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The Monitor
The Keyboard
The Mouse
The Floppy Diskette
Central Processing Unit
-a machine that
processes information and
performs computations.
-a computer is a
machine that manipulates
data according to a set of
The Monitor
The Computer Monitor is the computer
user's window into the workings of the
computer.  It consists of a television
picture tube that had been modified to
accept the type of video signal created
by the computer's electronics. 
Conventional televisions can be used
as computer monitors if a translation
device is used to connect them.  The
picture quality leaves something to be
The Keyboard
The Keyboard is the primary
input device used to
communicate with the
computer.  A computer
keyboard closely resembles a
conventional typewriter
keyboard with the addition of
numerous keys that are used
specifically for computing
The Mouse
Named for the resemblance of the wire
coming out of it and a mouse's tail, the
mouse was introduced to computing in
the early 1980's when Macintosh
created its graphical user interface
(GUI).  The mouse is another input
device used to point at objects on the
computer monitor and select them. 
Using the mouse and keyboard in
combination allows the computer user
substantial latitude in how to
accomplish a wide variety of tasks.

Left Mouse Button - usually use this button. 

Right Mouse Button - occasionally use this button
for "special" actions.
Scroll Wheel - the mouse wheel may work
differently from program to program. and it may
not work in some programs. In most word processing
programs, you can rotate the wheel to move up or
down the page, equivalent to using the PAGE UP or
PAGE DOWN keys on your keyboard or to clicking the
scroll bar.  Due to various problems it is  best
if you do not use the scroll wheel in the computer
The Floppy Diskette
Once the most advanced of storage
devices, floppy diskettes are normally
used a temporary storage containers
or transportation media for data.  A
standard floppy diskette can hold 1.44
MB of computer data.  This amounts to
a rather large number of pages if
translated to the paper standard for
textual information.   Computer
diskettes are not as reliable or fast as
the internal storage drives on the
computer.  They are also the primary
vector of virus infection in the
computer world
Central Processing Unit
The Central Processing Unit
(CPU) or processor is the
portion of a computer system
that carries out the instructions
of a computer program, and is
the primary element carrying
out the computer's functions.
Computer Peripherals
Computer peripherals are any
electronic devices that can be hooked
up to a computer other than the
standard input-output devices
(monitor, keyboard,mouse).  
Peripheral devices include speakers,
microphones, printers, scanners,
digital cameras, plotters, and
modems.  Peripherals often require
special software packages called
"drivers".  These drivers are usually
included with the peripheral at
purchase time.
One of the best features of a computer is the
ability to give the computer commands and
feed it information.  Without an input device
this would not be possible.  Input devices
can be built into the computer, like the
keyboard in a laptop, or it can be connected
to the computer by a cable.  The most
common input device is the keyboard. 
There are lots of others such as: mice,
trackballs, touch pads, touch screens, pens,
joy sticks, scanners, bar code readers, video
and digital cameras, and microphones.  In
addition, storage devices such as disk drives
can serve as input devices.
Input is important but equally
important is the ability to read what
the computer is doing.  The computer
output devices are used to serve the
user.  The most common output device
is the monitor, or screen.  However
most computer come with speakers
and a printer which are excellent
output devices.  Storage devices such
as disk drives and diskettes also serve
as output devices when it is necessary
to write new or updated data files to
disk or tape.

K ILO K, KB 1 , 0 2 4 b yte s

M EG A M , M B , M eg 1 , 0 4 8 , 5 7 6 b yte s
( Million)
G IG A G , G B , G ig a 1, 073, 741, 824
b yte s ( B illio n )

TER A T , T B , T e ra 1, 099, 511, 628,

0 0 0 b yte s ( T rillio n )

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