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ADVANTAGE PRO Chennais Premier Networking Training Centre

rpm command is used to manage and install software packages.

This command performs installation, removal and verification of
software package.

Each package is actually an rpm packages.

rpm consists of an archive of software file and information to

Each archive is resides as a single file with a name that ends with

Using rpm command
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rpm command is used either for installing or uninstalling package.
rpm [parameter] package name [options]
-i - Installs package.
-U - Updates package.
-e - Remove a package.
-qi - Displays information for an installed
-ql - Displays file list for installed package
-qpi - Displays information from an rpm package file.
(used for uninstalled packages)
-qpl - Displays file list from an rpm package file. (used for
uninstalled packages)
Using rpm command
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--force - Forces installation despite conflicts
--nodeps - Install or remove without doing any
dependency checks.
--aid - Automatic dependency to install a
package. (While available of package
rpmdb-redhat aid option will work

Using rpm command
ADVANTAGE PRO Chennais Premier Networking Training Centre
To view an IP-address

Two methods available in linux to view the ip address
ifconfig :
-shows the ip address of the active interfaces with hardware
-it can show ip address of a particular interface by taking the
interface name as argument
ifconfig eth0
ip a :
- simply shows the ip address of all interface.

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ifup / ifdown command
-ifup command is used to activate the interfaces.

ifup <interfacename>

-ifdown command is used to deactivate the interface

ifdown <interfacename>

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In linux ip address can be assigned by the following methods.
- to assign permanent ip address to the interface

- to assign temporary ip address to the interface.
ifconfig <interfacename> <ipaddress> subnetmask
<subnetmaskaddress> broadcast <broadcastaddress>

ip a a :
- to assign additional ip address temporarily
ip a a <ip/subnetmaskaddress> dev <interfacename>

Assigning ip address
ADVANTAGE PRO Chennais Premier Networking Training Centre
ping command
It is used to detect whether a system is up and running.
ping [options] <domainname>
ping [options] <ipaddress>
a - audible ping
b - to ping the broadcast address
c - stop sending packets after count.

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Standard Boot loader
There are two standard boot loader are used in Linux


GRand Unified Boot loader


LInux LOader
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GRUB Grand Unified Boot Loader

is a multi boot loader that operates similar to LILO and default
boot loader for Redhat Linux.

Using GRUB user can select operating systems to run from a menu
interface displayed when a system boot up

Supports MD5 password protection, a boot menu editing mode
and a shell like command line interface available at boot time.

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LILO means Linux loader

LILO is a program written to boot sector of a disk that loads the
OS and starts execution.

It is an older version of boot loader of Red Hat Linux.

LILO loads the Kernel based on its actual sector location on the
disk , rather than its file name

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/etc/lilo.conf - Configuration file

lilo -v - To install or update the lilo
boot loader.

lilo -t - Test the configuration before

lilo -u- To restore the MBR backup.

Grubby - bootloader-probe : to show
the a current boot loader.
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This is configuration file for grub boot loader.

grub-install /dev/hda
To install the grub boot loader in hda device.

grubby bootloader-probe
To show the current boot loader .
GRUB installation
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Kernel initialization
As systems boots, kernel get initialized and the following functions
are occurred.

Device detection: kernel will compile the device drivers and locate it
to the corresponding devices.

Mounts root file system: After the device detection the kernel will
mount the root file system as read only.

Load initial process: The very first process (init) is then loaded
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Initial process
Init :
It is the superior of all processes.
As soon as init process is loaded the control is passed from
kernel to this process.

File which contains the information on how init should setup
the system in every run level, as well as the run level to use a
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Run levels
init 0 : Shutdown the system or halt

init 1 : Single-user mode.

init 2 : Multi-user mode with out networking support.

init 3 : Multi-user mode with networking support.

init 4 : Unused.

init 5 : Graphical user interface.

init 6 : Reboot the system.

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