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Pakistan Affairs

Resource Person:
Ahtisham Jan Butt
Lecturer, Department of History
GC University Lahore
I am here to COACH not to
Compulsory paper always a psychological
Misconception among students
Its impossible to secure good marks in
Pak Affairs
Difficulty in memorizing Dates and Years
Lengthy syllabus
Over confidence

Problem of INTEREST
How to develop interest in Pakistan
Defective Teaching Methodology at
Secondary, Higher Secondary and
Graduate level
Cramming Technique to pass Pakistan
Understanding leads to interest

How to develop INTEREST?
Class lectures- understanding
At least one book- 15 to 20 pages a day
Say NO to Borrowed Ideas and Notes
Area 1

1. Evolution of Muslim
Society in India
2. Causes of decline of
Muslim Empire in India
3. Mujadid Alf Thani
4. Shah Wali Ullah
5. Jehad Movement
6. Faraizi Movement
Area 2

1. Sir Syed and Aligarh
2. War of Independence
3. Muslim Revivalist
4. Two Nation Theory
5. Ideology of Pakistan
6. Iqbal and Jinnah
Area 3
1. Partition of Bengal 1905
2. Simla Deputation 1906
3. All India Muslim League
4. Lucknow Pact 1916
5. Khilafat Movement 1919-24
6. Delhi Muslim Proposals 1927
7. Simon Commission 1927
8. Nehru Report 1928
9. Fourteen Points 1929
10. Allabad Address 1930

Area 4
1. Round Table Conferences
2. Congress Ministries 1937-39
3. Lahore Resolution 1940
4. Cripps Mission 1942
5. Wavell Plan and Simla
Conference 145
6. The Cabinet Mission Plan
7. 3
June Plan 1947
8. The Radcliffe Award 1947


Area 5- Post Partitioned
1. Jinnahs vision of Pakistan
2. Objective Resolution
3. Constitution Making
4. Constitutions of Pakistan
1956, 1962 and 1973
5. Separation of East Pakistan
Area 6 Formula based
1. 18
and 19
2. N.F.C Award
3. Crisis of Federalism
4. Failure of Democracy in
5. Good Governance
6. Political Culture of Pakistan
7. National Integration
8. Military and Politics in
9. Baluchistan Crisis
10. Recent constitutional and
political developments
Area 7- Economy
1. Natural Resources
of Pakistan
2. Agriculture:
Problems and
3. Industry: Problems
and Solutions

Area 8- Text Book
type Questions
1. Education
2. Human Rights
3. Women Rights
4. Minority Rights
5. Child labor
6. Labor Policy etc
Area 9- Foreign Policy
1. Terrorism and Pakistan
2. Kashmir Issue
3. Afghanistan Issue
4. Pakistan and
5. Pakistans relations with
USA, Russia, China,
France, Britain, Islamic
countries and India

Area 10

Tricky Question

Try to absorb class
For in order to develop
interest lets start with
political history and try to
grasp it in a story telling

Book Reading

Good Book Formula
1. Haroon ur Rasheed, Pakistan:
Successful Culmination
2. Ahmed Saeed, Trek to Pakistan
3. I.H.Qureshi, The struggle for Pakistan
4. Khalid Bin Saeed, Pakistan: The
formative phase
5. S.M.Ikram, Modern Muslim India and
Birth of Pakistan
6. K.K.Aziz, The Making of Pakistan

Simla Deputation
Factors/ Historical Background
1. Rise of Hindu Nationalism (Anti Muslim role of B.G.Tilak, Balpal Lal and Bipan
2. Est. of Congress
3. Sir Syeds Death
4. Results of 1892 Elections
5. Anti Partition Movement against Partition of Bengal
6. Coming of Liberal party in England 1905
7. Morleys budget speech
8. Resurgence of Hindi Urdu Controversy 1900- U.P

Formation of Simla Deputation
1. 35 members met Lord Minto on 1
October 1906
viqar ul mulk, muhsin ul mulk, kh hasan bilgarami, nawab imaad ud din, sir adam
jee peer bhai and sir aga khan
2. Role of Nawab Muhsin Ul Mulk

Separate Electorates
Muslim representation in Imperial Legislative
councils as per their population
Favor of partition of Bengal
Aligarh university
Muslim appointment of Judges at High Courts
Job opportunities
Preserving the rights of Muslims in Non Muslim
Majority Provinces
British Reaction Hindu Reaction

