Application Software

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Application software is a set of one or

more programs designed to carry out

operations for a specific application.
Application software can be used as
a productivity/business tool; to assist
with graphics and multimedia
projects; to support home, personal,
and educational activities; and to
facilitate communications.
In-house developed Contract
Proprietary Software
In-house developed Contract
Customized Package Standard Package
Off-the-shellf Software
Application Software
Types of Application Software
Designed to solve a unique and specific
Development of application software using the
companys resources
Developed for a particular company
An existing software program that can be used
without considerable changes expected
Application Software gives organizations the ability to
solve problems and perform specific activities and
Proprietary application software solves a unique or
specific problem.
Proprietary application software can be In-house
developed or developed by external vendors in
which case is called contract software.
Advantages of proprietary application software:
Software usually meets the user requirements
Provides flexibility in making modifications
Offers more control over the results
Disadvantages of proprietary application software:
Can take a long time and significant resources to develop
Has more risk concerning the features and performance
Off-the-shelf application software may be
purchased, leased, or rented from a software
company. Off-the-shelf application software can be
customized to better fit company specific needs.
Advantages of Off-the-shelf application software:
Lower initial cost
Lower risk that the software will fail
Higher quality usually without bugs and well tested
Disadvantages Off-the-shelf application software:
May pay for features never used
May lack important features
May not match current work processes
A spreadsheet is an interactive computer
application program for organization,
analysis and storage
of data in tabular form. Spreadsheets
developed as computerized simulations of
paper accounting worksheets. The program
operates on data represented as cells of an
array, organized in rows and columns. Calc
Microsoft Office Excel
Apple iWork Numbers
A Software that converts data into a unified
format by taking derived data to create new
fields, merging files, summarizing and filtering
data; the process of reading data from
operational systems. Data Management
Software is also known as data extraction

Microsoft Access
Visual FoxPro
MySQL Database

Software that allows the user to
manipulate text using many writing and
editing features.

Microsoft Word
OpenOffice Writer
Corel WordPerfect
Software that enables microcomputers to
combine photographs and graphic images
with text, to produce a finished, camera-
ready document.

Adobe InDesign
Microsoft Publisher
Serif PagePlus

Software that enables the users to
create, store and display or print charts,
graphs, maps and drawings.
Categories of graphic Software
Presentation graphic software
Analysis Graphic Software
Computer-aided design (CAD) software
Software that enables users to create
graphically rich presentations by
pasting graphic images into a textual
MS PowerPoint
IBM Lotus Freelance graphics
Software that provides the ability to
convert previously analyzed data into
graphic formats.
Software that allows designers to design the
build production prototypes in software,
test them, compile parts list, outline
assembly procedures, and then transmit the
final design directly to machine.
Computer-aided design is used in many
fields. Its use in designing electronic systems
is known as electronic design automation,
or EDA. In mechanical design it is known as
mechanical design automation (MDA)
or computer-aided drafting (CAD), which
includes the process of creating a technical
drawing with the use of computer software.

AutoCAD and MicroStation
Software that combines spatially based
media (text and images) with time-
based media (sound and video) for
input or output of data.
Software that allows computers,
wherever they are located, to exchange
data via cables, telephones lines,
satellite relay systems, or microwave

Software that recognizes and interprets
human speech, either one word at a
time (Discrete speech) or in a stream
(continuous speech).
Siri Personal Assistant
Voice Navigator

Software that facilitates communication, coordination, and
collaboration among people.
Collaborative software is a broad concept that greatly overlaps
with Computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW). Some
authors argue they are equivalent. According to Carstensen
and Schmidt (1999)

groupware is part of CSCW. The authors
claim that CSCW, and thereby groupware, addresses "how
collaborative activities and their coordination can be supported
by means of computer systems". Software products such as
email, calendaring, text chat, wiki, and bookmarking belong to
this category, whenever used for group work, whereas the more
general term social software applies to systems used outside the
workplace, for example, online dating services and social
networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. It has been
suggested that Metcalfe's law the more people who use
something, the more valuable it becomes applies to these
types of software.

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