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Standard Scientific Model
Active areas
divergence, convergence, transform
hot spots
Evidence GPS, fossil matches, ocean crust age
COLOMBIA plate tectonics
Bible Perspectives

Modified from Paris and Marin, 1979)
Standard Scientific Model
Bible Perspectives
Bible geography, references
History theologians, science revolution
Alternative theories but problems
Mt Hermon
pop up
Dead Sea
pull apart
Red Sea
Spreading zone
All around him the apostle beheld witnesses to the Flood
that had deluged the earth because the inhabitants
ventured to transgress the law of God. The rocks thrown
up from the great deep and from the earth by the
breaking forth of the waters, brought vividly to his mind
the terrors of that awful outpouring of Gods wrath.

Upper Cenozoic
in the days of Uzziah, king of Judah (Amos 1:1; Zech 14:5)
at specific events
when Korah and company were swallowed up (Num 16:31,32)
during Jonathans attack on the garrison in Gibeah (I Sam 14:15)
while Elijah was at Horeb (I Kings 19:11)
at Jesus crucifixion and resurrection (Matt 27:51; 28:2)
when Paul was in prison at Philippi (Acts 16:26)
more general (Job 9:6; Ps 18:7; 46:2,3; Jer 4:24)
the result of judgment (Ps 60:2; Isa 13:13,14; 24:19,20; 29:6)
prophecies (Eze 38:19; Zech 14:4; Matt 24:7; Mark 13:8; Luke
21:11; Rev 11:19)

when God causes mountains to burn or melt or flow or
smoke (Ps 97:5; 144:5; Isa 34:9,10; 64:1-3; Jer 51:25)
in the future
the elements will melt with fervent heat (2 Pet 3:10)
a lake of fire for judgment (Rev 19:20; 20:10,14,15; 21:8)

when God came down on Mt. Sinai
it both quaked (Ex 19:18; Ps 68:8; 77:18; 114:4-7; Heb 12:26)
and burned (Deut 4:11; 5:23; Judges 5:5)
both earthquakes and volcanics at Gods presence
(Ps 104:32; Micah 1:4; Nahum 1:5,6).

Earthquake 8.7 magnitude
Tsunami 5-10 m high
60,000 people died
9.1 magnitude
>150,000 people died
7.0 magnitude
9.0 magnitude
Placet, French cleric and theologian, 1668
before the Deluge, America was not separated from the
other parts of the earth, and there were no islands
Theodor Lilienthal, German theologian, 1700s
continental drift - biblical exegesis of 1Chron 1:19

Genesis 10:25
And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was
Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his
brother's name was Joktan
1920s continental drift suggested
1960s plate tectonics accepted
200 Ma to separate old and new world
Michael Oard no plate motion
(Creation ex Nihilo Technical Journal)
Walter Brown hydroplate theory
Runaway subduction
Rapid reversals of earths magnetic field
Volcanic fissure eruptions
Steam jettisoned into atmosphere global rain
Ocean floors raised waters onto continents
there is universal
agreement that Terra,
created to prove the
Bible literally true, is one
of the most useful and
powerful geological
tools in existence
Baumgardner says, the Flood catastrophe cannot be
understood or modeled in terms of time-invariant laws
of nature. Intervention by God in the natural order
during and after the catastrophe appears to be a logical
necessity. Manifestations of the intervention appear to
include a loss of thermal energy afterward.

Baumgardner, J. R. (1986). Numerical simulation of the large-scale tectonic changes accompanying the flood.
Proceedings of the first International Conference on Creationism: held August 4-9, 1986, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. R. E.
Walsh, C. L. Brooks and R. S. Crowell. Pittsburgh, PA, Creation Science Fellowship. 2: 17-30.

Standard Scientific Model
Bible Perspectives
Plate tectonic theory does not fit nicely in a short time
We can trust the details to an all-wise God, for His
foolishness is greater than our wisdom (I Cor. 1:25ff).
Scientists continue to ask questions, but like Job, fully
trust God in the process (Job 13:15).

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