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Fertilisasi pada Hewan

D. Listyorini

Spermatozoa can reach uterine tube
within 10 minutes of ejaculation
can not fertilize egg until undergo capacitation
requires 10 hours for process to occur
female fluids wash away cholesterol & inhibitory
sperm membrane becomes fragile & permeable to
Sperm fertile for 48 hours after ejaculation
Conception of a child can occur during a
window of time spanning 48 hours before
ovulation to 14 hours after
Sperm Migration
Majority of sperm do not make it to egg
destroyed by vaginal acid
fail to penetrate the cervical canal mucus
go up wrong uterine tube
Move by lashing of sperm tail
Assisted by female physiology
strands of cervical mucus
uterine contractions
chemical attraction

Acrosomal reaction of sperm
release of enzymes needed to penetrate the egg
granulosa cells and zona pellucida
hyaluronidase digests hyaluronic acid binding granulosa
acrosin is a protease similar to trypsin
membranes of 2 gametes fuse & sperm enters
Prevention of polyspermy
fast block = depolarization of membrane by
opening of Na+ channels prevents binding of
second sperm
slow block = sperm penetration triggers Ca+2
inflow, cortical granules form fertilization
called the cortical reaction

Sel telur dan spermatozoa
Meiosis II
Secondary oocyte completes meiosis only if
produces 2nd polar body
Swollen sperm & egg nuclei called pronuclei
Pronuclei rupture
Chromosomes of 2 gametes mix
Fertilized egg is now called a zygote
Our cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes
22 pairs of autosomes
1 pair of sex chromosomes (XY males: XX females)
males produce 50% Y carrying sperm and 50% X
all eggs carry the X sex chromosome

Sex of the child is
determined by the type
of sperm that fertilizes
the mothers egg
Role of the Sex Chromosomes
Normal Disjunction of X Chromosomes
Preembryonic Stage or First 2 Weeks
Cleavage = mitotic divisions occurring in 1st three days after
first cell divides into 2 daughter cells (blastomeres) within
30 hrs --- 16 or more cells by 72 hrs later
called a morula (solid ball of small cells)
Morula free in uterine cavity for 4-5 days
nourished by endometrial secretion (uterine milk)
Zona pellucida disintegrates to release blastocyst
outer cells of hollow sphere = trophoblast which helps to
form placenta
inner cell mass (embryoblast) develops into embryo
Steps of Embryogenesis
Arrangement of blastomeres into 3
primary germ layers
endoderm, mesoderm, & ectoderm
Formation of amniotic cavity between
embryoblast & cytotrophoblast (see
next slide)
Flattening of embryoblast into
embryonic disc formed from ectodermal
& endodermal cells
Cells sink into primitive streak
(a groove) & spread laterally as
the mesoderm layer
gelatinous tissue (mesenchyme
Events from Ovulation to Implantation
Implantation and placenta formation
Attaches to uterine wall 6 days after ovulation
Syncytiotrophoblast is multinucleate mass that grows roots
and digests its way in to endometrium
secretes human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) which
stimulates corpus luteum to secrete estrogen &
turns into chorion which takes over role of corpus luteum
Endometrium grows over (encloses) implanting embryo
Implantation and placenta formation
The Implanted Conceptus at 2
Dizygotic twins
2 eggs are ovulated and fertilized
no more similar than any other siblings
multiple ovulation can produce any number of
Monozygotic twins
single egg is fertilized and embryoblast divides in
genetically identical siblings (controversial concept)
must be same sex
triplets and quadruplets occasionally occur
Dizygotic twin
Monozygotic twin
Hormone Actions:
ovaries, stimulates development of eggs and
testes, stimulates production of sperm
females, stimulates ovulation and corpus luteum
to secrete progesterone
males, stimulates interstitial cells of testes to
secrete testosterone
regulates response to stress, effect on adrenal
cortex and secretion of glucocorticoids
female, milk synthesis
male, LH sensitivity, thus testosterone secretion
targets kidneys to water retention, reduce urine
also functions as neurotransmitter
labor contractions, lactation
possible role sperm transport, emotional bonding

Hormone Actions:

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