Amrita B Patrika

First and formal demand of separate electorates on the basis of TNT
First time Hindu Muslim Conflict was lifted to the constitutional
Marked the beginning of Muslim political movement
Demands of S.D are Magna Carta of Pakistan Movement
Great boost to Muslim Nationalism
Remained focal point of Muslim politics for next two decades
Constitutional significance in worlds context
Two fold significance for Syed Ameer Ali a) Muslim Politics b) British
Acceptance of demand of separate electorate served as the basis
for subsequent development and Muslim demands
Lucknow Pact
Factors/ Background
1. Change in Muslim politics in the 2
decade of 20
2. Emergence of new educated leadership
3. Rise of new brand of Journalism
4. Efforts for Hindu Muslim Unity
5. Role of Muslim League London Branch
6. British Indifference towards Muslim demands
7. Sympathetic attitude of congress towards League
8. Change in Creed of Muslim League
9. Role of Liberal Leadership
10. Jinnahs efforts and his role
11. Outbreak of World War I
Lucknow pact
Immediate Background
1. Scheme of 19- Sep 1916
2. Growing resentment among I.N.C and A.I.M.L against British
Lucknow Pact
Firstly both parties held annual sessions in Bombay December 1915

Est. of Committees for Joint Constitutional proposals

Committees met in Nov 1916 in Calcutta and prepared scheme. This
scheme was passed in Dec 1916s combine session in Lucknow.
Hindus agreed to S.E
33% representation for Muslims in Imperial Legislative Council
Weight-age Formula***
No non-official member will present bill relating to other nation if 3/4
affected nation oppose.
I.L.C seats 150
Right to move adjournment Bills
Provincial Autonomy (Governor be elected)
Right to ask supplementary questions
All sources to be transfer to provincial governments except Railways,
Telegraph, customs, salt, opium, post.
Council of Secretary of State be disbanded- two assistant Secretaries- one
be Indian
Salary of Secretary of State be disbursed from British Exchequer
Half of the members of Governor General Executive council be Indians
Judiciary be separated from Executive
In the dismal history of Hindu Muslim relations
in the Sub-continent, the Lucknow Pact was the
only bright spot Jamil ud Din Ahmed
First and the last signed Pact
Firm foundation for Protection of Muslim Rights
Platform for Joint Anti Imperialist Movement
First step towards attaining the goal of Self Govt.
Carried great constitutional significance for
Weightage Formula wasnt of much use of
Muslims gained but at the cost of Bengal
and Punjab
Iqbals reservations
Noor Ahmed
Ch Khaliq uz Zaman
Khilafat movement
Assumes unique significance in the history
of United India in the 20
Marked the real beginning of popular
politics among Muslims
It was first and the last movement jointly
launched by Hindus and Muslims
Imparted political training to Muslims
Its failure had great repurcussions
Khilafat A brief History
Theoretical context
Historical context
Contemporary context
Three main objectives
To prevent the institution of Caliph
To preserve the sanctity of Holy places
Protection of geographical and territorial
integrity of Turkey
Aspects of Movement
Establishment of various organizations
Khilafat Committee, All India khilafat
committee and Anjuman e Khudaam e
Kaba, 20 march, 5 july and december
1919 respectively.
Khilafat Day 27
October 1919
Khilafat Delegation visited Europe
Non Corporation Movement
Hijrat Movement
Impacts- positive
Real biginning of muslim pol. Movement
Agitational politics
Psychological impact on muslims
Emergence of new leadership
Great impetus to muslim nationalism
Hindu muslim unity reached its zenith
New brand of Muslim journalism
Great mobilization efect
Anti inperialist consciousness among Muslims
Critical view
Allowed Gandhi to become top notch leader of
Failure had disastrous implications on hindu
Muslim Unity
Disastrous fall outs of Hijrat Movement
Failed to achieve its objectives
Muslim League remained dormant.
Islamization of Indian Politics
Drew Ulema and Students into Politics
Delhi Muslim Proposals
Consequences of Khilafat Movement
Hindu Muslim Riots, 117 between 1923-27
Impact on Shudi and Shangtan
Propaganda of being One Nation
Muslim Response- Tanzeem and
Standpoint of AIML and Jinnah
1927 Final effort towards Unity

