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Use of ACCO

Competence Center
April 2009
1. High Level ACCO Overview
2. ACCO Usage Scenarios in ND RNP Projects
3. Using ACCO Greenfield
4. Using ACCO Optimisation
5. Summary & Examples

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High Level ACCO Overview
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High Level ACCO Overview
Fully integrated with A9155
Performs the tasks that are tedious & time
consuming to perform
Site selection
Site placement
Antenna tilt & azimuth optimisation
Radio feature selection
Allows a large RNP to be performed in substantially less time with greater
consistency and repeatability
Broken into two modules:
ACCO Greenfield
Primarily for site placement but also for site selection, tilt azimuth optimisation
and radio features selection
Doesnt consider interference
ACCO Optimisation
Does everything except new site placement
Selected as the official
ACP tool for Alcatel-
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ACCO Usage Scenarios in ND RNP Projects
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ACCO Usage Scenarios in ND RNP Projects
Network Design Process
Radio Network Dimensioning
Required receive levels for different morphos (based on LKB analysis)
Site configuration for different morphos
No. Carriers, Max. Subs / Site, Radio Features, etc.
An indicative site count for the different morphos and areas
Next Step RNP study to confirm site count and locations
Radio Network
Radio Network Planning
(Or Cell Planning)
Radio Network Dimensioning
(Or Cell Dimensioning)
Phases Inputs Outputs
Land Usage / Area
Traffic Requirements
Offered services
Service bit rate, traffic
Volume, subscriber density
QoS Requirements
BLER, Blocking, Coverage
Probability, Indoor
Link Budget, Number
of sites, cell size
Node-B configuration
Feature scheduling
Performance Analysis


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ACCO Usage Scenarios in ND RNP Projects
Network Design Process
Radio Network Planning
No site information known
Some or all site locations are known
Candidate site locations
Radio Network
Radio Network Planning
(Or Cell Planning)
Radio Network Dimensioning
(Or Cell Dimensioning)
Phases Inputs Outputs
Land Usage / Area
Traffic Requirements
Offered services
Service bit rate, traffic
Volume, subscriber density
QoS Requirements
BLER, Blocking, Coverage
Probability, Indoor
Link Budget, Number
of sites, cell size
Node-B configuration
Feature scheduling
Performance Analysis


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ACCO Usage Scenarios in ND RNP Projects
1) No site information known True Greenfield
Use ACCO Greenfield - the steps to follow are:
1. Fulfill pre-requisite inputs in A9155 for ACCO Greenfield
2. Optionally select vectors for dedicated highway coverage
3. For each clutter and vector:
Define the target RX Levels, associate one or more site templates
Optionally define a range of heights and if considering capacity constraints per site define
traffic densities
4. Optionally select a traffic map
5. Optionally define site template traffic limits and site template costs
6. Run Greenfield Optimisation
Sites will be placed to meet the defined coverage and capacity requirements
7. Perform a sanity check in A9155 on the results
Check coverage is neither too aggressive or conservative (inline with dimensioning)
Due to the optimised ACCO Greenfield algorithms it is not possible to meet the coverage
objective 100%. If too conservative then reduce the Site Density Slider in ACCO Greenfield or
if too aggressive, increase the Site Density Slider and return to step 6
Tweak any site locations that dont make sense by manually adding/removing some sites or
repositioning them
9. The True Greenfield rollout is then complete
This method should be quite fast, as an indication for 500 sites (depending on the resolution &
coverage size of course), it should take in the order of 30-45mins (to run the optimisation).
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ACCO Usage Scenarios in ND RNP Projects
2) Some or All Locations Known Partial Greenfield
There are a number of types of deployment scenarios that fall into this category:
Where there are some site locations that are mandated for use by the customer
There may be an existing network for which coverage is being extended
The customer is densifying their existing network with new infill sites
The process is the same as the True Greenfield scenario
Exception: For Step 1 any existing sites that must be considered by ACCO Greenfield
should be active in A9155
ACCO Greenfield will first run predictions for the existing sites without optimising any of
their parameters (tilt, azimuth, height)
ACCO will then progressively place new sites to fill the gaps between the existing sites

