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School Based Management
In place is Development plan
developed collaboration by
the stakeholders of the
school and community.
1. The development plan is
evolved through the shared
leadership of school and the
community stakeholders.
Vision, Mission, Goals and
Core Values
SIP Original
Revised SIP
Development in revision of
Letter of confirmation
Minutes of the meeting
Attendance of the meeting
Barangay Development Plan

The development plan (SIP)
is regularly reviewed by the
school community to keep it
responsive and relevant to
emerging needs, challenges
and opportunities.
2. The school and
community stakeholders
working as a full partners,
lead the continual review of
the improvement of the
development plan.
The school is organized by 3
clear structure and work
arrangements that
leadership and governance
and define the roles and
responsibilities of the
3. The school defines the
organizational structure, and
roles and responsibilities of

Personnel handbook
School Manual/DepEd
Compilation of Memoranda
Division, Local, Non-DepEd,
Regional, National
Organizational Chart
Corresponding roles
Office order, job order
List of GPTA officials
Teachers organization
List of officers of different
Action plan of ( club and

Notice of meeting
Letter of invitation
Letter of Confirmation
Minutes of the Meeting
Formulated School Policies
and Guidelines
Records of conduct of
orientation regarding the
rights, responsibilities of
Roles and Responsibilities
of Stakeholders
Pictorials of the activity

A leadership network facilities
communication between and
among school community
leader for informed decision-
making and solving of school
community wide.
4. The network actively
provides stakeholders
information for making
decisions and solving
learning and
administrative problems
Compilation of
communication for requests
of approval to conduct
Evidence that
Indicator is regularly
published (school
SGC, attendance sheet
resolution, pictures,
PTA assemble
Deed of donation
List od donated properties
Certificates of recognition

List of different organizational
structure in school
Students organization
Teachers Profile
Magna Carta for Teachers
Teachers organizational structure
Pre-Post Supervisory observations
Accomplishment reports
Performance Rating for Teachers
Certificate of Recognition and

A long term program is an
operation that addresses the
training and development
needs of school and
community leaders.
5. Leaders undertake
training modes that are
convenient to them (on-
line, off-line, modular,
group, or home-based)
and which do not disrupt
their regular
TSNA result of teachers
Annual training design
Compilation of IPPD, IPPD self
Class program
Copy of training design and matrix
Report on training needs of
Homeroom PTA, GPTA
Barangay Council Officers
Municipal Officers
Records of conduct of the
orientation regarding the roles and
right of stakeholders
School plan/ Action plan to address
the needs

Evaluation report on the impact of
parent led programs and project to
learn outcomes (IGP)
Notice of meeting
Confirmation of attendance
Attendance sheet
Minutes of the meetings
Names of stakeholders
Handbooks, souvenir programs
Certificate of
recognition/participation given to
Schedule/record of assignment
List of teachers enrolled in post
graduate studies
List of teachers enrolled in
graduate school (with permit)
Compilation of Post-training
reports (with certificates)
Compilation of narrative reports of
school-based seminars/training

School Based Management
The DepEd Vision

We dream of Filipinos
who passionately love their country
and whose values and competencies
enable them to realize their full potential
and contribute meaningfully to building
the nation.
As a learner- centered public institution,
the Department of Education
continuously improves itself
to better serve its stakeholders.

The DepEd Mission

To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to
quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete
basic education where:
Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive,
safe, and motivating environment;
Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture
every learner;
Administrators and staff, as stewards of the
institution, ensure an enabling and supportive
environment for effective learning to happen;
Family, community, and other stakeholders
are actively engaged and share responsibility
for developing life-long learners.

The school has acquired the generous
support of the stakeholders as evidence of
their involvement in the school.

Stakeholders such as the SGC, LGU, GPTA,
Teachers, Learners and other community
members work cooperatively in support of
the school.

Plannings, meetings and
implementations of the programs and
projects are presented in this principle.
The making of school improvement
Last March 20, 2014, we called for a
meeting with the internal and external
stakeholders to discuss the following matters:
1. Organization of the School Planning
2. Other matters
The purpose of organizing the school
planning committee was explained by Mrs.
Domina C. Gorospe is to formulate a workable
and attainable school improvement plan.
The following were the members of the
Chairman - Mrs. Domina C. Gorospe
Vice Chairmen - Punong Barangay Jonathan Po (Lower Jasaan)
Punong Barangay Leuterio (Upper Jasaan)
Members - Mrs. Concordia C. Hallazgo
Mrs. Bernadette N. Cagata
Mr. Leonie C. Valledor
Ms. Philiney Cabello
Hon. Rebecca Edos
Hon. Robert Absin
Mr. Andres Ompoc
Hon. Johannes Salcedo
Ms. Teresita H. Absin
Mr. Edgar Lumbatan
Mrs. Verona Aventurado
Mrs. Madel Dereka Paurom
Hon. Pompeo Pagapular

Last May 10, 2013, the members of the
school planning committee met in order to
review the school improvement plan was
previously made by the Head Teacher III,
Mrs. Domina C. Gorospe.

