand
filter/ activated carbon filter/ ozonisation,
etc. (part wastewater be recycled)
12 months

Charter for Water Recycling & Pollution Prevention in Pulp &
Paper Industries in Ganga River Basin
Action Time Frame Monitoring Mechanism
III. CRP/ CCRP 24 months
(In NGRBA States:

IV. Continuous online effluent/ emission
monitoring system
March 31, 2015
Charter for Water Recycling & Pollution Prevention in Pulp &
Paper Industries in Ganga River Basin
for operating CRP/ CCRP in Agro
based kraft paper Mills

Flow measurement of WBL (Recording daily, to-
date monthly and to-date yearly flow of WBL)

Measurement of SBL production (Recording
daily, to-date monthly and to-date yearly flow of

Measurement of HBL production (Recording
daily, to-date monthly and to-date yearly flow of

Measurement of Black Liquor

Recording of daily production of Soda Ash (in

Recording of to-date monthly production of
Soda Ash (in MT)

Recording of to-date yearly production of Soda
Ash (in MT)
Production data of soda ash
Separate steam flow meter in CRP should be installed.

Consumption of steam in evaporators in MT/Day (Recording
daily, to-date monthly and to-date yearly steam consumption
in MT).

Recording of Steam Economy of evaporators (on daily, to-date
monthly and to-date yearly basis)

Consumption of power in the total CRP in Units/Day
(Recording daily, to-date monthly and to-date yearly power)

Separate power meter (with totalizer) for the CRP should be

Steam and power consumption
Fortnightly submission of the following reports by
Daily, to-date monthly and to-date yearly
production of WBL, SBL, HBL and Soda Ash.

Daily, to-date monthly and to-date yearly
consumption of steam.

Daily, to-date monthly and to-date yearly
consumption of power.

Logging of running hours of evaporators and
FBR separately.
Submission of reports to SPCB and CPCB
The confirmation of running FBR for an outsider
is only through the chimney of the CRP. If thick
white vapors are coming from the chimney, FBR
is in operation.

A camera (facing chimney) should be installed to
online monitor the running of the FBR. This
camera should be connected to UEPPCB and
CPCB server
On Line Monitoring of CRP/ CCRP
Proposed Strategies
Plan of Activities
Resource Planning
Stakeholders of the Programme
Pulp & Paper Mills

Pulp & paper Mills Associations

Experts & Resource Institutes





Proposed Strategies for Implementation of Charter

1. To reduce water consumption

2. Quantum improvement on the individual ETPs b

Water Conservation
Through technology upgradation

Increased recycle and reuse through process

Strict metering of the water use and wastewater
ETP Upgradation
Assessment, augmentation and addition of tertiary
treatment units for treatment of back water and
treated mill effluent to make it suitable for discharge /
reuse / recycle

Monitoring Protocol
Self monitoring & reporting

Third party involvement for planning, assessment &

CPPRI/ Experts and Paper Mills Associations to play
pivotal role in facilitating the individual Pulp & Paper

Extensive and regular monitoring protocol to be
followed by regulatory authorities
Plan of Activities: Technological & process improvements
Action By Time
Self Assessment: Inventory of existing process
technologies & practices, identification of
upgradation requirement and preparation of
action plan for upgradation with supporting
document & pert chart
Mills / consultants
Third Party auditing & monitoring: Evaluation/
validation of the reports on inventory, up-
gradation requirements and action plan
CPPRI/ Expert
Implementation of action plan envisaged as
per document of individual mills
Submission of monthly progress reports to
mill associations/ CPPRI for onward
submission to SPCBs/ CPCB
Verification of progress CPPRI/ Expert
Regulatory review: Verification of the progress

