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Male gaze analysis on

Beyonc's 1+1 video

By Louis Pollock
Camera Angles
Throughout the song the camera shots range from mid-shots
and close-up shots to show facial features and facial
expressions and long shots to show her clothing and her body
features. The song is about Beyonc wanting a male person to
take control of her; this is shown when there are clips of a
man gripping on to her which gives off a sexual appeal. In the
video both Beyonc and the cameras move slowly which
objectifies Beyonc giving of a sexual appeal to the male gaze.
Camera angles
At the start of the clip, with the use of the close-up angles, it is
shown that Beyonc is objectifying herself as it is clear from the
camera angle that she is naked. This shows how the gender
women is shown in a sexual way by removing or having no
clothes on to attract the opposite sex or the sex they are
attracted to where as for men, to attract the opposite/same sex
they have a more cool look which in 1975 a man named Trevor
Miller researched into the Male Facial expression and said that if
a man wanted to appal himself they would use a seductive look.
The lighting in the song gives a sexual look for example when
the lighting represents fireworks this makes it a romantic
setting but also it gives a sexual appeal as the range of colours
show this and also her hand running across her face and body
also gives off an erotic appeal. The lighting throughout this
video changes a lot which links to Beyonc's clothing as she
does not seem to have the same clothing on all the time.
The lyrics make love to me gives of a sexual appeal because
she is telling the man who she is singing about to have sex
with her.
Also there are suggestions of sex in this video as the video
shows her sweating which gives off an erotic feeling, also the
heavy breathing in the video gives us the idea that she is
actually having sex with the man and in some long shots we
see her taking off her clothes which again gives of a sex
Facial Features.
There are both chocolate box facial expressions and romance
or sexual facial features, the chocolate box facial features are
at the start of the video were as at the end of the video she
gives off a more sexual facial feature as she is more erotic at
the end as she is sweaty and also half naked which gives off a
sexual appeal. These theories were both made by Marjorie
Ferguson in 1980 when she identified these types from
looking at British magazines

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