APA Writing Style: Nadeena Spice Ivy Tech Community College

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APA Writing Style

Nadeena Spice
Ivy Tech Community College

A higher level of writing skills are
required of college students

To articulate thoughts in an organized

To enhance communication skills

To portray professionalism



Stealing words or ideas from someone
else and portraying them as your own
without giving credit to the original
source (Encarta World English Dictionary, 2009).

Plagiarism Examples
All of the following are considered

Turning someone elses work as your
Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving
them credit
Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
Providing incorrect information about the source of a
Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a
source without giving credit (Plagiarism, 2010).


Plagiarism can be avoided by citing the
source(s) from which thoughts, ideas,
or quotes have been borrowed.

Citing Sources
Identification of material in your
work that came from another source
Provides readers with information for
locating that source, such as:

Information about the author
The title of the work
The name and location of the works publisher
The date of publication
The page number(s) of the material borrowed or quoted
APA Writing Style
Required by the School of Nursing
for written papers

Additional APA Resources:
Publication manual of the American Psychological
Association (6

ed.). (2010). Washington, DC: American Psychological


8 x 11 paper size
12-point font size and type comparable to Times
New Roman
Pages sequentially numbered in upper right hand
margin following page header, beginning with the
Title Page
Written in third person
Use one space after punctuation marks(American
Psychological Association, 2010).

Title Page

Horizontally and vertically centered
Title of Paper
Name of author
Name of school
Date written

Page Header: First 2 or 3 words of the title of the paper
positioned 5 spaces to the left of the page number
Paragraph construction
Minimum of three sentences
Covers a single topic, thought, or idea
Indent each new paragraph five spaces
New paragraphs at the bottom of a page need at least
two lines, otherwise begin the paragraph on the following

Written assignments usually begin with an introductory
paragraph and end with a conclusion paragraph after the
logical progression of discussion on the identified topic.

Use abbreviations sparingly
They should be spelled out the first
time they are used and then identify the
abbreviation in parentheses:
Cerebral vascular accident (CVA)
Quotations are used for exact words from another
person or written source
Use an in-text citation after the quote if less than four
typed lines
Use block quotations for those longer than four lines; all
lines indented five spaces from the left margin, double-
spaced, and without quotation marks (American
Psychological Association, 2010)

Use author-date method
One author:
.. (Smith, 2009).
Two authors:
..(Jones & Brown, 2008).
Three, four, or five authors:
The first time the reference is used:
(Berning, Marks, Fischer & Felding, 2005).
Subsequent citations for the same authors:
.(Berning et al, 2005)
Six or more authors:
Use the last name of the first author followed by et al and the
date (American Psychological Association, 2010)

Reference Page

Center the word References on the first
line one-inch from the top of the page
All references are double-spaced
The first line of each reference begins at the one-inch left
margin; additional lines should have a hanging indent (5
spaces from the left margin)
List references in alphabetical order by the authors last
All sources cited in the body of the paper should be listed
on the reference page
All works listed on the reference page should be cited in
the body of the paper (American Psychological
Association, 2010)
Burns, J. (1978). Leadership. New York, NY: Harper and Row
Barbuto, J. (2005). Motivation and transactional, charismatic, and transformational leadership: a test of antecedents.
of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 11(4), 26-40.
Hurricane Edwardo to hit coast of Florida this week after much destruction in Cuba. (2004, September 8). The
Indianapolis Star, p.
Journal article taken from a website
ERIC. (1992). Transformational leadership. ERIC Digest, Number 72. Retrieved from
Journal article taken from an electronic database
Han, Thuzar. (2006). Effectiveness of standard short-course chemotherapy for treating
tuberculosis and the impact of drug resistance on its outcome. International Journal of
Evidence-Based Health, 4, 101-117. Retrieved from CINAHL database.
Internet document
Kline, B. & Stewart, T. (n.d.). Interacting with children of cancer patients. Retrieved July 7, 2005 from
Encarta World English Dictionary[North American Edition].
(2009). Microsoft Corporation. Retrieved from
What is Plagiarism? (n.d.) Retrieved October 1, 2010 from

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