Action By Time
Installation of sealed flow meter and running
hours meter on bore wells and inlet pipe line
of different process section i.e. pulp mill,
paper machine , boiler etc
Mills One Month
Installation of online flow meter/ V notch to
monitor final effluent discharge
Mills One Month
Colour coding of pipe lines carrying recycled
process water and fresh process water
Mills Three Month
Provision of water reservoir and supply of
process water from reservoir only
Mills Three Month
Maintenance of log book to record daily water
drawl from borewell and water consumption
unit wise
Mills Daily basis
Plan of Activities: Water Conservation & Water Recycling
Action By Time
Self Assessment: Preparation of report of
existing water consumption- section wise,
reuse/ recycle practices; Preparation of work
plan to achieve fresh water requirement
Mill/ Consultant
Third party auditing & monitoring: Evaluation/
validation of the work plan for implementation
of water consumption standards
CPPRI/ Expert
Implementation of action plan Mills
Submission of progress reports Mills Monthly
Verification of the progress CPPRI/ Expert
Regulatory review: Verification of the progress CPCB / SPCB
Plan of Activities: Water Conservation & Water Recycling
Action By Time
Preparation of panel of qualified and reputed
Paper Mill
Self Assessment: Preparation of ETP adequacy
assessment report; and proposed
augmentation and up-gradation plan, design/
drawing, along with monthly PERT Chart
Expert / Mill
Third Party auditing & monitoring: Evaluation/
validation of adequacy, and proposed
augmentation/ up-gradation plan, design/
CPPRI/ Expert
Implementation of action plan Mills
Submission of monthly progress report to
CPPRI/ Association/ Expert Institutions
through mill associations
Mills Monthly

Verification of the progress CPPRI/ Expert
Bi monthly
Regulatory review: Verification of the progress CPCB / SPCB Periodic
Plan of Activities: Assessment, augmentation and up-gradation of
ETPs for improved environmental performance
Action By Time
Self Monitoring & Reporting:
ETP performance monitoring by individual
Mills and maintenance of Log Book as per the
prescribed format
Mills Daily
Submission of the report of individual mill to
CPPRI/ Association/ Expert Institutions on
fortnightly basis
Mills/ Mill
Third Party Monitoring & Reporting:
Waste Water samples collection & analysis
- Mills (ETP)
- Drains/rivers

CPPRI/ Association/
Expert Institutes
Review meetings of Mills/ empanelled experts/
Association/ CPPRI & SPCBs/ CPCB to help
mills to improve ETP performance & sample
analysis quality
CPPRI/ Association/
Expert Institutes
Plan of Activities: Monitoring & Surveillance of
Environmental Compliance
Action By Time
Regulatory Monitoring:
Quarterly surprise/ joint monitoring and review
Dismantling/ removal of digesters/ pulp
washing lines, etc. in agro based mills
operating in Ganga River Basin (UP/UK/WB)
not able to commission CRPs/ CCRPs by July
31, 2014
Organisation of training programmes on
process technology, best practices, ETP
operation & maintenance, Sample analysis etc
CPPRI/ Association/
Expert Institutes
Plan of Activities: Monitoring & Surveillance of
Environmental Compliance

Plan of Activities: Strengthening of infrastructure facilities
1. Setting up of lab facility at Paper Mills for Effluent

(a) Minimum Analysis Facilities for pH, TSS, TDS, BOD, COD and Colour
(b) Appointment of ETP Manager, one Chemist and three operators in shift
with appropriate qualification
(c) Training of the Staff at all level to be carried out compulsorily every year.
(d) Frequency of the Analysis

Plan of Activities: Strengthening of infrastructure facilities
2. Operation & Maintenance of ETP

Key guidelines for Operation & Maintenance
Ensure proper and optimum conditions as per the designed specification
and manufacturers instruction.
Avoid fluctuation in effluent flow and pollution load so as to reduce the
shock load to biomass and the system as a whole.
Ensure proper addition of nutrients
Maintain required level of MLSS/MLVSS concentration during biological
Maintain desired level of DO in the aeration tank (1-2 mg/l).
Ensure periodic & timely withdrawal of sludge from the clarifiers.
Proper maintenance of electric motors and pumps etc.

The fresh water consumption, effluent discharge, effluent analysis , and
ETP chemical & utility (like steam and power)consumption to be properly

Plan of Activities
3. Creation of
Environmental Management

Unit Head
Duties of Environmental
Management Cell

Weekly meeting on a designated day to
review the water consumption ,
measures taken and identify the areas
for water conservation , resource
recovery & pollution reduction.

Recording of minutes of the decisions
taken, its circulation to all members of
EMC and incharge of various process
operations and follow up of the
decisions to be monitored by the Unit
Head & ETP incharge.

