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As defined by the protocol, the range of received total wide band power (RTWP) is
106 4 dBm.Therefore, the RTWP is abnormal if its value is greater than 102 dB or
less than 110 dB continuously. In addition, the RTWP is also abnormal if its value is
greater than 80 dB in rush hours. Generally, the RTWP faces two abnormal
phenomena: abnormally high and abnormally low.
Troubleshooting Procedure
Abnormally High RTWP
Check the uplink RF sensitivity
Run the following two MML commands: DSP RFDESPARAM and DSP DESENS. Then,
view the execution results. Usually, the two values are set to 0. If they are set to
other values, the RTWP may be abnormally high. To modify the two values, run the

Check the attenuation value of the Rx channel
Run the LST RXATTEN MML command. The setting of this parameter affects the
gain of the Rx channel. If no TMA is available, you do not need to set this
parameter. If you set this parameter, the RTWP is abnormally low. If a TMA is
available but the parameter is not set, the RTWP is abnormally high. You need
to set the RXATTEN value according to the gain of the TMA.
There are two types of TMAs: 12-dB TMA and 24-dB TMA. You need to observe
this principle: TMA gain = Feeder loss + RXATTEN. To modify this parameter value,
run the SET RXATTEN command

Check whether passive inter-modulation occurs
Assume that the main RTWP is abnormally high but the diversity RTWP is normal.
In this case, you can suspect that the problem is caused by passive inter-
modulation. It is recommended that you disable the transmit power first. You
may encounter this phenomenon: The RTWP is raised when the transmit power is
enabled, but the RTWP is recovered to the normal range after the transmit power
is disabled. In this case, you need to check the connection of the main feeder

Check whether the abnormally high RTWP is caused by interference
Describe the RTWP symptom (for example, abnormally high continuously, in
rush hours, or intermittently). Describe the RTWP value range.
Then, preliminarily determine whether the problem is caused by any
interference (if a similar waveform appears in all surrounding sites, the
network planning personnel need to handle the problem locally).
Check whether the abnormally high RTWP is related to subscribers'
Observe whether the problem is related to subscribers behaviors if you are
sure that the preceding settings are all normal. If the RTWP is raised, see
whether a large number of high-speed packet subscribers access the system.
Abnormally Low RTWP
Check the installation of the antenna feeder
Check whether the feeder cable is installed properly, for example, whether
the connector is installed correctly and tightly.

Check the configuration
Run the LST RXATTEN MML command. The setting of this value affects the
gain of the Rx channel. If no TMA is available, you do not need to set this
If you set this parameter, the RTWP is abnormally low. If a TMA is available
but the parameter is not set, the RTWP is abnormally high. You need to set
the RXATTEN value according to the gain of the TMA.
There are two types of TMAs: 12-dB TMA and 24-dB TMA. You need to
observe this principle: TMA gain = Feeder loss + RXATTEN. To modify this
parameter value, run the SET RXATTEN command.
1. When the RTWP is still abnormally low even if the value is set correctly,
collect the log information of the main control board and RRU.
2. Trace the RTWP for 20 minutes, and return the tracing result.
Note: When the RTWP is abnormally low, you do not need to collect the
information as described in the checklist. You only need to provide a feedback
of the data of 1) and 2).

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