Thromboembolic Disease in Pregnancy

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Jeannet E.

Canda, RN,MAeD
College of Nursing

- Is the inflammation with the
formation of blood clots.
- Usually an extension of an
endometrial infection.
1. The fibrinogen level is still elevated
from pregnancy, leading to
increased blood clotting.
2. Dilatation of lower extremity veins
is still present as a result of
pressure of the fetal head during
pregnancy and birth.
3.The relative inactivity of the
period or a prolonged time spent
in delivery or birthing room
stirrups leads to pooling, stasis,
and clotting of blood in the lower

Risk Factors:
1. Obese
2. Varicose veins
3. Previous thrombophlebitis
4. Older than 30 years old increased parity
1. Ambulation and limiting the time a woman
remains in obstetric stirrups encourages
:circulation in the lower extremities.
::promotes venous return
: decrease the possibility of clot

2. Varicose veins in pregnancy
- wear support stockings for the first 2
weeks after delivery will help increase venous
circulation and prevent stasis.
- woman puts them on before she rises in
the morning. Venous congestions has
occurred if the woman is already walking.
- removed stockings 2x a day
- involves the femoral, saphenous or popliteal
- Decreased circulation with edema gives a leg
a white or drained appearance.
- Formerly called milk leg or phlegmasia alba
dolens (white inflammation)
1. Elevated temperature
2. Chills
3. Pain
4. Redness in the affected leg about 10 days.
5. Homans sign( pain in the calf of the leg on
dorsiflexion of the foot) maybe positieve
1. Bed rest with affected leg elevated.
2. Administration of anticoagulants
3. Application of moist heat.
4. Provide good back, buttocks and heel care.
5. Check for bed wrinkles
6. Never massage the skin over the clot.
7. Test water temperature (edema decreases
sensation in a womans leg)

8. Always cover wet, ward dressings with a
plastic pad to hold in heat and moisture.
9.Check the womans bed when moist.
10. Prescribed Anticoagulant (coumarin
derivative or heparin) or thrombolytic agent
(Streptokinase or urokinase)

1 Involves the ovarian, uterine or hypogastric
2. Occurs on the 14thor 15 day of the
1. Extremely ill with high fever, chills and
general malaise.
2. Infection is severe it necroses the vein and
results in a pelvic abscess.
3. Systemic (heart, lung, kidney and heart
valve abscess.
1. Total bed rest
2. Administration of antibiotics and
- Is obstruction of the pulmonary artery b a
blood clot; it usually occurs as a complication of
1. Sharp chest pain
2. Tachypnea
3. Tachycardia
4. Orthopnea
5. Cyanosis
6. Pyrexia

1. Oxygen administration
2. ICU
Cross the placenta and are potentially
teratogenic at any stage of pregnancy
Complications of warfarin includes, nasal
hypoplasia, depressed nasal bridge, irregular
bone growth & intracranial fetal
However , they can be given after delivery
and are safe for lactation

Thrombo-embolism is amajor cause of
maternal mortality &morbidity worldwide
Clinical diagnosis is unreliable but once
strongly suspected, treatment should be
started until objectively excluded
Dupplex Doppler, x-ray venogram are the
main diagnostic tools

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