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Building Homes,

Building Community,
Building Hope
Millard Fuller
The Fuller Center for Housing, faith-driven and
Christ-centered, promotes collaborative and innovative
partnerships with individuals and organizations in an
unrelenting quest to provide adequate shelter for all
people in need worldwide.
Foundation Principles
We at Fuller Center for Housing
believe that:
We are part of a God movement,
and movements don't just stop.
We have been called to this
housing ministry; we didn't just
stumble into it.
We are unashamedly Christian, and
enthusiastically ecumenical.
We aren't a church but we are a
servant of the Church.
We are faith driven, knowing that
after we've done all we can do the
Lord will help finish the job
something that requires us to
stretch beyond our rational reach.
We are a grassroots ministry,
recognizing that the real work
happens on the ground in
communities around the world
through our covenant partners, so
a large, overseeing bureaucracy
isnt needed.
We try to follow the teachings of
the Bible and believe that it says
that we shouldn't charge interest
of the poor, so we don't.
Government has a role in our work
in helping set the stage, but that
we shouldn't look to it as a means
to fund the building of home.
Whats The Problem?

Whats The Problem?

Numerous studies have shown that
homeowners are more likely to make a
greater effort to improve their homes, take
on a more active role in their
neighbourhood, and participate more in
local churches and civic groups than those
that do not own their own home.

Furthermore, compared to the children of
renters (of the same age, income, race,
etc.), the children of homeowners:
are 25% more likely to graduate from high
are 20% less likely to become teenage
mothers, and
save taxpayers an estimated $34,000
each in public expenditures (i.e. the cost of
juvenile delinquency, teenage pregnancy,
etc.) that would have been spent had they
remained in rental housing.

Whats The Problem?
Whats The Problem?
What we do
What the poor need is not charity, but capital, not caseworkers but co-workers.
And what the rich need is a wise, honourable, and just way of divesting themselves of
their overabundance. - Clarence Jordan

Fuller Center for Housing helps the poor create capital by being
co-workers in the building of a families greatest asset a home

We help the rich by providing them a channel of giving that goes
directly into projects that they might also want to volunteer on so
they can see that their money gets used properly.

How it works
Now more than ever there is a need for a solution to substandard housing in
How it works
Now more than ever there is a need for a solution to substandard housing in
Affordable housing needs to be more than a buzzword bandied about by
How it works
Now more than ever there is a need for a solution to substandard housing in
Affordable housing needs to be more than a buzzword bandied about by
FCHQA works with people of limited means, people who can't jump through all
the hoops required by banks, people who need a hand up not a hand out.

How it works
Now more than ever there is a need for a solution to substandard housing in
Affordable housing needs to be more than a buzzword bandied about by
FCHQA works with people of limited means, people who can't jump through all
the hoops required by banks, people who need a hand up not a hand out.
Families are selected on 1. their level of need - substandard, crowded,
unaffordable rent etc, 2. their willingness to partner with FCHQA and 3. their
ability to pay a mortgage that is based on 25% of their income
How it works
Now more than ever there is a need for a solution to substandard housing in
Affordable housing needs to be more than a buzzword bandied about by
FCHQA works with people of limited means, people who can't jump through all
the hoops required by banks, people who need a hand up not a hand out.
Families are selected on 1. their level of need - substandard, crowded,
unaffordable rent etc, 2. their willingness to partner with FCHQA and 3. their
ability to pay a mortgage that is based on 25% of their income.
FCHQA marshalls the manpower, money and materials from the local
community to build a simple decent house or to renovate an existing house;
How it works
Now more than ever there is a need for a solution to substandard housing in
Affordable housing needs to be more than a buzzword bandied about by
FCHQA works with people of limited means, people who can't jump through all
the hoops required by banks, people who need a hand up not a hand out.
Families are selected on 1. their level of need - substandard, crowded,
unaffordable rent etc, 2. their willingness to partner with FCHQA and 3. their
ability to pay a mortgage that is based on 25% of their income.
FCHQA marshalls the manpower, money and materials from the local
community to build a simple decent house or to renovate an existing house;
FCHQA's volunteers then work with the family who put in 500 hours of their own
sweat equity to bring the home to completion.
How it works
Now more than ever there is a need for a solution to substandard housing in
Affordable housing needs to be more than a buzzword bandied about by
FCHQA works with people of limited means, people who can't jump through all
the hoops required by banks, people who need a hand up not a hand out.
Families are selected on 1. their level of need - substandard, crowded,
unaffordable rent etc, 2. their willingness to partner with FCHQA and 3. their
ability to pay a mortgage that is based on 25% of their income.
FCHQA marshalls the manpower, money and materials from the local
community to build a simple decent house or to renovate an existing house;
FCHQA's volunteers then work with the family who put in 500 hours of their own
sweat equity to bring the home to completion.
The house is sold to the partner family at zero interest on a 70/30 shared equity
basis. They pay off their 70% while FCHQA's 30% decreases by 1% a year, so
at the end of 30 years the family own their home free and clear having only paid
off their 70%.
How You Can Help
There are several ways to become involved.
As a tightly-run, cost-conscious organisation, we are always in need of
peoples time, talents and treasures.

How You Can Help
There are several ways to become involved.
As a tightly-run, cost-conscious organisation, we are always in need of
peoples time, talents and treasures.

Volunteer - Individuals committed to building homes can join one of The
Fuller Center's upcoming builds taking place in various parts of the
country. Complete a Volunteer Registration Form and we will contact
you about ongoing and upcoming projects. No experience is necessary.

How You Can Help
There are several ways to become involved.
As a tightly-run, cost-conscious organisation, we are always in need of
peoples time, talents and treasures.

Volunteer - Individuals committed to building homes can join one of
Fuller Center's upcoming builds taking place in various parts of the
country. Complete a Volunteer Registration Form and we will contact
you about ongoing and upcoming projects. No experience is necessary.

Donate - We welcome all donations to fund our programs. Tax-
deductible contributions can be mailed to: The Fuller Center for
Housing, Queensland 13/59 Lichfield Place, Parkinson, 4115, Qld.
In-kind donations of food for volunteers, building materials and services
are also greatly appreciated.

How You Can Help
Join our Pledge Partner Program. Decide on an amount that you are
comfortable to pledge on an annual basis. We can arrange automatic
bank transfer if that would be convenient for you. Get the Pledge
Partner Program Information Sheet for details of the benefits to you or
your business.

How You Can Help
Share the message
Tell your family, friends and colleagues about
Fuller Center and its work.
Create a fundraising page.
Direct people to The Fuller Center's Web site.
Put a bumper sticker on your car or wear a Fuller Center T-shirt.
Ask for brochures to pass out at your office or church.
Send letters or emails to everyone on your friends list about the work of
The Fuller Center.
Talk to your church leaders about sponsoring a family or forming
volunteer teams.
Become a fan of The Fuller Center on Facebook and follow us
on Twitter!

How You Can Help

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