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The term management origins from the french
word Menagement which means the directing. It
indicates that mgmt is to direct & to lead any
organization. Managers are the people working
to direct, lead & manage the organization. In
every organization, whether it is a school or a
business house or a government project office,
people work together to achieve the set of
goals. Mgmt drives people towards achieving
these goals.
Management is the art of getting things done
through people. * Follet*

Management is a set of activities (including
planning, organizing, leading & controlling)
directed at an organizations resources (human,
financial, physical, and information), with the aim
of achieving organizational goals effectively and
efficiently in a changing environment. * Griffin.

Getting things done through people by making
the efficient use of resources . * Barnard.
1) Planning,
2) Organizing,
3) Leading, &
4) Controlling.

Planning involves
tasks that must be
performed to attain
organizational goals,
outlining how the
tasks must be
performed, and
indicating when they
should be performed.
Determining organizational goals
and means to reach them
Managers plan for three reasons
1. Establish an overall direction for the
organizations future
2. Identify and commit resources to achieving
3. Decide which tasks must be done to reach
those goals
Organizing means assigning the planned tasks
to various individuals or groups within the
organization and cresting a mechanism to put
plans into action.
Process of deciding where decisions will be made, who
will perform what jobs and tasks, and who will report
to whom in the company
Includes creating departments and job descriptions
Leading (Influencing) means guiding the
activities of the organization members in
appropriate directions. Objective is to improve

Getting others to perform the
necessary tasks by motivating them to
achieve the organizations goals
1. Gather information that measures recent
2. Compare present performance to pre-
established standards
3. Determine modifications to meet pre-
established standards

Process by which a person, group,
organization consciously monitors
performance and takes corrective

Middle Managers

First-Line Managers

Top Management:
CEO, GM, MD, . Lead the
organization, establish mission & goals.
Middle Management:
Human resource manager,
Finance manager, IT head etc.
First Line Managers:
supervisors, foreman, etc who
is responsible for day to day work.
1) Facilitates Administration: A sound organization
helps in providing appropriate platform where
mgmt can perform the functions of planning,
directing, co-ordination, motivation & control.
2) Optimum use of resources: The optimum use of
technical & human resources gets facilitated in
sound & efficient organization. Which result in
minimization of cost & maximization of profit.
3) Co-ordination: it is the process where different
employees & departments perform different
function to achieve a common organizational goal.
Effective Mgmt is needed for the better co-
ordination between employees.
4) Stimulate Creativity: The mgmt helps employees in
getting well defined duties, clear lines of authority
& responsibility which encourages the creativity of

5) Encourage humanistic approach: A sound
organization helps in adopting efficient methods of
selection, training, remuneration, and promotion of
employees. It makes people work in a team, and
not like robots or machines.
6) Development of personality: Mgmt helps in
development of personality of employees through
different trainings, field visit, research, seminar
7) Cope with changes in environment: Every
organization is influenced by changes in internal or
external environment. Mgmt provides the ability to
employees to cope with these changes.
Every boat need a sailor to sail the boat to the
destination .
A management is all in all responsible of the
business success and failure, If companys
management lacks the ability to take the
corrective measure against the Opportunity and
Threat exists in the industry, then an
organization can't be successful.

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