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black sad.

The Road blue I am healing.

Interview brown unappreciated.

gray confused.
green healthy.
♦ Q.1. What color is the
road? gold materialistic.
light beam spiritual.
The color you imagine is
your present mood. For multicolor traumatized.
example, if your road is pink protected.
gray you are saying “ I
feel confused.” purple special.
red excited.
A.1. I feel
_______________. white innocent.
yellow happy.
The Road Interview Answers
♦ Q.2. Is the road smooth,
rough, or mixed?
The texture of the road smooth is easy and
shows present difficulty in pleasant now.
Fill in this blank with the mixed has it’s ups
and downs.
responses from the right
column. rough is difficult
A.2. Life _______________.
The Road Interview Answers
♦ Q.3. Is the road solid,
broken up or in- solid am doing well.
Your ability to
progress in life in-between have some
depends on how firm difficulty.
your footing is.
broken up struggle all the
A.3. I
The Road Interview Answers
You continue walking and come to a river that
must be crossed. The size and width are up to
you. You cannot go around it but must
imagine a way to cross. Whatever you need to
cross the river is already in your mind--- just
imagine yourself doing it.

Q. 4. How do you cross the river?

A.4. Concerning intimate or sexual matters, I am
boat moderately inhibited.
bridge markedly inhibited.
flying extremely inhibited.
jumping extremely inhibited.
riding a horse mildly inhibited but trust men.
swimming trusting and uninhibited.
wading trusting and uninhibited.
walking on a log mildy inhibited.

walking on rocks mildly inhibited and aware of problems

The Road Interview Answers
♦ Q.5. What color is the water?
The color of the water reflects feelings about an intimate
or sexual situation.
A.5. I am dealing with issues of ________________.

black sadness.
bloody someone’s incest.
blue, clear absolute enjoyment.
blue,murky feeling deceived.
fecal feeling depreciated
gray confusion.
muddy feeling deceived.
The Road Interview Answers
Q.6. How fast is the current?
The speed of the current indicates how quickly we get involved
In relationships.

A.6. When I think of intimacy or sex, I ____________________.

fast, white water am impulsive and excited by it.

moderate am excited but somewhat cautious.

slow I enjoy it and take my time.

stagnant I don’t enjoy it and feel trapped.
The Road Interview Answers
Q.7. Is there anything in the water? If so, what?

A. 7. … and there are feelings __________________.

♦ alligator– that I am a victim of someone.

♦ twigs, leaves– that I am a victim and a part of me
is missing.
♦ fish, trout– that sex is fun.
♦ fish, piranha– that I am a victim of someone.
♦ snakes– of someone being hurt by men.
The Road Interview Answers

You have crossed the river and continue walking. You

come to a house. Take a good look at the house.
Notice the impression it makes on you.

Q.8. What color is the house?

black sad.
blue I am healing.
The Road brown unappreciated.
Interview gray confused.

Answers green healthy.

gold materialistic.
A.8. Concerning support from
others, I feel ___________. light beam spiritual.
multicolor traumatized.
pink protected.
purple special.
red excited.
white innocent.
yellow happy.
The Road Interview Answers
Q. 9. What condition is the house in?
A.9. and that my present support is _________.

good, without a symbol of victimization* as the obstacle

---- excellent

good, with a symbol of victimization* in the obstacle

----”excellent”, or so I want others to think,
but deep down inside I wonder whether I am fooling
self? I may not want to face realizing how poor my sup-
port system from others really is.

* see list next slide

The Road Interview Answers
*Symbols of Victimization

In general, a symbol of victimization is any person

or thing that is not pleasant in the obstacle section
of the interview. For example, the following are
symbols of victimization:

a fallen tree ( a very common answer)

an angry dog of other animal

a snake
The Road Interview Answers
Q.9. What condition is the house in?
A.9. and that my present support is

used---- good enough to survive in life.

worn---- worse than it should be but I am surviving.
dilapidated---- very poor, and I wonder how long I will be
able to survive emotionally with no one there to support me
The Road Interview Answers
Q.10. Does anyone live there? If so, who?

