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Dr Narendra Basutkar

Major connector

Minor connector

Artificial Teeth

Denture Base
RPI Direct

A major connector is
the component of the
partial denture that
connects the parts of
the prosthesis located
on one side of the arch
with those on the
opposite side.

It is that unit of the
partial denture to which
all other parts are
directly or indirectly
Function of major connector

Basic function is unification
Provides cross arch stability to help resist
displacement by functional stress
Help to distribute the stresses of

Join the various parts of a RPD so that the prosthesis
acts as a single unit.
A major connector must be rigid so that the component
parts do not function independently from one another.
This way, forces applied to one part of the RPD are
transmitted to other parts and are dissipated by all teeth
and tissues contacted, rather than just by those where
the force is applied.
Maxillary major connectors for tooth-tissue supported
RPDs provide some support, retention and direct-indirect
Full palatal coverage

1. Made from an alloy compatible with oral tissues
2. Rigid and uses the principles of broad distribution of stress
3. Does not interfere with and is not irritating to the tongue
4. Does not substantially alter the natural contour of the
palatal vault.
5. Does not impinge on oral tissues when the restoration is
placed, removed, or rotates in function
6.Covers no more tissue than is absolutely necessary
7. Does not contribute to the retention or trapping of food
8. Contribute to the support of the prosthesis.

1. Single Posterior Palatal Bar
2. Palatal Strap
3. Anteroposterior / Double Palatal Bar
4. Horse-Shoe / U shaped
5. Closed Horse-Shoe
6. Complete Palatal Plate
Bar: less than 8mm in width
8 to 12 mm range
palatal plate
more than 12 mm
In tooth- borne partial
denture when second
premolars and or first
molars are missing.
Class III
Its bulk may be
objectionable to the
It can be used in
any class specially
when the anterior
and posterior
abutments are
widely separated.
1. A Class III or Class III mod. 1 Partially edentulous arch.
1. Tooth-tissue supported RPD. 2. Palatial torus.
3. Extremely long tooth supported edentulous space
(A-P major connector would be better because it would
cover less palatal tissue.)
1. Very simple design.
2. Posterior border is well anterior to the hamular notch
vibrating line.
3. Anterior border is posterior to rugae ("playground of the
4. Rigid because it is wide and located in different

1. Covers a considerable portion of the palate.
8 mm
When several anterior teeth are
being replaced.
In tooth-borne partial dentures with
anterior and posterior teeth are
When a hard midline suture or
palatal torus cannot be covered.
Disadvantages :
Tends to be less rigid (flexible)
than other connectors as a
buccolingual movement may
occur in the posterior area at
the open ends.
It covers the rugae area and
interferes with phonetics and
patients comfort.
provides poor support.

In tooth borne, and mucosa borne
partial dentures when replacement
of anterior and posterior teeth is
When a palatal torus exists.
Advantages :
1-It is rigid because it lies at two
different planes.
2-It provide good support to the
partial denture.
3-provides stabilization against
lateral forces
4-provides indirect retention
anterior strap for class 1 & 2
posterior strap for class 111 &
Class IV

In long span bilateral tooth-mucosa borne partial denture with and without anterior
teeth replacement.
Should be used whenever maximum tissue support is desired.
In patients with palatal defects. (cleft)

-It offers maximum rigidity, support and
retention to the partial denture.

-It is made in a uniform thin metal plate,
which reproduce anatomic contour of the
palate and feel natural to the patient.

-Provides direct and indirect retention

-Wide distribution of occlusal forces
1-Often cannot be used in the
presence of a palatal torus.
2-Complete palatal coverage may
alter taste and tactile sensation.
Thank you..

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