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Eid Al Adha

Dhul Hijjah
Dhul Hijjah

Dhul Hijjah
The month of Hajj
Its the last month in the Islamic calendar
During this month the annual pilgrimage to
Makkah, known as Hajj, takes place.
The actual pilgrimage take place on the 8th to
12th days of the month.

For those of us not on the

The first 10 days of this month are a special
time for devotion.

In particular, the 9th day of the month marks
the Day of Arafat, and the 10th day of the
month marks the Eid al-Adha (means festival
of sacrifice)
What could you do during this
1) Fast during the first 10 days: one fast during these days is
equal to the fasting of one complete year (Prophet Muhammad
To fast on the 9
of dhul hijjah is highly recommended:
according to a hadith, the fast of this day becomes a cause of
forgiveness for sins committed in one year.

2) To take some time out to perform some optional prayers and
extra worship (whatever is within your ability): the worship of
one night is equal to the worship of laylatul qadr (Prophet
Muhammad saw)

What should you do during this
1) It is obligatory to recite the takbir-ur-tashreeq. (declaring
your faith & praising)

From the fajr prayer of the 9
(this Friday) upto the asr prayer of
the 13
(next Tuesday) you should recite the following after
every fard prayer: Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, La illaha illallahu,
Wallahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahilhamd.

2) To sacrifice (qurbani) an animal (note this is only applicable to
you if you are someone who is also liable for zakat this year)
The Sacrifice Of Ibrahim (AS)

This Eid
Ibrahim (AS)
being willing to
sacrifice his son
to God.
It showed how
much he loved his

Remembering Ibrahims devotion
The meat is shared

1/3 kept for

1/3 family

1/3 poor
Qurbani or Udhiyah?
A lot of us call it Qurbani, in
Arabic the term used for
animals that are sacrificed
specifically for Eid-al-adha
are called Udhiyah
Lets see if you were
paying attention.
Why do Muslims sacrifice an animal on this day?
During the celebration of Eid al-Adha, Muslims commemorate and
remember Ibrahim's trials, by themselves slaughtering an animal. This
action is very often misunderstood by those outside the faith.

Allah (God) has given Muslims the power over animals and allowed them
to eat meat, but only if they pronounce His name at the solemn act of
taking life. By saying the name of Allah at the time of slaughter, they are
reminded that life is sacred.

The meat from the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha is mostly given away to others.
The act symbolizes their willingness to give up things that are of benefit to
them or close to their hearts, in order to follow Allah's commands. It also
symbolizes their willingness to give up some of their own bounties, in order
to strengthen ties of friendship and help those who are in need. They
recognize that all blessings come from Allah, and they should open their
hearts and share with others.

The aim of sacrifice, like all other fundamentals of Islam, is to
imbibe piety and self righteousness.
It also promotes the spirit of sacrifice for a right cause.
To explain its purpose, Allah says in the Quran. It is not their
meat, nor their blood, that reaches God, It is their piety that
reaches God?: (22:37)

Back when and is still the case in many places, cattle, livestock
etc, is wealth and livelihood for many people. To give up some
of that is a huge sacrifice for them.
For us its often the funds we give up in order to fulfil this task,
that is our sacrifice.

Please be sure to fulfil this if it is compulsory for you
New Year!!
Just like a new years resolution, pledge to give
up or sacrifice something, in lieu of the new
Islamic year and Eid al adha.
From all of us here at Sisters Circle!
Dont forget to keep us in your prayers

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