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Narcissus at 60

Andrew Eisner & Cristian Cardenas

Period 3
Greek Mythology
Mr. Ostini
English Honors 2
Main Character(s)
Narcissus: Was a hunter of the territory
of Thespiae in Boeotia who was
known for his beauty. He was the son
of a river god named Cephissus and a
nymph named Liriope. He was
exceptionally proud, in that he
disdained those who loved him.
The setting takes place at a pool in
ancient Greece in the territory of
Thespiae in Boeotia.
Main Plot
Nemesis noticed this behavior and
attracted Narcissus to a pool,
where he saw his own reflection in
the water and fell in love with it,
not realizing it was merely an
image. Unable to leave the beauty
of his reflection, Narcissus died.
Main Conflict
The main conflict of this fine piece of
mythology can be explained by the
basic concept of pride. Narcissus
practiced the demonstration of
pride which lead to his death
ultimately from as a result of his
mental weakness.
This mythological literature
displays the downfall of one whom
demonstrates pride. It serves a
moral tale attempting to enlighten
persons of the inevitability of the
consequences of practicing pride
through the metaphorical
occurrence of death.
The Decision
We disagree of the decision/mentality
and lack of intellectual superiority
that Narcissuss LateraL
Orbitofrontal consists of. By being
gifted with attractiveness he allows
it to get into his head making him
prideful and with the mentality that
he is superior than everyone else
demonstrated through his actions and
attitude which is morally wrong.
Education and Entertainment Impact to Modern
Subjects of modern society typically have
narrow-minded and shallow outlooks in life
centering in on the welfare and beneficial
opportunities of themselves instead of
demonstrating humbleness and selflessness
that would benefit our shattered society. This
passage demonstrates the consequences and
moraL perspective oN oNes pride which caN eveN
be fatal according to the myth. It also serves
as an entertainment factor because people
psychologically and instinctively transfixed
with the idea of oNes dowNfaLL through
performing actions or traits opposing morals.
Personal Reaction
Our personal opinion of this myth
consists of our appreciativeness of
its briLLiaNce iN its simpLicity aNd
the moral message embedded in it
which hopefully has enlightened
many unfortunate people whom
demoNstrate pride of its
metaphorical, and in some instances,
even literal consequences.

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