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Health & Physical Education

Unit Plan for Year 3/4

Title: Yes, but do you know why?
HPE Key Area(s) of Learning
Personal Health and Development
Food and Nutrition
Develop knowledge about healthy lifestyle practices .
Mental health
Develop key ideas about personal identity and self-worth by
making health-enhancing decisions.
HPE Achievement Objectives

2A1-Personal Growth and Development
Describe their stages of growth and their
development needs and demonstrate increasing
responsibility for self-care
2C3 Interpersonal skills
Express their ideas, needs, wants, and feelings
appropriately and listen sensitively to other people
and affirm them.

Key competencies:
Managing Self: Students will engage in a range
of learning experiences, which encourage children to
make informed food and nutrition choices for healthy
lifestyle practices.
Relating to others: to achieve goals, share
learning and negotiate ideas.
Participating and Contributing
Students will learn to participate and contribute by being
actively involved in lesson activities designed to
encourage children to make informed food and nutrition
choices for healthy lifestyle practices.

Unit Aim:Students will be provided with opportunities
that will allow them to make:
1.Informed food and nutrition choices for healthy
lifestyle practices.
2.Understand the benefits of healthy food and nutrition
choices and know why they are important to their
personal growth.

NZ Curriculum Values
(What values will students learn about, and develop?)

Students will be encouraged to value community and
participation, in particular manaakitanga when students are
involved in group work to care for others and those around

Considerations for this group/class
It needs to be considered that not all students will be
comfortable discussing the food choices they are making,

Student Needs: The AT has not indicated if any food and
nutrition lessons have been taught this year. However I believe
students at this age need to be more aware about how their
food choices effect their personal growth now and for the
future. I also believe students would benefit from knowing why
learning about food and nutrition is important. Children get told
everyday they need certain things to be healthy but often will
know why!.
HPE Underlying Concepts
Hauora: Students will develop an understanding that food
and nutrition can affect their health and wellbeing.

Attitudes and Values: Students will take responsibility for
the wellbeing of themselves and others.

Health Promotion: Students will make a positive
contribution to the well being of themselves and their peers .

Preparation for the unit
Develop resources for the lessons.
Teaching space

Created by: Maraina Popham 0302309
Unit Learning Intentions

We are learning to
2A1-Personal Growth and Development
Describe their stages of growth and their development needs and
demonstrate increasing responsibility for self-care

2C3 Interpersonal skills
Express their ideas, needs, wants, and feelings appropriately
and listen sensitively to other people and affirm them.

Identify the benefits of food and how food helps our bodies.
Understand the reasons why we need food.

2A1-Personal Growth and Development
Describe their stages of growth and their development needs and
demonstrate increasing responsibility for self-care

2C3 Interpersonal skills
Express their ideas, needs, wants, and feelings appropriately
and listen sensitively to other people and affirm them.

Put foods into categories
Recognise foods that can be eaten some of, little of and lots

2A1-Personal Growth and Development
Describe their stages of growth and their development needs and
demonstrate increasing responsibility for self-care

2C3 Interpersonal skills
Express their ideas, needs, wants, and feelings appropriately and
listen sensitively to other people and affirm them.

Understand the importance of choice when it comes to food and
Understand what makes a healthy snack

Success Criteria
(What shapes your lesson intentions)

We will know we have learnt this when we can

Lesson 1:
Give 2-3 reasons why eating is
important to them or their family.
Explain how nutrients in food help
with their health and their bodies.

Lesson 2:

Put pictures of different foods into the food
groups using the Food Group Illustration.
Identify some foods they can eat some of, little
of and lots of


Lesson 3:

Make responsible choices when choosing snacks
Create an energy/healthy snack fridge magnet-
using at least 2 snack choices.

Teaching Learning Activities
(What activities to use to enhance learning)

In order to be able to achieve criteria students will:

In small groups students will discuss and record other
reasons for why it is important to eat food.
Students will identify 2-3 reasons why eating is important to
them or their family. Have students share why they have
chosen these reasons in small groups.
Perform physical tasks like find their bicep muscle or hop to
demonstrate how nutrients in food help their bodies work.

Think Pair Share-In pairs ask students to identify the foods
that you can eat lots of, some of and little of! Why?
Have students discuss their choices with a partner.
Students will cut out pictures of a variety of foods from
catalogues and glue them into place under each food group
section (onto their group template)
In reflection time groups will share back to the class some
foods they added to their template.

Make a list of healthy snacks-(use the food groups
illustration from the previous lesson to lead a discussion
and make a list) .
Students will choose 1 or 2 snacks from the list and draw
them onto your fridge magnet (or bookmark)
In reflection time students a few students can share their
finished snack magnet back to the class.

Overview ofUnit
Unit Learning Intentions

We are learning to
2A1-Personal Growth and Development
Describe their stages of growth and their development needs
and demonstrate increasing responsibility for self-care
Identify reasons for the food choices people make
Design a lunchbox menu for yourself

2A1-Personal Growth and Development
Describe their stages of growth and their development needs
and demonstrate increasing responsibility for self-care
2C3 Interpersonal skills
Express their ideas, needs, wants, and feelings appropriately
and listen sensitively to other people and affirm them.
Identify alternatives (replacements) for unhealthy food
Identify healthy and unhealthy food choices

2A1-Personal Growth and Development
Describe their stages of growth and their development needs
and demonstrate increasing responsibility for self-care
2C3 Interpersonal skills
Express their ideas, needs, wants, and feelings appropriately
and listen sensitively to other people and affirm them.
Identify a variety of fruit and vegetables
Identify why fruit and vegetables are important for their
Identify the serving size of fruit and vegetables they need

Success Criteria
(What shapes your lesson intentions)

We will know we have learnt this when we can

Lesson 4::
Recognize the sections of a healthy food
Design a food plan from the food plate.
We are able to distinguish between
healthy and unhealthy food.

Lesson 5:

Suggest ideas to alternate unhealthy foods for
healthy foods
Identify the unhealthy foods and suggest an
alternative for the Suzie character.
Create a list of healthy alternatives for

Lesson 6:

Name at least 5 fruits and vegetables
Understand fruit and vegetables give our
body vitamins and minerals to help us
Understand that they need at least 5 fruit
and vegetables each day to help their
bodies grow.

Teaching Learning Activities
(What activities to use to enhance learning)

In order to be able to achieve criteria students will:

Design a lunchbox menu for yourself using food from
the food plate.
Students have recorded and identified on their food
plate what is healthy food and what unhealthy food.
In reflection time, discuss and share your ideas to
other peers in the class.

Students will brainstorm what they know about choosing
alternatives (replacing or swapping one food for another).
Using the story (Suzie's Shopping Trolley-A story made up
by teacher in role about a lady who goes shopping at the
supermarket but chooses only unhealthy snacks, desserts
etc.) students are to work in pairs to decide what
alternatives Suzie should have by taking 1 food out of the
trolley and giving an alternative.
In a group of 4 students will now discuss and compile their
alternatives for unhealthy snacks, lunch or dinner foods and
present back to the class.
In reflection time

Have sample fruit/veg in the classroom, then
pass them around for the children to feel them,
smell them and describe them.
As students name fruits and vegetables, ask students to
create a list of fruits and vegetables that they would like
to try (in pairs)
Students make their own daily chart of vegetables/fruits
that they will track over the next week

Overview ofUnit

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