The Failure of The Frontal Assault A Micro Analysis of Picketts Charge at Gettysburg

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a micro analysis of Picketts charge at


Why did the frontal assault fail ?
How was the assault a foretaste of the
future 1865-1917 ?

General Lee its all my fault !
The frontal assault is a direct
move against the enemy front to
split them at the weak point in
order to overwhelm them.

Lee ordered such an attack on the
third day of Gettysburg.

Lee lost 67 % casualties between 3
Context failure to outflank 1
Cemetery Ridge was not outflanked
July General Ewell failed to take Culps Hill when the Federals
were at their weakest
July General Longstreet failed to take the Tops
A bayonet charge led by Colonel Chamberlain saved Little Round
Top & the Federals from defeat
Lee the enemy is there & I am going to strike him
Lee was always proactive
With Gods providence the troops
could achieve anything
To retreat would mean enduring a
war of attrition
Lee had never lost
CSA needed a Napoleonic knock out
The centre was weakened due to
Federals moving to reinforce the
Hills & Tops
Longstreet believed in offensive
defensive strategy & tactics
Longstreet no 15,000 can take that
Mass bombardment destroy the target
CSA open the greatest bombardment seen in N America
Chronic lack of ammunition reduced saturation to 90 minutes
CSA lack of target practice led to overshoot of the target
Did not destroy the target or demoralise the entrenched troops
The long bombardment revealed the point of attack
USA Artillery held fire until the infantry assault
USA Artillery used as defensive support
Entrenched behind the
Unobstructed field of fire
Behind the crest of the ridge
Widespread use of rifled
weapons (eg Springfield rifle)
where as CSA mostly muskets
General Meade predicted that
Lee would attack the angle
US Troops had excellent
interior lines
Longstreet they got the stonewall & good
interior lines
Interior lines is the ability
to move forces through a
safe interior to a
threatened area faster than
the enemy can be supported

Longstreet realised that
Federals could quickly
converge on the angle ,
whilst the assault would be
Trust in God and pass the ammunition - morale
Lee was overconfident
Morale is the willingness to fight
Lee believed in Gods providence
General Meade had only been in
charge 3 days which lessened the
effect of Chancellorsville
Fighting in their own territory
stiffened the Federals
Both sides believed that maybe
today will be the last day

Loss of command & control
Lee made the strategic plan to attack the
angle & the entrusted the attack to
Longstreet I pray do plan it well sir
Longstreet explained the tactical plan and
entrusted the advance to Pickett
Lee & Longstreet are now observers
Pickett was 200 yards behind the leading
brigades whats happening to my boys !
The attack lost all 3 brigade commanders
Garnett , Armistead & Pettigrew
With their leaders gone the attacking
troops are in confusion
The advance a mingled mass
15,000 CSA troops cross mile of
open fields in close order &
attempt to break entrenched
Fences , converging on the trees &
loss of leaders mingle the
The angle becomes classic column
against line
The attack lost 67% casualties
Advance at speed means loss of
cohesion controlled advance
means facing unrelenting fire

The High water mark of the Confederacy
General Armistead Who will follow me !
150 Rebs cross the stonewall Armistead falls
The High water mark is no more than a slight fraying of the
Federal front at the angle
The N Carolinians of Pettigrew got further but did not cross the
wall , whilst the Virginians of Armistead breached the wall
Pickett to Lee I have no Division !
Lee Its all my fault
Crossing the divide or no mans land
Factors against the frontal
As true in 1914 as 1863 !

New technology
Inability to destroy the
Lack of command & control
Lack of cohesive impact on
enemy formations

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