This method will be faster than the True Greenfield scenario as many of the site
locations will already be fixed
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ACCO Usage Scenarios in ND RNP Projects
3) Existing + Candidate Sites Overlay
This scenario is more typical than the Partial Greenfield scenario
Some deployment scenarios that fall into this category include:
An existing network (e.g. a 2G network) where one or more of their existing sites are
to be reused for an overlay network (e.g. a 3G network)
Customer asks ALU to recommend which sites to overlay and where new sites are required
The pool of existing sites may be from a site leasing company or from another
operator (tower sharing)
Customer asks ALU to recommend which sites to overlay and where new sites are required
The process is the same as that outlined above for the True Greenfield scenario
Exception: For Step 1
Any existing sites that must be considered by ACCO Greenfield must be active in
Any candidate site location should be defined in A9155 as sites without transmitters
Exception: For Step 5 the input Select Candidate Location if Performance >= must be
appropriately defined
Depends on the importance of using candidate sites as opposed to new sites
This method will be slightly slower than the True Greenfield scenario
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ACCO Usage Scenarios in ND RNP Projects
What About ACCO Optimisation?
With the functionality now provided with ACCO Greenfield there is no
requirement to also use ACCO Optimisation
After running any one of the three Greenfield usage scenarios there is always the
option to run ACCO Optimisation after finishing the Greenfield optimisation, this
can be beneficial when
Want to further optimise the site azimuths and tilts
In particular if coverage quality is an important requirement
Need to ensure coverage requirements are achieved with more precision
Want to demonstrate to a customer the trade-off between number of sites and
achieved coverage
There is a important requirement to maximise coverage quality, i.e. minimise
Note that with ACCO Optimisation you cant place new sites!
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ACCO Usage Scenarios in ND RNP Projects
Overall Recommendations
ACCO Greenfield is now very flexible use Greenfield to both place new sites as
well as select amongst candidate sites
Dont have to run ACCO Optimisation
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Using ACCO Greenfield
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ACCO Greenfield
Pre-requisites in A9155
The A9155 RNP project must be setup for running predictions:
Clutter and DTM databases configured
Clutter specific parameters defined, i.e. indoor losses, std dev, etc
Propagation model configured
Transmitter and cell parameters properly defined
ACCO can consider the placement of one or more different site templates for
different clutters and/or vectors
Site templates must be defined in A9155
Computation zone defined
The target receive levels for the different morphologies of interest
Optional: Existing sites should be active
Optional: Candidate sites should have their transmitters deleted
Optional: Vectors for which highway coverage is to be provided
Optional: A traffic map to define the subscriber distribution
All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2008, 2009 15 | Use of ACCO | April 2009
ACCO Greenfield
Launching ACCO Greenfield




Always used Advanced Mode!
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ACCO Greenfield
ACCO Advanced Greenfield Configuration Window
Rx level = CPICH Tx Power + Antenna Gain - Feeder losses MAPL (MAPL accounts for body loss, interference margin,
penetration margin and shadowing margin)
Template: 1 or more per morpho (none
means no sites)
Optional Heights: Space delimited, will use
largest unless capacity limited
Optional Add Vectors: For highway
Optional Edit Templates: Can edit A9155
site templates directly from here.
Optional Traffic Density: used to define a
traffic density per clutter type if no traffic
density map has been specified.
Optional Traffic Map: Bil format traffic map
Site Density Slider: Controls the aggressiveness of the site placement, a lower setting results in less sites and a higher
setting results in more sites. One of the drawbacks of ACCO Greenfields highly optimised coverage computation algorithms
is that the tool does not calculate the coverage levels at all pixels during the optimisation.
Optional Sites in Corridor Along Vector:
Gives greater flexibility on where to place
Optional Minimum captured traffic per
site: Sites placed only when justified by
sufficient traffic, i.e. where the return
justifies the investment
Allowed gap length: allows to adjust the
size of coverage gaps that are allowed
during placement.

