Ketan Joshi Roll No:55 Te CMPN A

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- Ketan Joshi

Roll no:55

Aamir is a hindi low budget movie released is
The movie revolves around a guy named
Aamir ali who is a doctor in London who on
his arrival in Mumbai found himself in mercy
of islamic extremist who are planning to carry
out a bombing in city.

The film bigins with Aamir returning to Mumbai
on a vacation.Upon arriaval a mysterious person
hands him a cellphone and ask him to follow
instructions. Relctunt to this later he realises
that his family is kidnaped and he must follow
the instruction and thus his NIGHTMARE begins.

The instructor asks Aamir Ali to think of Islam
and wants him to do something for his
religion rather than work and live in a foreign
country.Aamir means a LEADER and he must
do something for his relegion.
He is first led to the place Dongri, a place of
muslim slums poverty, a gross living area.

He is given a number and told to call on PCO
the number is of Karachi,pakistan.where he is
told package is ready.

He is then asked to proceed to stay in a lodge,
where a lame man asks him to follow him. He
is then led to a house where he is given a red
briefcase. Initially thinking the briefcase
consists of a bomb, he opens it and finds that
it contains full of money.
Even in the lodge he is given very unedible
food to make an impression what kind life
people of his relegion are living.During the
stay in lodge a sex worker ask him for service.

From the lodge, he is asked to catch a
particular bus at a designated time. He leaves
to catch the bus, but on the way his briefcase
gets stolen.
Realizing that the only way to save his family
is to get back the briefcase, he enlists the
help of a sex worker whom he met at the
lodge he was staying. After finding the place,
he fights back and takes the briefcase.

He burst into tears when he gets his briefcase
which is the only hope to save his family.

He is siting in a bus still in shock.A phone
rings,he picks up the phone and a mysterious
husky voice says,put the bag below the sit
and get out of the bus
He realises evrything he did was a set up
,Including the briefcase that was stolen.but
with no option left he keep the bag and get

As soon as he gets down he sees a signal turned red,
some children smiling at him.
Something happens to him and he rushes into the bus
takes the bag and run away from the bus
Then comes the moment of silence he hold
the briefcase tightly, he remember his god ,
his family.. And the bomb EXPLODES.

After realising that we are stuck In such a
nightmarish situation he keeps his mind calm
a do as per instruction.
He came over his fear,and emotions he
decided to fight with the gangsters he beats
them to death and get back the case.
The islamic extremitists tried to brainwash
his mind but he stciked to his roots till the
end and ruined the plan of bombing the city.
When your life or ua familys life is at stake a man
can go to any level to save their lives.
There is a leader an aamir inside evryone just
waiting to for its opportunity to reveal itself.

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