Challenge For A PHD

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Challenges and Issues in PhD


IIC University of Technology
Common Complaints by Examiners
Research gaps not clearly identified
Research significance in doubt
Research problem not clear
Subject of research not of current interest
Underlying theory not appropriate
Literature not exhaustive, current,
Local literature not reviewed
Literature review not critical enough

Common Complaints (cont.)
Seminal works in literature not included
Related theories left out
Research design quantitative, qualitative, experimental
design - justification
Link between literature and research framework not strong
Theoretical support for the research framework is weak
Link between phenomenon under study and dependent
Definition of variables, why these variables
Factors to explain phenomenon and how they are
Measurements of variables
Hypothesis, too general, not directed, not testable

Common Complaints (cont.)
Unit of analysis not clear, not
Bias in sampling
Credibility of respondents/data
Coding, integrating, analysis of data
Statistical tools not appropriate
Interpretation of results
Presentation of results

Common Complaints (cont.)
Discussion not in depth
Implications for theory not clear, not related to
research results
Implications for practice not clear, not related to
Limitations not clearly spelt out
Conclusions too skimpy
Missing references in bibliography
Standard of language, grammar, spelling,
sentence structure
Abstract too long, not summarizing study
Title not reflecting contents of thesis
Lets get to the basics
(How do you get a PhD?)
Why do we do research?
How do we get knowledge?
Use of Scientific Method
What level of knowledge is worthy of PhD?
What is meant by significant contribution?
PhD evaluation process
Supervisor-student relations

The Research Process
Literature -----Real world
Gaps in theory-- Gaps in practice
Research problem
Research questions, research objectives
Research framework, research design
Variables and measurements
Hypothesis statements
Population, sample, respondents

The Research Process (cont.)
Research instruments
Data collection
Data analysis, results
Discussions & conclusions
Scientific method robustness,
honesty and integrity
Ethical issues questions asked, info.

Keys to Success
Hard work (reading) and sacrifice (collect
material, money and time)
Critical thinking (analysis) and creativity
Networking (colleagues and friends)
Support from supervisor and school
Support from family
Personal motivation and perseverance
Self confidence and language proficiency
Q & A
Time to help release your pent-up
I Wish You All Success in Your
Quest for PhD and Future Career

Thank You

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