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ACCO Greenfield
ACCO Advanced Greenfield Configuration Window - site density slider
The site density can be varied, relative to the defined
thresholds. For example:
If the coverage probability is easily reached, less sites may
be sufficient. Thus, the user can reduce the thresholds by
1 (which equals -1dB in the required coverage) and
rerun the deployment. Instead of a coverage of e.g. -
80dBm, a value of -80dBm -1 -81dBm will be targeted
and hence less sites needed
If a slightly higher coverage probability is needed, the
slider has to be put towards the right hand side. Instead
of -80dBm, e.g. -78dBm may be targeted and hence more
sites are proposed
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ACCO Greenfield
ACCO Advanced Greenfield Configuration Window
Optional Traffic Limit = This allows the maximum traffic per site template to be defined (only relevant if you have
specified a traffic density or have specified a traffic map. If this limit is exceeded the cell range will be reduced)
Optional Cost = Used to find most cost effective solution (only relevant when you have more than 1 site template selected
per clutter or vector)
Optional Applicable for: Controls when a site
template can be used:
All Sites / New Sites / Candidate Sites / None
Select Candidate Location if performance
>=: This parameter allows to prefer
candidate locations over new site locations.
It is similar to a cost reduction of candidate
sites compared to new sites.
On the example, if a candidate site provides
at least 25% of a new sites coverage, it will
be selected.
Optional Allow candidates only: If checked,
no new sites will be created, only candidate
sites will be used.
Optional Consider sites without
transmitters as candidates: sites without
transmitters in A9155 will be considered as
candidate locations. Azimuth and tilt will be
Optional Consider sites with only inactive
transmitters as candidates: sites where only
inactive transmitters are assigned will be
considered as candidates. No further
parameter optimizations will be done.

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Using ACCO Optimisation
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ACCO Optimisation
Pre-requisites in A9155
The A9155 RNP project must be setup for running predictions:
Clutter and DTM databases configured
Clutter specific parameters defined, i.e. indoor losses, std dev, etc
Propagation model configured
Transmitter and cell parameters properly defined
Computation zone defined
All sites must be fully configured and active in A9155
Candidate sites to be considered by ACCO Optimisation must be fully configured but
inactive in A9155 (unlike Greenfield they should not have their transmitters deleted)
Inactive sites will be considered with the site activation optimisation feature
Optional: A traffic map to define the subscriber distribution
This is used in ACCO Optimisation when you wish to place greater emphasis on the
network performance in locations with higher traffic
Optional: Define additional TMAs for advanced technology activation

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ACCO Optimisation
Launching ACCO Optimisation




Key input that is critical for a typical
pre-sales ND project is the optimisation
resolution which here is set to 100m
It is recommended to only use <100m if
the project needs to be very precise
Results achievable with a 100m
resolution are more than sufficient in
terms of accuracy for pre-sales needs
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ACCO Optimisation
Configuration Windows
Project Specifications
Select Load network data
Optional: Select a traffic map
Network Settings
Select the network of interest
(usually there will only be one
anyway, selected by default)
Optional: Configure traffic map
settings (the traffic map if
selected in the project window
will be selected by default
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ACCO Optimisation
Optimisation Ranges
Select all of the Sectors in the left hand panel
If there is flexibility to adjust both tilt and
azimuth then select both
The default optimisation ranges are ok but
It is not recommended to select Pilot Power
as an optimisation parameter
Optional: If some sites were inactive in the A9155
project then you have the option of enabling
Allow activation. ACCO will select the optimum
site to activate.
Ignore: Do not worry about cost inputs this is
much more for operator focused operational
Optional: Selecting the option Allow TMA Modification allows for the consideration of Advanced Technology Activation for
the handling of different radio features
This requires the definition of different TMAs in A9155 with appropriate Noise Figures, Reception Gains and
Transmission Losses (the gains and losses can be positive or negative depending on the radio feature)
For example, a high power amplifier might be defined as a TMA a Noise Figure = 0dB, Reception Gain = 0dB and
Transmission Loss = -3dB
Optional: Selecting custom pattern list allows modifications of the actual antenna pattern. Next to the checkbox 9155
ACCO displays the number of selected antenna pattern that are allowed for exchange during optimization. All antenna
patterns in a 9155 project can be used.
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ACCO Optimisation
Optimisation Targets
To add optimisation targets:
In the UMTS example shown the recommended combination to consider is one coverage target based on Pilot RSCP and one
quality target based on Pilot Ec/Io
For each optimisation target the following can be defined
A fixed target level for all morphologies or on a per clutter basis. It is recommended to specify these on a per clutter basis
The relative importance of achieving the optimisation target can be weighted by the clutter type and also by a traffic map
(if selected earlier)
For Ec/Io, it is necessary to define the terminal, mobility and service. The terminal influences the body loss and the
maximum transmit power, and the service influences the data rate and the maximum service power.

