Personality: Sagar Gaonkar Prashant Desai

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 Sagar
 Prashant

What is Personality ?
 The Most Frequently Used Definition of Personality Produce by Gordon
Allport. He said Personality is "The Dynamic Organization within the
individual of those psychophysical system that determines the person
unique adjustment to his enviournment.

 For Our Purpose PERSONALITY as the sum total of ways in which an

individual reacts to and interacts with others. Its is most often
describe in terms of measurable traits that person exhibits.
Personality Determinants
 An early debate in personality
research centered on whether an
individual personality was the
result of heredity or of
environment. Perhaps appears to
be result of both influences.
Inadditon, today we recognize a
third factor the situation. Thus
an adult personality is now
generally considered to be made
up of both hereditary and
environmental factors, moderated
by situational condition.
Heredity refers to those factor
that were determine at
conception. The heredity approach
argue that the ultimate
explanation of individual
personality is the molecular
structure of the genes located
in the chromosomes.
Three different streams of research

lend some credibility to the

argument that heredity plays
important part in determine an
individual personality
 The first looks at the genetic
underpinning of human behavior
and temperament among young
 Second addresses the study of
twins who where separated at
the birth
 Third examines the consistency
in job satisfaction.
Among the factor that exert
pressure on our personality
formation are the culture in
which we are raised our early
conditioning the norms among the
our family, friends and social
groups .
For example, culture establishes

the norms, attitude and values

that are passed along from one
generation to the next and
create consistencies overtime.
Careful Consideration of the
argument of personality forces
the conclusion that both are
important . Heredity provides us
with inborn traits and abilities
but our full potential will be
determined by how well we adjust
to the demand and requirement of
the Environment.

Third factor the situation

influences the effect of heredity
and environment on personality
A individual personality although

generally stable and consistence

does change in different
situations. The demands of the
different situation call forth
different aspect of one’s
Popular characteristics include shy, aggressive, submissive. Lazy, ambitious
and loyal. Those characteristics when they exhibited in large number of
situations are called personality traits. The more consistent the
characteristic and the more frequently it occurs in diverse situation the
more important that trait is in determining the individual.
Researchers have long believed that these traits could help in employee

selection, matching people to jobs and in guiding career development

If certain personality types perform better on specific jobs, management

could use personality test to screen job candidates and improve employee
job performance.
There were a number of early efforts to identify the primary traits that
govern behavior.
However for the most part these efforts resulted in long list of traits
that were difficult to generalize from and provided little practical
guidance to organizational decision makers.
Two Exceptions are:

T h e M ye rs –B rig g s Typ e In d ica to r

The Big -Five Model

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Extrovert (E)-Outgoing, sociable, and
Type of Social assertive
Interaction Introvert (I)-Quite and Shy

Preference for Sensing (S)-practical and prefer routine

Gathering Data Intuitive (N)-Rely on Unconscious
Feeling (F)-Rely on Personal Values &
Preference for Emotion
Decision Making Thinking(T)-Use Logic and Reason to
fix problem
Perceptive(P)-They Flexible and
S tyle o f Spontaneous
T h eDMe eciye rs -B rig g
sio n M a kin gs Typ e In d ica to r is a 1 0 0 - q u e stio n p e rso
Judgmental n a lity
(J)-Want te stworld
their th a tto
a sks
p e o p le be order
And Structure.
to se le ct h o w th e y u su a lly fe e l o r a ct in p a rticu la r situ a tio n s. O n th e b a sis o f
th e ir a n sw e rs,
th e y a re cla ssifie d a s extro ve rte d o r in tro ve rte d ( E o r I), se n sin g o r in tu itive
( S or N ),
th in kin g o r fe e lin g ( T o r F ), a n d p e rce ivin g o r ju d g in g ( P o r J). S in ce re su lts
p ro vid e
These Classification are then combined into 16 personality types. To
for example, INTJ-are visionaries. They usually have original minds and
great drive for own ideas and purposes. They are characterized as
critical,independent,determined and often stubborn

While ESTJ are organizers. They are realistic, logical, analytical and
decisive and have a natural head for business or mechanics, they like to
organize and run activities
Openness to ss
Big Five
Emotional Conscientious
Stability ness

. The Big - Five Model of personality—

personality The Big Five—offers a
comprehensive, unifying framework for identifying personality dimensions

The dimension of extraversion captures one’s comfort level with relationships.

Extroverts tend to maintain a large number of relationships. Introverts tend
to be reserved and have fewer relationships.
The dimension of agreeableness refers to a person’s propensity to defer to
others. People high in this dimension value harmony more than having their own
way. People low in this dimension focus on their own needs more than on the
needs of others.
The dimension of conscientiousness refers to the number of goals on which a
person focuses. Those high in this dimension pursue fewer goals and tend to be
responsible, persistent, and achievement-oriented. Those low in this dimension
tend to be more easily distracted, less focused
Emotional stability refers a person’s ability to withstand stress. People
high on this dimension tend to be calm, enthusiastic, and secure. Those low
in this dimension tend to be anxious, nervous, and insecure.
Openness to experience refers to one’s range of interests. Those high in
this dimension are fascinated by imaginative, creative, and intellectual
activities. Those low in this dimension tend to be more conventional and
prefer the familiar
Major Personality Attributes
Influencing Organizational
Locus of control
A person’s perception of the source of
his/her fate is termed locus of control .

- People who believe that they are masters
of their own fate.
- People who believe they are pawns of

•High Machs are practical, maintains emotional

distance, and believes that ends can justify means.
They manipulate more, win more, are less
influenced, and influence others more

•“If it works use it”

Risk Taking
(willingness to take chances)

The tendency to assume or avoid risk

has been shown to have an impact on
how long it takes managers to make a
decision and how much information they
require before making their choice.
The degree to which people like or
dislike themselves.

Individuals with high self-esteem will take

more risks in job selection and are more
likely to choose unconventional jobs than
people with low self-esteem.
Ability to adjust his or her
behavior to external,
situational factors.
Individuals high in self-monitoring show
considerable adaptability. They are highly
sensitive to external cues, can behave
differently in different situations, and are
capable of presenting striking contradictions
between their public persona and their
private self.
Type A
Aggressively involved in a unending
struggle to achieve more and more in
less and less time, and, if required to do
so, against the opposing efforts of other
things or other persons

Type B
Type Bs never suffer from a sense of
time urgency with its accompanying
impatience and feel no need to
display or discuss either their
achievements or accomplishments
unless such exposure is demanded
by the situation.
Proactive Personality
Proactive identify opportunity, show initiative, take
action and struggle until meaningful change occurs.
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