Then, the group were divided into 3 teams
in order to improve the following ideas:
1. Mission, Vision, objectives
2. School facilities
3. Academic performance ( includes
drop-out rates, promotion rates, failure rates
1. Mission, Vision, Objectives- Headed by Mrs.
Domina C. Gorospe and assisted by Hon.
Rebecca Edos, the SSG President and other
2. School Facilities- Headed by Hon. Leuterio
and assisted by Mr. Leonie C. Valledor with
the SSG and GPTA President and other
members present.
3. Academic performance- Headed by Mrs.
Concordia C. Hallazgo assisted by the year
level chairmen and other members.
Thank you
1.To strengthen collaboration between the school, parents
and the LGU.
We had conducted constant meetings and consultations
with the General PTA, HPTA and LGU in order to resolve
problems encountered by the school in its daily operations.

2. To educate stakeholder on their roles and responsibilities
in ensuring access and quality of education.

The school had maintained a functional School Governing
Council and had educated each members through
meetings and discussion of their specific roles and
responsibilities as provided by the SGC Manual. The GPTA
on the other hand were acquainted by their roles as
mandated by the DEP ED Orders and Circulars governing
the General PTA and by providing copies thereof for their
immediate reference when circumstances requires.

3. Implement and maintain the required class size of
45 students in each class by providing sufficient class
homes through the support of the DepEd and the LGU.

Our school had implemented the required
class size of 45 students. Through the support of the
PTA and the LGU, we were able to cater all the newly
created sections from Grade 7 to the 4
Year level.

4. Acquire the needed instructional materials and facilities
necessary for the attainment of quality education.

Teachers were given the opportunity to fill up
purchase request of instructional materials through the
schools MOOE. Some teachers provide their personal
instructional materials through their initiatives.

5. Acquire certificate of ownership on the certain part of the school site
currently owned by MUST annex with JNHS building erected through
the memorandum of agreement signed by the Sangguniang Bayan.

Though were not able to achieve this objective, the school
administration have not ceased in finding possible ways and
establishing linkages with the Local Government Unit, the SGC, GPTA
and even with the national government officials particularly with the
Congressman and senators through a series of resolutions.

6. Acquire more building projects to cater increasing number of

As of now, we have an ongoing construction of a 2 storey 4
classroom building financed by the LGU through the SEF. Hopefully,
the construction will be completed this year 2014.

7. Establish a new school library to replace the old library
which was gutted by fire.
It was planned that a part of the 2 storey 4
classroom building shall be allotted for the school library.

8. Establish a new computer laboratory which was
gutted by fire.
With the help of the GPTA, the school were
able to provide a new computer laboratory for
the 50 brand new computers.
9. Provide additional microscopes, test tubes ,
weighing balance, thermometer and other
laboratory equipment and apparatus sufficient
enough for the growing number of students.

10. Additional teachers in Filipino, MAPEH and EsP.
Our school were able to hire more than 20 new
teachers in 2013 to 2014 with different major field of
specializations which includes MAPEH, FILIPINO and
ESP thereby having a total teaching force of 60.

11. Construction of perimeter fence in Campus A and
unfinished perimeter fence in Campus B.
During the Brigada Eskwela 2014 perimeter fence
were repaired and constructed through the support of
our external stakeholders.

12. Repair, painting and repainting of some classrooms and
We have achieve this objective with support of the
GPTA, JNHSAlumni Association, LGU, Barangay Officials, private
individuals, GOs, NGOS, private companies in the municipality
of Jasaan such as PKI, PICMW, R.I. Chem. and other concerned
stakeholders during the Brigada Eskwela.

13. Provision of instructional materials supplies and
equipment in TLE Classes.
These materials is in the process of acquisition
especially that our school is the only public secondary
school in the municipality mandated by the Division office
to open a Senior High School by School Year 2016.

16. Repair of water pipelines.
Classrooms, comfort rooms, and drinking
fountains were provided with a free and sufficient
water supply through the LGU, GPTA and Homeroom

15. Provision of reference books, encyclopedias,
dictionaries, almanacs, globes, maps ( World, Asia
and Philippines).
We have maps requested through the MOOE.
Other references is still on the process of acquisition.

14. Provision of computers, printers and LCD projectors
The school had acquired an LCD projector from the
LGU, 50 brand new computer units from the Dep Ed and a
set of computer from Barangay Lower Jasaan.

19. Provision for trash bins for waste segregation.
These were provided through the initiative
of class advisers.

18. Twice a week schedule for garbage collection.
Since garbage collection is scheduled by the
LGU every Monday, our school had provided a place
where we could properly deposit our garbage
before the collection schedule.

17. Additional provision for individual classroom toilets.
The school had provided powdered soap
and toilet cleaning materials through the MOOE.

21. Provision of handheld radio.
This is still in the process of acquisition
especially that we have two school sites.

20. Training of Disaster Preparedness Team.
Our school had sent a male teacher to
attend the training on disaster management.


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