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January 2, 1884

-Rizal proposed a book-writing

project that would deal on various
aspects of Philippine life to Circulo-
Hispano Filipino members
-Most of the members wanted to
write about the character and
activities of Filipino women and
werent that interested.
-In the end, Rizal decided to write
the books by himself.
Btw, Circulo-Hispano Filipino..
-established in 1882 by a group of
Filipino students in Madrid led by Juan
Atayde, retired army officer and a
Philippine-born Spaniard.
-Supported by a group of peninsulares,
the organization aims to voice out the
concerns of Filipinos.
-Notable members of the organization
include Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. del
Pilar, Juan Luna, and Graciano Lopez

started writing Noli Me Tangere in Madrid
joined the Brotherhood of Masons to
search for enlightenment to complete his
finished half of Noli in Madrid, 1885
finished the book on February 21, 1887
in Germany, where scientific research and
philosophy were free from Church and
State control

Rizal was impressed by the way the
Spanish Mason openly and freely
criticized the government policies
and lambasted the friars, which
could not be done in Philippines
March 1883- Rizal joined the
Masonic lodge called Acacia in
Rizals reason for becoming a
mason was to secure Freemansorys
aid in his fight against the friars in
the Philippines
cheapest book printer, Berlin
- Buchdrukerei Actien-Gesselschaft,
Setzerinnen-Schule de Lette Vereins
Maximo Viola, Rizals friend from
Bulacan, lent him P300.00 for the printing
of 2000 copies of the novel
the book was released in March 21,1887
March 29, 1887- Rizal, in token of his
appreciation and gratitude, gave Viola the
galley proofs of the Noli carefully rolled
around the pen that he used in writing
After the Christmas season, Rizal put the
finishing touches on his novel. To save
printing expenses, he deleted certain
passages in his manuscript, including a
whole chapterElias and Salome

Rizal dedicated his Noli Me Tangere to
the PhilippinesTo My Fatherland
Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle
Toms Cabin
-which portrays the brutalities
of American slave-owners and the
pathetic conditions of the
unfortunate Negro slaves, inspired
Dr. Rizal to prepare a novel that
would depict the miseries of his
people under the lash of Spanish
Other inspirations for Noli Me

-Wandering Jew by Eugene Sue
-Spolarium by Juan Luna
visited to European countries
he studied French in Paris,
taught by Madame Lucille
he studied Hebrew to enable
him to interpret the Bible and to
be prepared to defend any
controversial issue in Noli Me
he studied German to work well as an
assistant in Dr. Otto Beckers clinic in
he studied English by means of
German grammar and studied Italian by
means of English grammar
other languages learned: Greek,
Latin, Arabic, Dutch, Catalan,
Portuguese, and Swedish
Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt his most cherished
-guided Rizal in his research in Philippines at
European libraries
-addressed each other as Mein Bruder (My
-very interested in Spain and its colony

Dr. Feodor Jagor
- Rizal met for the first time Dr. Feodor Jagor,
celebrated German scientist-traveller and
author of Travels in the Philippines, a book
which Rizal read and admired during his
student days in Manila.
- introduced Rizal to Dr. Rudolf Virchow,
a famous scientist and statesman of
intense democratic ideals

Rizal became a member of the
Anthropological Society, and the Geographical
Society of Berlin, upon the recommendation of
Dr. Jagor and Dr. Meyer.
Dr. Adolph B. Meyer met Rizal in Dresden
on October 29, 1886
-Director of the Royal Saxony
Ethnographical Institute
-visited the Philippines to make a study of
the Filipino people
-Written a book about the Igorots

Rizal submitted Tagalische Verskunst (The
Tagalog Art of Versification) as a requirement
for membership
-also wrote Ars Poetica Tagala
He wanted his educated countrymen to know that
foreigners were taking avid interest in their countrys
way of life.
studied and translated Blumentritts Ethnography
of the Island of Mindanao
planned to study the Tirurays for the better
understanding of primitive people in our country

he learned liberal ideas from the Masons and
it showed him how much change was needed
in his country
studied peoples way of life and adopt ideas
and programs that benefit his countrymen
learned that foreigners who made scientific
studies about the Philippines had a higher
regard for the Filipinos compared to Spanish
he was consoled to know that his people
were not of anthropoid race, as the Spaniards
had asserted

pursued a course in practical ethnology
and the study of race differences
researched in Psychology to complete
his ideas on racial differences and
superiority of white man
learned the conditions of the working
man and modern methods of production
We are all human and we can
improve ourselves through
education and culture as other
people did which only some
centuries ago were still
Join your dearest Fatherland,
hold it fast with your own hearts;
here are the deep roots of your

- from El Amor Patrio

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