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 Eukaryotic organism
 Posses at least one nucleus nuclear
membrane, endoplasmic reticulum,
and mitochondria
 Lacks the property of photosynthesis

 Thallus- vegetative portion of a fungus

 Hypha- filamentous or thread like of a
– Non septate- without partition
– Septate- with partition
– Pectinate- with comblike lateral projection
– Spiral- with terminal cells
 Mycelium- mass of countless hyphae
 Spores- reproduction
– Asexual spore- resistant to adverse
growth condition
 Thallospores- derived from the cells of the
thallus or body of the fungus
– Blastophores- buds from yeast
– Chlamydospores
– arthrospores
 Conidia- macroconidia, microconidia
 Asexual spore
– Ascospores- results from asexual production
involving saclike structure called ascus
– Basidiospores- spores produces from the
surface of a special structure called
– Oospores- formed when two asexually
formed spores unite
Classification of fungi

 Class myxomycetes- no known

 Class zygomycetes
– Ascomycotina –sexually reproduce
involving the ascus
– Basidiomycotina- sexually reproduce
involving the basidium
– Deuteromycotina- only asexual spore

 Superficial
 Cutaneous
 Subcutaneous
 Systemic or deep mycoses
 Mycoses due to opportunistic fungi
Superficial Mycoses
 Tinea versicolor- caused by Malassezia
furfur AKA pitysporum orbiculare
 Tinea nigra- caused by exophiala
werneckii, cause dark pigmented
patches on the skin
 Tinea nodosa (black piedra)- caused by
piedraia hortae which characteristically
form hard nodules along parasitized hair
 White piedra- caused by trichosporon
beiglelii, development of soft oval
nodules adhering to the hair
Tinea versicolor
Tinea nigra
Black piedra
Cutaneous mycosis
 Tinea capitis, tinea favosa- microsporum and
 Tinea barbae
 Tinea corporis- face and trunk
 Tinea cruris- affecting groin
 Tinea axilliaris
 Tinea pedis
 Tinea manuum
 Tinea unguim
Tinea capitis
Tinea fovosa
Tinea barbae
Tinea corporis
Tinea cruris
Tinea cruris 2
Tinea pedis
Tinea manuum
Tinea unguim
Subcutanoues mycoses
 Sporotrichosis- sphorothrix schenkii, starts with
the subcutaneous nodule followed by the chain
of draining ulcers
 Chromoblastomycosis- granulomatous verrucose
ulcerative infection, painless unless complicated
by bacteria
– Phialophora verrucosa
– Cladosporium carrionii
– Fonsecaea pedrosi
– Fonsecaea compactum
Systemic mycoses
 Coccidiodes immitis- coccidiomycosis
 Histoplasma capsulatum- agent of
histoplasmosis which involves the lungs,
spleen, lymph glands, kidneys and brain
- KOH is not useful in the diagnosis but
buffy coat, bone marrow and lymph
nodes biopsy or mucosal scrappings
 Cryptococcus neoformans- subacute or
chronic infection that involves the CNS
 Blastomyces dermatidis- chronic
granulomatous and suppurative
condition that involves the lungs and the
pleurae that simulates tuberculosis
 Candida albicans- infection that involves
nails, vulvo-vagina, CNS, pericardium,
 Nocardia asteroides- chronic
granulomatous condition of the lungs
and the CNS
 Aspergillus- associated with prolongs
antibiotic therapy
Small pox
Herpes virus
Ebola virus

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