International Monetary Fund

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Srinivas R. Khode

Elimination of Exchange controls.

Ensuring reasonable stability of exchange rate.

Develop multilateral trade and payments.

Working of IMF
1.General Data Dissemination System (GDDS)

2. Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS).

Working of IMF
In 1995, the International Monetary Fund began work on data
dissemination standards with the view of guiding IMF member
countries to disseminate their economic and financial data to the
public. The International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC)
endorsed the guidelines for the dissemination standards and they
were split into two tiers: The General Data Dissemination System
(GDDS) and the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS).
Funding Facilities of IMF
IMF Financial Policies

 Reserve Tranche Policies

 Credit Tranche Policies

 Policy on Emergency Assistance

Debt and Debt-Service Reduction Policies

Regular IMF Facilities
 Stand-by arrangements (SBA): designed to provide short-term balance of
payments assistance for deficits of a temporary or cyclical nature, such arrangements
are typically for 12 to 18 months. Drawings are phased on a quarterly basis, with
their release made conditional on meeting performance criteria and the completion
of periodic program reviews. Repurchases are made 3¼ to 5 years after each

 Extended Fund Facility (EFF): designed to support medium-term programs that

generally run for three years, the EFF aims at overcoming balance of payments
difficulties stemming from macroeconomic and structural problems. Performance
criteria are applied, similar to those in stand-by arrangements, and repurchases are
made in 4½ to 10 years.
IMF Strategies
1. Globalisation
2. The factors and institutions we must influence
 Technology
 Transnational capital
 Global institutions of governance
 National and Regional Governance
 Social movements and organizations
3. Strategies and tactics for implementation
 National Affiliates
 Regional Activities
 World Level Activities

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