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Growth Strategies for service

Ansoff Grid: It define four basic ways to achieve growth
Same product/same market growth, also called growth
through penetration.
Same product/new market growth called new market
Same market/new product growth known as new product
New product/new market growth also called



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Quality Strategies for service Players
Good Hiring and training procedure
Service Blueprints
Monitoring customer satisfaction regularly
Using employee suggestion

Service Profit chain Linking Employee
Satisfaction to company profits
Customer loyalty drives profitability and growth
Customer satisfaction drives customer loyalty
Value drives customer satisfaction
Employee productivity drives value
Employee loyalty drives value
Employee satisfaction drives loyalty
Internal quality drives employee satisfaction
Strategy for market leaders
First priority for market leaders is to maintain their
leadership position in terms of market share and sales.
When there are challenger in the market the leading
company take appropriate strategies to keep the
challenger at bay, or take one step ahead of them by
keeping up growth rates, aggressively promoting your
services, or investing in technology in line to retain
the company position as a leader.
Service Performance metrics
Measurement in a service organization need to be
multidimensional. This measurement of 3 types,

1. Effective Metrics : Number of free errors orders or bills
processed, the number of customers giving you an excellent rating.

2. Capability metrics: the mean rating of attributes of services like
friendliness of greeting, service time, server knowledge about
service features.

3. Efficiency metrics: By average utilization of manpower, average
time spent on reworking of faulty services, average overtime in a

Strategies for Challengers
The challengers are usually the number two or three
players in a industry.
The strategies for this group of players in any
industry include direct and indirect ways to topple
the leader and become a leader themselves.
One common way is to attempt to take away the
leaders customers through offers of the better
price,service ,or some other benefits.
Strategies for Followers
The follower in the industry are the weaker or smaller
players, apart from leaders and challengers.
They may number 5-10,have low market share in
many cases, and they have no ambition to become
They maintaining a reasonably good relationship with
whoever was the victor.
Strategies for niche market

This strategy has both advantages and disadvantages.
A niche market marketer follows astrategy of finding a
well-defined niche in terms of geography or product-
There are dangers of being in niche market too.
Service performance Metrics
Effectiveness metrics: the performance measured against a
standard set by the company could be called effectiveness
Capability metrics: it measures average values of service
features or attributes, or their range or spread (S.D)
Efficiency metrics: it is concerned with costs of service
delivery and the resources utilized in doing so.
Measuring service quality
The most common approach is to use a 5 point, or 7 point or 10 point scale of
customer satisfaction.

Seven point rating scale

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1- very dissatisfied
7- very satisfied
The same 5 point 7 point scale has been modified and used with the following wording,
to include comparison against expectations.

1. Much better than expected
2. Some what better than expected
3. Exactly as expected
4. Some what worse than expected
5. Much worse than expected.

The advantage of this may be that separate measurement of expectation could be
The possible disadvantage of earlier simple scale is that different levels of
expectations are not recognized.

Innovation , the last Frontier

Innovation in services is one of the way to prosperity for
service providers.
For e.g. Company like, Wall mart , the biggest retailer, Mc
Donald, the legendary restaurant chain, Disney, the theme
park operator or federal express, the courier company , who
have become famous largely due to a series of pioneer
innovations, which could not be replicated by anyone else as
successful even today.

Innovation gives an edge to any service company in growing
beyond the competitor reach and for staying there in


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