33 percent for Muslims in the Imperial
Legislative Council
Sindh be Separated from Bombay
Legislative councils in NWFP and Baluchistan
Representation in Provincial Legislative Councils
of the Punjab and Bengal according to
If accepted then Muslims would accept Joint
Nehru Report
A) growing classification regarding
Montague Chelmsford Reforms/ Govt of
India Act 1919
B) Birkenhead's Challenge
C) Immediate background
It demanded a dominion status as the next immediate
Common wealth of India would have bicameral
legislature consisting of 500 members on the basis of
specific number of seats being allotted to each province
It demanded Adult franchise
It proposed Joint Electorates
It refused to reserve seats in Punjab and Bengal
Unitary form of Government
Question of Sindh
Question of Reforms in NWFP and Baluchistan
25 percent seats for Muslims in Central Legislative
Council instead of 33 percent
Comparison Between Nehru and
14 points
Comparison- Similarities
Political constitutional nature
Reforms in NWFP and Baluchistan
Comparison- Dissimilarities
Unitary form vs. federal form of Govt
25% vs. 33%
Minority Rights
Joint vs. Separate Electorates
Difference in context of background
Full fledge Constitution vs. Minimum Muslim Demands
Reluctant approval of Sindh vs. Clear cut demand
Represented Hindu point of view vs. Championed rights of minorities
Rejected Idea of Muslim majority areas in India vs. containment of this Idea
Allabad Address
a) Change in the concept of Nationalism
b) Nature of Indian Politics

Began his address with theoretical exposition of
main principles of Muslim Polity
Surveyed Indian Political Scenario and
highlighted the peculiarities of Indian situation
( India: An International Problem)
Raised the Question whether it is possible to
accept Islam as an Ethical ideal and reject it as a
polity in which religious attitude is not allowed to
play any role.
Proposed his solution

Analysis and Significance
Shariful Mujahid- A cross between
Territorialism and Pan-Islamism
Aziz Ahmed- Renan+ Iqbal = Religion and
Geograthy are basis of Nationalism

Unapologetic exposition of TNT
Iqbal was first to clearly formulate the theory of necessity of creation
of Nation state for Muslims
Milestone in the history of Muslim Nationalism
The greatest impact of Iqbals address was received or felt in
territories now comprising Pakistan
It led to enormous popularity of Partition process- Aftermath, Ch
Rehmat Alis Now or Never 1933, Sir Sikandar Hayats Resolution of
1938 and Lahore Resolution 1940
Its significance further enhanced by the fact that it was proposed by
personality of Iqbals stature and presented from a famous platform
It contained the very spirit of Pakistan if not its name
Presented an amicable and peaceful solution of Hindu Muslim
Falls in the category of realistic proposal presented for Partition

Federation with in a federation
Excluded Ambala Division
NO mention of Muslim Bengal
The Round Table Conferences
Historical Background
First R.T.C 12
Nov 1930- 19
Jan 1931
57 delegates
18 Muslims + 16 representatives from Indian States
Jinnah, Johar, Aga Khan, A.K.Fazl ul Haq and M.Shafi
Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru, Shastri , M.R.Jayakar and B.R.Ambedkar
Key Points- Burma be separated from India
Federal system of Govt for India
Abolition of Diarchy and replacing it with responsible Govts
Sindh be separated from Bombay
Problems Not Solved- Division of Power b/w Center and Provinces
Hindu Muslim problems couldnt be settled
Subsequent Developments- Gandhi Irwin Pact 25
Jan 1931
R.T.C, Sep 7-Dec 1 1931
Congress participated
Gandhis role in failing the efforts to reach consensus i.e.
his speech
Objected the presence of other representatives,
proposed to dissolve the Minorities Committee
Gandhi was ready to endorse 14 points provided that
AIML wouldnt support S.E for other communities
S.E for Untouchables opposed.
Subsequent Developments- Communal Award 16

August 1932
Poona Pact 1932

Round Table Conference 17
Nov- 24

Dec 1932
Congress didnt take part
Muslims continued to the issue of Division
of Power
White Papers 1933
Net outcome was 1935 Act, passed by
both houses of British Parliament on 4

July 1935
Round Table Conferences- A
Critical Review
Exposed the Hindu Mentality
Standpoint of AIML: preserving the rights of all minorities
of India
Irwin Pact forced Muslims to think that British only
understand agitational politics
Failure of Liberal Elements of AIML and Congress
Orthodox elements cant come to terms with each other
Success on the part of British as they manipulated the
whole situation ad proved that locals are not good
Role of Gandhi
Few successes on the part of Jinnah and Muslim League
Congress Ministries 1937-39
Background ( see Trek to Pakistan page 232-34)
Aspects of Congress Raj
Congress conspiracies against AIML
1. Refusal to form govt/ coalition with AIML
2. Offered humiliating conditions for coalition in UP
3. Role of congress in falling Sir Saadullahs govt in Assam
4. Nehrus mass contact
Hindu Conspiracies to Erode the Identity of Muslims
1. Educational Policies ( Wardha Scheme and Vidya Mander
Scheme )
2. Emphasis on Uni-Nationalism- Tri Color Flag i.e. Taranga and
Portrait/Statue of Gandhi to be worshipped at schools.

