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M.Sc (N) 2
Discipline means orderliness. It is the
primary responsibility of the management to
maintain discipline. Hospitals and organized
delivery system that have been organized by
unions have found if necessary to establish
formal labour relations divisions within their
human resources departments

Discipline can be defined as a training or
molding of the mind or character to bring
about desired behavior. Manquis K.B and
Hustons. (2003).

The ward discipline comes from the Latin
term discipline, which means teaching,
learning and growing.
Constructive discipline uses discipline as a
means of helping the employee to grow it as a
punishitive measures. Punishment may be
applied for improper behavior, but it is carried
out in a supportive, corrective manner.

Importance of discipline
Creation of a favorable environment:
Discipline creates a climate under which
individual excellence is encouraged, group
performance is improved.
Establishment of a code of conduct:
Discipline set a pattern of acceptable behavior
and performance of the part of human beings.
Morale building:
Discipline is necessary for an ordered way of
life in all groupings of human being.

Causes of indiscipline
(i) Varying disciplinary measures
o Disciplinary actions must be consistent
enough to provide equal Justice to all
o A different times and for everyone in the
organization, the same standards of
disciplinary measures are to be taken.

ii) Deferring settlement of employee grievances
Employee grievance cannot be stawed off by
determining or neglecting their solution.
Known grievances are to ensure into and
settled by manager within a reasonable

(iii) Misjudgment in promotion and placement
Misjudgment in promotion and placements
in personnel matters of promotions,
placements contributes to the growth of
indiscipline in and enterprise.

(iv) Lack of a well defined code of discipline
Requirements and formalities of discipline are
to be communicated to all employee in a
clear simple language
The code of discipline should encompass
sufficient rules , Regulations or customary
practices for the guidance and information of


Standards of discipline used to determine if
the employee was treated fairly
Whether or not the employee has a right to
appeal a disciplinary action.

(I) Communication of rules and performance
Employees should be aware of the companies
rules and standard, and the consequences of
violating them.
Every employee and supervisor should
understand the companies disciplinary
policies and procedure fully.

(ii) Documentation of the feats
Manager should gather a convincing
amount of evidence to justify the discipline.
(iii) Consistent response to rule violations
It is important for employee to believe
that discipline is administered consistently,
predictably and without discrimination or
(iv) Misrule through dividing people
Henri fayols has pointed out that dividing
enemy forces to weaken them in clever, but
dividing ones own team is a grave in against
the business.
Many managers obtain secret information
about other employees thought the help of
their trusted consistent.
(v) Inappropriate supervision
Supervision have a direct contact with
employee and many disciplinary problems
have their origin in faculty supervision in the
maintenance in discipline is the core of
supervisory responsibilities, indiscipline may
spring from the want of the right type of
(vi) Inadequate attention to the personnel
Actions or relations of people are the direct
outcome of their attitudes.
Attitudes influence human beings and their
The understanding of the personal problems and
individual difficulties as well as according with
employees in necessary for the maintenance of
Inadequate attention to individual problem may
this give rise to indiscipline.

Discipline should be immediate, provide
ample warning and be consistently applied to
all. The rule suggests that the disciplinary
process is similar to touching a hot stove.
Touching a hot stove result in an immediate
consequence, which is a burn. Discipline
should also be an immediate consequences
that follows a rule infraction.

The hot stove provides a warning that one will
get burned if one touches it. Disciplinary rules
should inform employee of the consequences
of breaking the rules as well.
A hot stove is consistent in administering pain
to any one who touches it. Disciplinary rules
should be consistently applied to all.

Progressive discipline
A series of management intervention that
gives employees opportunities to correct
undesirable behavior.
Verbal warning
An employee who commits a minor violation
receives a verbal warning from the superior
and is told that if this problem continues
within a specific periods of time, harsher
punishment will follow.

Written warning
The employee violates the same rule which
the specified time period and now receives a
written warning from the period the superior.
This warning gores into the employees

The employee still fails to respond to
warnings and again violates the work rule.
The employee is now suspended from
employment without pay for a specific
amount of time.
The employee violates the rule one/more
time within the specifies time period and is

Categories of Employee Misconduct

Minor violation

Dress code violation
Safety rule violation
Sleeping on the job

Serious violations

Physical assault upon a
Drug use at work
ii) Positive discipline
A discipline procedure that encourages
employee to monitor their own behaviors and
assume responsibility for their action.
A four step positive discipline procedure starts
with a first counseling session between
employee and supervisor that ends with a
verbal solution that as acceptable both

If this solution does not work, the superior
and employee meet again to discuss way it
failed and to develop a new plan and solve
the problem.
Second step: new agreed upon solution to the
problem written down. If there is no
improvement in performance.
Third step: final warning that employee is at
risk of being discharged rather than suspend
the employee without pay

Fourth step: Positive discipline procedure
incidents of gross misconduct are treated no
differently under a progressive discipline
procedure in both systems theft will most
likely result in immediate discharge .



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