A.10. My self esteem is _________________.

family---- good.

non-family---- average, and I feel more loved by my friends

or associates than I do by my mother and father.

empty house (no one lives there)---- poor and I don’t feel
loved by anyone.

myself---- truly excellent and I feel unconditionally loved by

my father (if the reader is a male) or my mother (if the reader
Is a female).
The Road black sad.
blue I am healing.
brown unappreciated.
We continue forward in our gray confused.
mind’s journey and come to green healthy.
an open field. A cup is on
the ground, and we stop to gold materialistic.
examine it. It can be of any light beam spiritual.
size and description. Des-
cribe the cup. Focus on its multicolor traumatized.
looks, condition, and con- pink protected.
Q.11. What color is the cup? purple special.
red excited.
A. 11. When I think about com-
white innocent.
mitted relationships in my
life, I feel _____________. yellow happy.
The Road Interview Answers
Q.12. What condition is the cup in?

A.12. In this relationship I have felt ________.

beaten up---- victimized in this manner.

broken---- victimized in this manner.

chewed on----used by someone.

cracked----victimized in this manner.

dirty----deceived and lied to.

good, in the absence of a symbol of victimization----that this is

a truly healthy relationship.

good, with a symbol of victimization as the obstacle----like de-

ceiving myself and others into believing that it was a healthy re-
lationship when it really wasn’t.
The Road Interview Answers
Q.12. What condition is the cup in?

A.12. In this relationship I have felt ________.

holes---- as if part of me is missing.

rusty---- victimized in this manner and sexually pre-occupied

torn----victimized in this manner.

weathered----used by someone over time.

The Road Interview Answers
Q.13 Is there anything in the cup?

A.13 I also felt___________________.


if single---- commitment towards someone or something


if married or attached----commitment towards someone

(not the attached partner or spouse) or something alcho-

ants----victimized painfully.

blood----victimized by family.
The Road Imagery Answers
Q.13 Is there anything in the cup?
A.13 I also felt___________________.
if single–-- commitment towards someone less than
totally honest.
if married or attached----commitment towards
someone else (not the attached person) or some-
thing less than totally honest.
dirt—depreciated in the relationship.
The Road Interview Answers
Q.13 Is there anything in the cup?
A.13 I also felt___________________.
If single----no present commitment to anyone or
if attached----no commitment toward anyone or
anything other than the attached person.
jewelry----the relationship has status and worth.
money----the relationship involved money.
The Road Interview Answers
Q.13 Is there anything in the cup?
A.13 I also felt___________________.
mud----sexually preoccupied and and deceived
in the relationship.
semen----sexually preoccupied.
if single----commitment towards someone or
if attached----commitment towards someone
or something other than spouse.
worm----sexually preoccupied.
The Road Interview Answers

You continue walking down the road

and come to something that prevents you from
going forward. This is the

Q.14. What is the obstacle?

The Road Interview Answers
A.14. The most emotionally important
issue I have now involves ____________.
animal, dead feeling helpless,
bear, angry feeling attacked
and hurt.
beer cans unhappy
black cloud feeling sad and
The Road Interview Answers
A.14. The most emotionally important
issue I have now involves ____________.
briars painful progress.

bridge out paralysis during a

time of transition.
bull, angry fear of an attack by
a male.
car accident pain of family
The Road Interview Answers
A.14. The most emotionally important
issue I have now involves ____________.
car, going the guilt or shame due
wrong way to our direction.
car, junked worthlessness.

car, out of gas drained, exhausted.

cliff hopelessness.
The Road Interview Answers
A.14. The most emotionally important
issue I have now involves ____________.
construction site working on
emotional issues.
cow, friendly being used or
dog, angry feeling attacked and
dog, friendly needing love.
The Road Interview Answers
A.14. The most emotionally important
issue I have now involves ____________.
fence keeping feelings
fence, barbed wire imprisoned by
painful feelings.
flat tire self-doubt.

force field hidden anger.

The Road Interview Answers
A.14. The most emotionally important
issue I have now involves ____________.
gate death.

group of people feeling judged

by others.
guardrail questioning
hill of dirt depreciation by a
The Road Interview Answers
A.14. The most emotionally important
issue I have now involves ____________.
man, angry hurt by a man.

“me” taking
mountain overwhelmed by
a huge problem.
railroad crossing feeling sidelined
The Road Interview Answers
A.14. The most emotionally important
issue I have now involves ____________.
rock, boulder a significant
unexpected problem

snake hurt or abused by

a male.
tiger feeling attacked
and hurt.
The Road Interview Answers
A.14. The most emotionally important
issue I have now involves ____________.
A tree is the most common
tree, fallen feeling a victim
of life.
tree, standing controlled by a
powerful person.
The Road Interview Answers
A.14. The most emotionally important
issue I have now involves ____________.

Wall, general Keeping feelings

Woman, angry Hurt by a woman.

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