Economic Exploitations- Discrimination in Jobs
Religious Interference
Communal Violence
Muslim Reactions in constitutional manner-
Pirpur Report for Orissa, CP, UP, Madras and
Bombay and Sharif Report for Bihar
Counter Reaction of Congress and reference of
Abul Kalam Azad India Wins Freedom
Resignation of Congress Ministries 22 Oct 1939
Impacts of Congress Raj
Deep sense of Insecurity among Muslims
Alienation of Muslim India from Hindus
Exposed Hindu Mentality i.e. Ram Raj
Gave strong impetus to Muslim Nationalism
Transformation in the Outlook of Jinnah
Popularity of demand for Pakistan
Brought Muslim Provincial Leaders close to
Jinnah i.e. A.K.Fazl ul Haq, Sikandar Hayat,
Saadullah and CH Khaleeq uz Zaman etc
Lahore Resolution 1940
Milestone, marked the real beginning of Pakistan Movement
Ahmed Saeed Quotation- Never in the history of the world had a resolution of mere four
hundred words changed the destiny of a nation. The L.R passed at the 27th session of AIML
did this miracle
Unresolved Hindu Muslim Conflict
Alienation of Muslim India from Hindus
Apprehensions of Muslim Salariat class
Popularity of partition proposals
Experience of congress ministries
Desire for the establishment Of separate homeland
Outbreak of W.W.II
Jinnahs political strategy
Features/ Aspects
50,000 people attended that session
Important leaders- Sir Abdullah Haroon, Qazi M Isa, I.I.Chunrigar, Ch. Khaleq uz zaman,
Nawab Bahadur Yar Jung, A.K. Fazl ul Haq, Sadar Abdurab Nishtar and Nizamuddin etc
On 23rd of march 1940 Fazal Ul haq presented the historic LR which was supported by
Ch Khalequzzaman and Maulana Zafar Ali Khan etc
400 words and 4 short paragraphs
See page 271 and 272 of Trek to Pakistan
Lahore Resolution 1940
Significance/ Impacts
AIML committed itself for the establishment of an independent state
Marked the beginning of Pakistan Movement
Beginning of the end of Administrative unity of India
Provided Muslims a sense of identity/ purpose
A peaceful solution
Milestone in the history of Muslim Nationalism
Threefold significance LR highlighted by H.Craik, the governor of the
Punjab- importance of AIML as the representative Muslim organization,
emergence of Jinnah as an unchallenged political leader of Muslim
India, Muslim opinion in favor of partition.
State/ States controversy
Didnt provide geographical link b/w the two wings
The Lahore Resolution
March 23, 1940 - Lahore

