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SET Identities

SET Application
Inclusion- Exclusion Principle
Let A and B be any two finite sets. Then
= + | |
1. we find that A = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.
Illustrate the use of inclusion-exclusion principle
as follows

2. In a group of 50 mothers, a survey was
conducted on the brands (X and Y) of detergent
bars they use. There were 34 who use brand X
and 40 who use brand Y. If all the 50 mothers use
at least one of the brands, how many mothers
use both the detergent bars?

Set of Real Numbers
The Real Number System

this system consists of the set R of elements
called real numbers and two operations addition
and multiplication.

Set of Positive
Integers (Z
, N)
Set of Negative
Integers (Z
Set of Whole
Numbers (W)

Set of
Integers (Z) --
Set of Rational
Numbers (Q)-- {x|x
is a number which
can be expreseed in
the form p/q, where
p and q are both
integers and q0}
Set of irrational
Number (Q
)--- ) {x|x
is a number which
cannot be expressed
as a quotient of two
Rational Numbers
Rational Number is either a terminating or
nonterminating but repeating decimal.

Terminating decimals
3/8 =0.375 b. -7/2 = -3.5
Non-terminating but repeating decimal.
18/11 = 1.636363 = 1.63 b.-442/45 = -9.8222 =-

Irrational Numbers
is a non-repeating , nonterminating decimal

7 = 2.65575513 = 2.6558 (dec.. expansion
continues but w/o any pattern)

= 3.141592654

An integer is said to be EVEN if its is divided by
2, that is, if it can be expressed in the form 2n for
some integer n.

An integer is said to be ODD if it can be
expressed in the form of 2n+1 for some integer n.

Real axis having a one to one correspondence
exists between the set R and the set of points on
an axis.

> 0
< 0

Basic Properties of Real
Two important consequences of the substitution
property are the following:

If a = b, then a+ c= b+c
If a = b, then ac=bc

The converses of these two rules are called the
Cancellation Laws for addition and multiplication,

If a+c =b+c, then a=b
If ac=bc, then a=b, c0.


Absolute value

Absolute value of a is defined as the distance
between the point a and the origin.
Operations on Signed Numbers

Addition of Signed Numbers
To add real numbers with like signs, get the sum of their
absolute values and prefix the common sign.

Subtraction of Signed Numbers
To subtract two signed numbers, change the sign of the
subtrahend and proceed to algebraic addition.

Multiplication of Signed Numbers
The product of two or more signed numbers is either (+)
or (-) depending on whether the number of negative
factors is even or odd, respectively.

nth Power of Real Numbers
For any positive integer, we define a=b
as an nth
power of b.

Square roots and Cube Roots of Real
We use the relation, a = b

The square root of a , denoted by , is defined as
= if and only if a=b

The cube root of a, denoted by
, is defined as =


Series of Operations on Real
Rules in Evaluating Expression involving series of

First, perform all operations in grouping symbols.
Perform operations above and below a fractional bar

Perform powers and extractions of roots

Moving from left to right, perform any multiplications
and divisions in the order in which they appear

The order of operations for multiplication applies
when it is written with the symbol or when
multiplication is implied in parenthesis, it has
higher priority than the left to right rule.

= ()
. = = .

Moving from left to right, perform any additions
and subtractions in the order in which they

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