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Dewi Ratih Megawati
Critical Point
Focus of Study
Previous Study

I Introduction
There are 7 % of international student of the total number
of South Korean student population. President Lee Myung
Bak initiate the program to develop the foreign student into
100,000 student in 2010 by setting up funding for the
universities course which is offered in English (Calhoun,
International students are vulnerable to experience personal
and social loneliness showed by sense of loss and isolation,
anxiety, confusion and disappointed expectation (Sawir 2005:
Brislin &Yoshida, 1994)
This International student perception about academic, socio-culture life in South Korea become
essential issue since South Korea establish the 2020 Ten Agendas for South Koreas Foreign
Policy. These students are the important representative of the various countries. Moreover,
the third world country becomes one of the policy principles. For instance the principle
mention South Korea aim to establishing middle power networks with Association of South
East Asian Nations (ASEAN) states, Australia, and India and initiate a new regional
construction (EAI NSP Report, 2012).

I Introduction
Critical Point
Focus of this study is functional distance as a source which likely to encourage social
interaction among the residents.
I Introduction
Focus of Study
Social Interaction : Passive
Nodding, blinking, eating, re
ading, dancing, rioting, warr
The aim of this study is to understand whether there is any relation between the functional
distance and the social interaction in the student housing. The method of this study is by
study literature. The expected result is there is relation between the functional distance and
social interaction student housing. (Lang, 1987; Wallace, 1952; Al-Homoud, 2003). The
journal are collected from SAGE, EBSCO, SCOPUS and also general search in internet.

I Introduction
Aim and Methodology
Since the international student face the new education environment in the foreign country, they
likely undergo the cultural shock in adjusting process. This adaptation process requires the
transformation of students interpersonal skill and psychological conditions which possibly
psychologically tensed.

I Literature Review
International Student Depression

I Literature Review
International Student Loneliness
Sawir, 2003
Functional distance likely impact in the location of functional activities and opportunities for
additional activities as resulted by the setting design (Abu-Ghazzeh, 1999).
Functional distance may be translated into the perceived design encountered in moving from
one point to another (festinger et al., 1950; lang, 1987; Al-Homoud, 2003)
The shorter the functional distance is, the opportunity of casual meeting inclining as the
resident will make frequent trip due to the small distance.

I Literature
Functional Distance
Designed communities could result to various social interaction patterns through diverse
functional distance, functional centrality, and communal space (Lang, 1987; Michelson, 1976;
Wellace, 1952; Al-Homoud, 2003). The outcomes of social interaction pattern among
inhabitants are expressed through sense of caring, a sense of community, and attachment to
the place (Al-Homoud, 1995; lang; 1987; Warren, 1981).
In favor of attaining intimate social interactions the setting should serve individuals with
opportunities of contact and feasible distance to interact (unger&Wandersman, 1982; Al-
Homoud, 2003).
Social interaction: acts, actions, or practices of two or more people mutually oriented
towards each others selves.
-Both parties have to be aware
-Doesnt have to be in sight or directly behaving towards each other

I Literature
Social Interaction

I Literature
Social Interaction

(Bouma, 2009)
The other issue which has to be considered are community density and size, residents age,
cultural background, gender, life stage, personality, income level, and socioeconomic status
(Case, 1981; lang, 1987).
I Literature
The Other factors
The dependent variable is classified into two types which are social network and social
support. On the other hand the independent variables are the functional distance such as
student housing entrance, microwave, and water dispenser. Each element was measured
according to the resident perception of relative closeness: close, somewhat far, and far.
I Literature
Dependent and Independent Measures
The hyphotheses of this study is that functional distance impact the
social pattern

I Hyphothesis

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