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ACCO Optimisation
Optimisation Targets focus on clutter weights
9155 ACCO can combine and weight different optimization targets jointly
By applying a weight higher than zero the target is considered
Global and clutter defined optimization requirements can be considered. In that case, the
global weight is the overall multiplier for the clutter weights.
Clutter A = 1
Clutter B = 5
Clutter C = 1
Clutter D = 0.5
With the enabled clutter dependent
weighting we can see that the area
described by Clutter B is 5-times more
important than Clutter A and Clutter C
and 10-times more important than
Clutter D.
Practically, this means that an
additional 1km2 in coverage in Clutter B
is 5-times the value as an additional
1km2 in coverage in Clutter A and C ,
and 10-times the value than in Clutter
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ACCO Optimisation
Optimisation Targets focus on traffic weights
You can apply traffic limits to each of the cells, and to weight the target by a traffic map.

Balance footprints: If the option is active, the optimization algorithms will generate a
compromise between the largest possible target objective and balanced footprints.
"Balanced" in this case means that neighboring footprints should have similar size (if no
traffic density map is used) or similar traffic utilization (i.e. captured traffic / maximum
captured traffic if a density map is used).
Relative weight: Determines the weight of the footprint balancing target function in
relation to the "parent" target function. The absolute weight is the parent target function's
weight multiplied by the relative weight.
Apply traffic map: This option can only be enabled if a
global traffic density map has been defined. Traffic
density weighting allows you to focus on the areas
where the highest traffic occurs. High-traffic areas will
be more important, areas carrying less traffic will be
less important during the optimization process.
Apply captured traffic limit: Allows the consideration of
maximum traffic limits for each sector in the network.
This option can only be enabled if a global traffic
density map has been defined. The traffic limits per
sector are defined in the Network settings tab sheet.
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ACCO Optimisation
Optimisation Options
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ACCO Optimisation
Optimisation Run Options
Set the optimisation mode to FAST
As the benefits from a more
accurate optimisation will not be
Set the simulation resolution. Here the
minimum resolution you can use is the
resolution at which you created the
optimisation environment.
It is recommended to only use
<100m if the project needs to be
very precise
The results achievable with a 100m
resolution are more than sufficient
in terms of accuracy for pre-sales
Start the optimisation and wait

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ACCO Optimisation
Verification of the optimization results in A9155
To verify the optimization results in A9155 the optimized configuration must
be loaded in A9155
The results can be loaded into the currently open .ATL project
By default a new project file with the same name as the result file will be
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ACCO Optimisation
Verification of the optimization results in A9155: Inspector
The Inspector is an efficient
visualization tool to quickly
identify the differences
between before and after
the optimization
You can access it by clicking
on visualize results when
the optimisation is finished
The visualization includes:
All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2008, 2009 31 | Use of ACCO | April 2009
ACCO Optimisation
Inspector: Visualization of parameter changes
The 9155 ACCO Inspector is to be used as complementary functionality to the
visualization in A9155
Parameter changes can be displayed easily for all relevant RF parameters
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ACCO Optimisation
Inspector: Visualization of prediction plots
The 9155 ACCO Inspector helps
to display and localize parameter
modifications very efficiently
Very fast comparison of the
network configuration before
and after the optimization
Very fast processing of prediction
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Summary & Examples
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Should be endeavoring to use ACCO for all RNP projects
There will always be some projects where it doesnt make sense, e.g. very
small scale projects, etc
If you need support on whether ACCO makes sense for your RNP dont hesitate
to contact the ND Competence Centre
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More than 83% of the uncovered areas eliminated with tilt
(electrical/mechanical) and azimuth changes.
A9155 A9155
Example: Better coverage, Ec/Io and capacity in A9155
A9155 ACCO
All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2008, 2009 36 | Use of ACCO | April 2009
More than 47% of areas with insufficient Ec/Io removed
Potential served traffic increased by more than 6%
A9155 A9155
Example: Better coverage, Ec/Io and capacity in A9155
A9155 ACCO
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