While approving and endorsing the action taken by the Council and the Working Committee of the All India Muslim
League, as indicated in their resolutions dated the 27th of August, 17th & 18th of September and 22nd of October,
1939, and the 3rd of February, 1940 on the constitutional issue, this session of the All India Muslim League
emphatically reiterates that the scheme of federation embodied in the Government of India Act 1935 is totally
unsuited to, and unworkable in the peculiar conditions of this country and is altogether unacceptable to Muslim
It further records its emphatic view that while the declaration dated the 18th of October, 1939 made by the Viceroy
on behalf of His Majesty's Government is reassuring in so far as it declares that the policy and plan on which the
Government of India Act, 1935, is based will be reconsidered in consultation with various parties, interests and
communities in India, Muslims in India will not be satisfied unless the whole constitutional plan is reconsidered de
novo and that no revised plan would be acceptable to Muslims unless it is framed with their approval and
Resolved that it is the considered view of this Session of the All India Muslim League that no constitutional plan
would be workable in this country or acceptable to the Muslims unless it is designed on the following basic
principles, viz., that geographically contiguous units are demarcated into regions which should be constituted, with
such territorial readjustments as may be necessary that the areas in which the Muslims are numerically in a
majority as in the North Western and Eastern Zones of (British) India should be grouped to constitute
independent states in which the constituent units should be autonomous and sovereign.
That adequate, effective and mandatory safeguards should be specifically provided in the constitution for
minorities in these units and in the regions for the protection of their religious, cultural, economic, political,
administrative and other rights and interests in consultation with them and in other parts of India where the
Muslims are in a minority adequate, effective and mandatory safeguards shall be specifically provided in the
constitution for them and other minorities for the protection of their religious, cultural, economic, political,
administrative and other rights and interests in consultation with them.
The Session further authorizes the Working Committee to frame a scheme of constitution in accordance with these
basic principles, providing for the assumption finally by the respective regions of all powers such as defense,
external affairs, communications, customs, and such other matters as may be necessary."
Cripps Mission 1942
1. British desire to break the political stalemate insofar as to gain Indian support
2. Japanese invasion
3. Allied Pressure (Atlantic Charter)
Immediate factors
Fall of Burma 11 March 1942
Churchills desire to get Indian support
Advent of Cripps Mission
1. 22 March 1942- retreat from August offer of 1940
2. Cripps, Pathick Lawrence, Lord Privy Seal
complete independence to India after war
new constituent assembly to be formed after war to frame constitution of india
its members would be elected on the basis of propositional representation by the members of the lower house of
provincial assemblies
states would also be represented in the CA
Constitution prepared by CA would be acceptable to the British Govt.
British Government would undertook the enforcement of newly framed constitution
a treaty would be concluded b/w the assembly and British Govt. it would resolve all the issues and problems
relating to transfer of power
during the war and until the new constitution could be framed india was to be governed by a composite cabinet
within the existing constitution
British Government was to bear the responsibility of controlling defense of India
Cripps Mission 1942
rejection by congress and AIML
Why congress rejected?
why league rejected?
clear indication of liquidation of British rule from India
British agreed to invite Indians in running Government at center
provided a procedure of transfer of power
4. Contextualizing de-colonization
an ambiguous proposal
conflicting interpretations of word CENTER
time gaining device
Didnt contain Congress Absolute Transfer of Power and leagues LR
Cabinet Mission Plan 1946
1945-46 elections further intensified the political conditions
Indian National Mutiny of Feb 1946
INA Trail
Coming of Labor Party in Power
Advent of Cabinet Mission and its activities
1. For details see Trek to Pakistan, page 305.306 and 307
Main factors
Long term features
there should be Union in India, embracing both India and states- deals with foreign affairs,
defense and communication- Union should have the power to raise finances
The union should have an executive and a legislature constituted from British India and state
All subjects other than Union subjects should be given to provinces
Union is divided into three groups. A) Northern, Central and Southern India, B) North Western
India, C) North Eastern India
In order to elect the CA, seats would be reserved for every province according to its population
10 year scheme
Cabinet Mission Plan 1946
Short term features
1. An interim government would be set up in which all the portfolios including defense would be
handed over to the Indian leaders having the full confidence of the people
Ayesha Jalals view- given the idea of Three Tear Federation
Sharef ul Mujahid- last bid to keep India United
Cabinet mission and League
Rejection of Pakistan in the preamble of CM- Congress delighted
AIML accepted the CM but later rejected it
realistic proposal made by British
Great constitutional significance
interim government was established
Criticism of few groups of Muslims
Congress endured Long term and rejected short term plan but British didnt invite league to form
Nehrus interpretation of CMP
3rd June Plan
the collapse of Interim government
removal of Wavell and appointment of Mountbatten
The preparation of 3rd June Plan
For details see Trek to Pakistan
two separate sessions of Muslims and Non Muslims members of Punjab and Bengal provincial
assemblies to decide their future
Boundary commission
Special meeting of Sind Assembly
Referendum in NWFP
Referendum in Syhlet
Partition of Punjab and Bengal
Excluded the issue of Princely states
British press against Jinnah
Muslim Press- Pro Unionist party paper, Inqilaab
pro Muslim League paper- Nawa e Waqt
3rd June Plan
Milestone in the political and Constitutional History of India
Roadmap towards Partition
End of British Raj
contextualizing decolonization
successful culmination of Muslim struggle
drafted and redrafted to appease Nehru
Jinnah wasnt consulted
ignored the minorities of both camps
marked the beginning of bloodshed
minorities suffered in united India and even at the time of partition

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