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Samsung is conducting cricket world cup

promotional activities through which it is

aiming to promote its various products in the
following venues around the country;
Gives out sponsorship for ant upcoming event
Charity event are also done by Samsung

Tv commercial adds

Maintain Relationship Sources
Public relations describes the various methods a company uses to
disseminate messages about its products, services, or overall image
to its customers, employees, stockholders, suppliers, or other
interested members of the community. The point of public relations
is to make the public think favorably about the company and its
offerings. Commonly used tools of public relations include news
releases, press conferences, speaking engagements, and community
service programs.
Although advertising is closely related to public relationsas it too
is concerned with promoting and gaining public acceptance for the
company's productsthe goal of advertising is generating sales,
while the goal of public relations is generating good will. The effect
of good public relations is to lessen the gap between how an
organization sees itself and how others outside the organization
perceive it.

Public relations involves two-way communication between
an organization and its public. It requires listening to the
constituencies on which an organization depends as well as
analyzing and understanding the attitudes and behaviors
of those audiences. Only then can an organization
undertake an effective public relations campaign.
Many small business owners elect to handle the public
relations activities for their own companies, while others
choose to hire a public relations specialist. Managers of
somewhat larger firms, on the other hand, frequently
contract with external public relations or advertising
agencies to enhance their corporate image. But whatever
option is chosen, the head of a company is ultimately
responsible for its public relations.

Relationships with Employees
Having -- or being -- a good manager can make the
difference between employees being engaged with their
work or simply marking time. From administrators to
academic department chairs, supervisors are crucial to
their organization's performance.
So what constitutes a good manager? According to several
U.Va. experts, on the front line as well as in research, strong
management includes having a clear vision, hiring well,
delegating responsibilities, building strong relationships
with employees and rewarding good work.

Press Events
19 November 2013, Hong Kong: The Sports Federation &
Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (The Federation)
organized an Announcement Press Conference at Olympic
House today (19 November 2013) to disseminate the details of
the Samsung 2013 Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards (Awards).
Special VIPs included Mr. PANG Chung, SBS, BBS, Hon.
Secretary General of the Federation, Ms. Vivien C.C. LAU,
BBS, JP, Chairperson of the Samsung 2013 Hong Kong Sports
Stars Awards Organizing Committee and Mr. Lawrence
CHOW, Chief Marketing Officer of Samsung Electronics
H.K. Co. Ltd., Title Sponsor of the Awards.
Awardees of the Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards 2012
present included Miss LEE Wai Sze (Cycling), Mr. WONG
Kam Po (Cycling), Miss CHAN Hei Man Hayley Victoria
(Windsurfing), 22nd Asian Tenpin Bowling Championships
Mens Team and Hong Kong Rugby Football Union Men's

Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards has always been recognized as an
annual Oscar Sports Event of Hong Kong. This year, the Federation is
honoured to have staunch support for the first time from Samsung
Electronics H.K. Co. Ltd., as the Title Sponsor, who would be
collaborating even closer with the Federation in the coming five years.
Besides the subvention from the Leisure and Cultural Services
Department and other sponsors rendered their continuous financial
backing for the event. The Press Conference was successfully kicked-off
and the nominations from all member NSAs of the Federation would
commence today. In the Press Conference, Mr. PANG, Ms. LAU and Mr.
CHOW, accompanied by the attending awardees of 2012, announced
the three important dates of the Awards:

Social media strategy of
In the lead up to Engage NYC 2013, were recognizing a brand which has
mastered the art of social care: Samsung who recently reached 25 million fans
on Facebook in Europe. It seems 3.5% of Europes population have one thing in
common--theyre all fans of Samsung on Facebook, making the preeminent
electronics company the number one brand on the old continent.
When the proper ingredients come together-social devotion to customers,
insights, and a dash of timing and creativity-the results can be inspiring.
Samsung has demonstrated the advantage of a metrics powered digital and
social strategy rocketing from 8 million to 25 million fans during 2013, to reach
the No.1 brand in Europe. Capitalizing on major product launches,
Samsungs 44 Facebook Pages for 28 countries in 25 languages enabled global
outreach and localized campaigning. See some outstanding figures Samsung
Europe achieved by using Facebook as an integrated customer service tool:

We are growing approximately by 300,000 fans every week, says Suzy
Lloyd, European Head of Samsungs Social Media Marketing. This
success has been driven using an analytics-driven understanding of our
customers, developing localised campaign strategies and driving
engagement using quality creative content that supports two-way
communications between us and our fans.
Despite the fact that Samsungs digital and social operations are run by
small teams of one to three experts in each localised market,
26 Samsung European Pages have just been awarded Socially Devoted
certificates for customer care excellency from Socialbakers. One of the
key focuses for customer care is to address concerns early: Facebook is
a real early warning system for any reputation issues that might move
to more traditional media, adds Suzy. Social media has always been
about engagement, listening and responding and that's what we strive
to achieve. Our fans are invaluable to us.

Thank you

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