Review/ discussion in case of non
compliance by any department

Internal audit to be done by the EMC
on monthly/ quarterly basis

EMC will arrange for external
environmental audit on annual basis
Pulp & Paper
Implementation of the approved action
plans and submission of monthly
progress reports
Self monitoring & reporting:
Daily ETP effluent sampling and analysis and
submission of reports to CPCB/SPCBs/
CPPRI/ Association on Monthly basis
Setting up of infrastructure facilities and
creation EMC
Participation in Bi Monthly/ quarterly
review meetings with SPCBs/ CPCB/
CPPRI/ Association/ Expert Institutes
Self assessment & planning:
Preparation of inventory, adequacy
assessment reports and action plans to meet
objectives of the programme
Arranging training programmes
Resource Planning
Expert Institutes
Monthly review meetings with member
mills and experts
Quarterly ETP effluent sampling and
analysis and submission of reports to
Providing common environmental lab
facilities and creation EMC
Bi Monthly/ quarterly review meetings
Preparation of list of empanelled
Arranging training programmes
Resource Planning
Provide technical support to mills/ mill
associations in implementation of
Preparation of assessment reports,
action plan for process & ETP
upgradation, effluent analysis etc
Resource Planning
Note :
Cost of engaging experts will be borne by the mill
CPPRI/ Associations/
Expert Institutes
Evaluation / validation of ETP adequacy
assessment report , design / drawings
and proposed augmentation /
upgradation plan as per Charter
Evaluation / validation of inventory,
upgradation requirements and action
plan for process upgradation
Resource Planning
Evaluation / validation of work plan for
reduction in water consumption

Verification of progress reports

Sample collection of ETP , waste water of
drains / rivers of identified clusters and
their analysis

Review meetings among Mills, Empanelled
experts, Association, CPPRI & SPCBs /
CPCB to help mills to improve ETP
performance & sample analysis quality.
CPPRI/ Associations/
Expert Institutes
Organising training programmes on
process technology & best practice, ETP
operation & maintenance, sampling &
analysis, etc. for mill personnel

Quarterly :

Review meetings of Mills, empanelled
experts, Association, SPCBs/ CPCB to
assess status of implementation of
Charter and environmental compliance
by mills

Participation in joint or surprise
monitoring by CPCB/ SPCBs / CPPRI

Resource Planning
Responsible for monitoring and
surveillance activities to ensure
environmental compliance.
To take appropriate actions under the
Water/ Air Acts/ E(P)Act in case of any
serious/ significant violation of prescribed

To ensure proper implementation of the
Charter by the individual mills.
Resource Planning
Bi-monthly/ Quarterly review meetings of
Mills, empanelled experts, Association,
CPPRI & SPCBs/ CPCB to help mills to
improve ETP performance & sample
analysis quality.
Participation in evaluation /validation of
the status assessment reports, action
plan for process/ ETP upgradation
Resource Planning
Quarterly :

Participation in joint or surprise
monitoring by CPCB/ SPCBs / CPPRI

Participation in review meetings of Mills,
empanelled experts, Association, CPPRI
& CPCB to assess status of
implementation of Charter and
environmental compliance by mills.
Resource Planning
Organising & supporting training

Participation in Bi monthly/ Quarterly
review meetings of Mills, empanelled
experts, Association, CPPRI & SPCBs/
CPCB to help mills to improve ETP
performance & sample analysis quality.
Resource Planning
To periodically review the progress of
implementation of the Charter and carry
out environmental compliance
To take necessary actions namely
modification in the Charter/ Action Plan/
roles & responsibilities of participating
To supervise and co-ordinate with stake
Participation in evaluation/ validation of
the status assessment reports, action
plan for process/ ETP up-gradation
Expected Benefits/ Achievements due to Charter Implementation

Coverage of all Pulp & Paper industries operating in the
clusters within the shortest possible time period.

Strengthening of institutional network, distribution of duties, and
sharing of responsibilities

Creation of mutual trust and ownership

Sharing of knowledge & experience

Creation of infrastructure facilities and trained manpower

Environmental compliance on continuous basis

Achievements (contd..)

Technological up gradation will ultimately lead to production
capacity enhancement and sustainable development of the

Treated effluent discharge to rivulets may lead to rejuvenation of dried
rivers stretches and to contribute towards minimum ecological flow.

The successful implementation of the programme may open
windows for introduction of latest technologies and managerial

Experience learnt from the programme will help in evolvement of such
programmes for other sectors.


Issuance of appropriate directions/ instructions to
Pulp & Paper industries to implement the Charter
as per the Plan of Activities.

The duration of the programme will be till five
years Participating Pulp & Paper Mills through their
Associations shall submit MoU/ Affidavits/ B.G. for
implementation of the Charter as per the Plan of
Activities and other Terms & Conditions.

CPPRI shall agree to participate in the
programme as per the Plan of Activities

Pulp & Paper Mills and their Associations shall
agree to reimburse the CPPRI expenditure and
shall sanction the project as per their mutual
agreed ToR.

Thank You !!

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