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TESP122/762 Sample only

Physical Education
Unit Plan for Year 4
How handling food ssafely & eating the
right food helps my growth &
HPE Key Area of Learning
Food and Nutrition
knowledge and understanding of the nutrition
people require for healthy growth and development
HPE Achievement Objectives
2A3 Safety management
Identify risk and use safe practices around food handling.
2A1 Personal growth and development
identify how their growth and development needs are linked
to Nutrition & demonstrate increasing responsibility for self-care.
2C3 Interpersonal skills
Demonstrate a range of interpersonal skills and processes that
help them to make safe choices for themselves and other people in
a variety of settings.

Key competencies
Thinking is about using critical, processes to
ask questions & make sense on dietary
information, experiences, and ideas; developing
understanding & constructing knowledge. Thus
being able to make health altering decisions,

Managing self
Students will develop a can-do attitude, and
see themselves as capable learners. Who can
make good decisions regarding their own
health & that of their future families
Unit Aim: Students will learn how taking
responsibility for their food choices &
handling can affect:
1. Their personal wellbeing
2. The wellbeing of friends & family who
will be influenced by their food choices &
can be impacted by poor food hygiene

NZ Curriculum Values

Innovation, Inquiry, And Curiosity,
by thinking critically, creatively, and
reflectively about what they eat children
will understand what they value about
food & why they might want to change
their diet to improve their nutrition.
Considerations for this group/class
Children have had no formal learning in nutrition
this year & held a range of ideas reflecting the values
of their homes. They are subject to many of the
advertising gimmicks used to market addictive foods
for profit without consideration of the well-being of
the uninformed & vulnerable children.

Student Needs:
Students have only disjointed understanding
about the basic dietary building blocks of good
nutrition for well-being. Students need to learn
how diet & hygiene can impact their sense of
well-being, future growth & development &
how this can be influenced by the media
HPE Underlying Concepts

Hauora (well-being): This unit focuses on
developing Taha Tinana (physical
wellbeing) through nutrition which also
impacts both Taha hingengaro (mental &
emotional well-being) and Taha wairua
(spiritual well-being).
Social-ecological perspectives Students
will identify & reflect upon how cultural &
social factors around nutrition influences
their own and others well-being.

Attitudes and Values Students understand
how good nutrition is an expression of how
they value themselves and others.

Preparation for the unit
Ensure teaching spaces are adequate for several
groups to operate & that I have enough utensils &
food items & work sheets for all the
John Mitchell T412
TESP122/762 Sample only
Unit Learning Intentions

We are learning to:

Identify hygienic food
2A3 to be aware how safe food
handling & preparation are
essential to the wellbeing of
ourselves & those around us.

2A1 to be aware of & take
increasing responsibility for what
we eat as this can impact our
current, & future well-being in
terms of our growth and

Success Criteria
(What shapes your lesson intentions)

We will know we have learnt this when we can:

-Recognise when dirty hands, cutting boards or
knives & spoons can contaminate what we eat &
expose us to harmful germs & disease.
-clean all the surfaces that will touch the food we
put in our mouths. i.e. hands, cutting boards,
knives, plates etc.
Remember when to:
o wash our hands
o Use only clean cutting boards & utensils

Recognise foods such as raw meats or dirty eggs
or vegetables could cross- contaminate other safe
foods that we are preparing top eat raw.

Recognize when foods can be contaminated with
poisons, pesticides & parasites

We know healthy options that we can add to
our sandwiches & lunch box to make our
lunch better for our health:

o We know meat, fish & cheese give us
protein for growth & strength

o We know vegetables & fruit give us
vitamins for health

Teaching Learning Activities
(What activities to use to enhance learning)

-Make a SAFE sandwich for lunch;
Teacher makes a sandwich with dirty hands & utensils & then
ask if any of them would like to try it.
Ask the children to form groups & list all the things Teacher
should have done to make the sandwich safe to eat.
Why & the science of why? Show slides of bacteria growing on
dirty food preparation surfaces. Discuss all the slides that may
have occurred in my sandwich prep.
Class brainstorm & formulate a list of steps to making a safe

Putting SAFE meal making into practice:

Teacher carefully washes hands & utensils, but makes a
sandwich snack while cutting up
Cooked meat
Raw offal
Dirty vegetables

Discuss slides of parasitic diseases that can be transmitted through
raw offal (eg. hydatids via sheep & goat meat ) or through
contaminated soil (e.g.. toxoplasmosis via cat faeces.)

Washing our hands thoroughly with soap
Checking if their cutting boards & knives have contacted any
potential contaminating foods such as meat/soil.
Work n teams of four to cut up some carrot or apple that they
make safe to eat by washing the foods to clean it.

Making a healthy luch safely
making a sandwich using learned safe food handling practices
children add in meat cheese or lettuce & tomato.
Children critique why they added what they did.
ie for taste; for nutrition; for both
In groups they reflect upon if their choices were good for their
We unpack the nutritional content of the sandwiches we have
made & reflect on how this will influence our well-being &
Overview of Unit
TESP122/762 Sample only
Unit Learning Intentions

2A1 to be aware of & take
increasing responsibility for how
what we eat can impact our
current; & future well-being in
terms of our growth and


Success Criteria
(What shapes your lesson intentions)

Identify 2- 3 foods that we intend to eat less of
and explain why we think that is good for our

Identify 2-3 foods that we think we should eat
more of & explain why those foods will be good
for us

describe what strategies we can use to help us
make better food choices: to eat more healthy
foods & avoid the temptation of unhealthy foods
(fatty and/or sugary foods)
Identify 2-3 foods from each food group that
support healthy growth & development

We can figure out the truth behind food
advertising; its usually about money & not about
caring for our health & the health of those we
care about.

Teaching Learning Activities
(What activities to use to enhance learning)

In order to be able to achieve criteria students will:
students will:Demo some party food or Illustrate some party platters on
screen & evaluate in groups the +/- aspects of theses foods.
Food value, teeth decay, feel sickly, eat regularly or occasionally, feel
tired soon after eating ? Work sheet to record feedback to assess BG
knowledge & assess later learning.

-They will list all the foods they ate yesterday & in groups draw &/or cut
out templates listing them as healthy or unhealthy & try to explain why?
-Introduce the food groups & discuss which nutrition associated with
each. Get children to recheck their foods as healthy or unhealthy . Identify
the healthiest & least healthy
Reflect what have I learned.


-Brainstorm in groups of 4 & as discuss as a class why we eat food;
aiming to identify the purpose of food in our body, for our minds, for
growth & for social occasions.
-We will look at what is a diet & discuss is it important to eat a balanced
diet. Well reflect upon why we eat junk food & what is driving us to eat
unhealthy & non nutritious food
-They will indicate with their own fist size portions how much of each
they usually eat for a meal.
-They will list a reason why they eat these foods in these quantities (see
choice shaper; TKI). Evaluate against the food pyramid.
Graph as a class the frequency of each reason why we eat the things we
do & discuss if this a good basis to select what we eat.
-What is a healthy meal? In groups of 4-5.
-Link to BGknowledge: List all the foods & drinks you think are healthy.
-Brainstorm as to which foods are in fact healthy & explain in relation to
the food pyraid
- re-evaluate the 4 food groups under the headings.
-Cut out TKI food cards, place them in the 4 food groups.
-Discuss which food item in each group you think is most healthy & be
prepared to explain why to the class.
Play snap game with a snap each time two foods are from the same group.
Using your list of healthy foods check are all 4 food groups represented?
Add some foods

Overview of Unit
TESP122/762 Sample only

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