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Reality Reinvented

Name : pawan saini

Roll no. .
Semester .
Department .


Augmented reality

Augmented reality system

Augmenting our world

Example Wikitude


Components of AR system

Head mounted display

Video see troug

!ptical see troug

"racking # orientation

$lo%al positioning system

&i'erential $()

&igital compass

*o%ile computing

Augmented Reality Vs Virtual reality


+sing Augmented reality


,ooking into future--



Augmented reality will truly cange te way we view te

world- (icture yourself walking or driving down te street-
Wit augmented.reality displays/ wic will eventually look
muc like a normal pair of glasses/ informative grapics will
appear in your 0eld of view/ and audio will coincide wit
watever you see- "ese enancements will %e refresed
continually to re1ect te movements of your ead- In tis
article/ we will take a look at tis future tecnology/ its
components and ow it will %e used-
Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is a
0eld of computer researc
wic deals wit
combination of reality
wit computer generated

It is still in an early stage of

researc and development-
possi%ly %y te end of tis
decade/ we will see te 0rst
augmented.reality system
An augmented reality system is one that
Combine real n virtual world
Is interactive in real time
Is registered in D.
Augmented Reality System
Augmenting Our World

"e %asic idea of augmented reality is to

superimpose grapics/ audio and oter sense
enancements over a environment in

)ounds pretty simple- 2esides/ haven't television

networks been doing that with graphics for

"ese systems display grapics for only one point of

view- 3ext.generation augmented.reality systems
will display grapics for eac viewer4s perspective-
So!tware based on
Augmented Reality
"i#itude $ "i#i attitude
Wikitude wiki attitude

WI5I"+&E World 2rowser

presents te user wit data
a%out teir surroundings/
near%y landmarks/ and
oter points of interest %y
overlaying information on
te real.time camera view
of a smart.pone-

"o implement tere are four tings tat we re6uire

to do 0nd user7s location0nd user7s orientation
8view9generating informationaugmenting it to
user7s view
:ind user7s
:ind user7s orientation
$enerate data
Augment generated
data to user%s view
Here are te tree components needed to make an
augmented.reality system work;

tracking system
mobile computing power
Head mounted view
Head.mounted &isplays

<ust as monitors allow us to see

text and grapics generated %y
computers/ head-mounted
displays (H!s" will ena%le us
to view grapics and text
created %y augmented.reality

"ere are two %asic types of


video see-through

optical see-through
Video )ee "roug

"ey %lock out te wearer4s surrounding environment/

using small video cameras attaced to te outside of te
goggles to capture images- !n te inside of te display/
te video image is played in real.time and te grapics
are superimposed on te video- !ne pro%lem wit te use
of video cameras is tat tere is more lag/ meaning tat
tere is a delay in wen te viewer
moves is or er ead-
!ptical )ee "roug

!ptical see troug is not fully reali>ed yet-It

is supposed to consist of ordinary looking pair
of glasses tat will ave ligt source on te
side to pro=ect images onto te retina-
&rac#ing ' (rientation
"racking and !rientation

"e %iggest callenge facing developers of

augmented reality is te need to know were
te user is located in reference to is or er

"ere4s also te additional pro%lem of

tracking te movement of users4 eyes and
AR )ystem needs to know two tings
)."here the user is located
*."here he is loo#ing
$() "racking

Currently/ te %est tracking

tecnology availa%le for large
open areas is te $lo%al
(ositioning )ystem-

However/ $() receivers ave

an accuracy of a%out ?@ to A@
meters/ wic is not %ad in te
grand sceme of tings/ %ut
isn4t good enoug for
augmented reality/ wic
needs accuracy measured in
millimeters or smaller-
$() 3etwork
Real "ime &i'erential

"ere are ways to increase

tracking accuracy- :or
instance/ te military uses
multiple $() signals- "ere
is also di'erential $()/
wic involves using an
area tat as already %een
surveyed- A more accurate
system %eing developed/
known as real.time
kinematic $()/ can acieve
centimeter.level accuracy-
&igital compass

A digital compass consists of

sensors to measure te eart4s
magnetic 0eld/ some
conditioning of tose sensor
signals/ and a microcontroller
to interpret te data


"ree magnetic sensors

!ne tilt sensor

*o%ile Computing (ower

Weara%le computers
*o%ile computing can %e accomplised wit
elp of weara%le computers

A weara%le computer is a %attery powered

computer system worn on te user7s
%ody8%elt/ %ackpack etc9-

It is designed for mo%ile # predominantly

and free operations often incorporating ead
mounted display # speec input-
Augmented V) Virtual

Virtual reality creates

immersive/ computer
generated environments
wic replaces real worldB

Here te ead mounted

displays %lock out all te
external world from te
viewer and present a view
tat is under te complete
control of te computer-

Virtual reality serves for at

totally immersive
environment - "e senses are
under control of te system-

"e user is completely

immersed is an arti0cial world
and cut o' from real world-

Augmented reality is closer

to te real world- augmented
reality add grapics/ sounds
# smell to te natural world/
as it exists-

"us it augments te real

world scene in suc a way
tat te user can maintain a
sense of presence in tat

"at is /te user can interact

wit te real world/ and at
te same time can see/ %ot
te real and virtual world co.

+ser is not cut o' from te

History # &evelopment

#$%&' orton Heilig( a cinematographer( creates

amotorcycle simulator called*ensoramawith
visuals(sound( vibration( and smell+

#$%%' ,van *utherland invents the head-mounted

displaysuggesting it was a window into a

#$-.' yron /rueger creates0ideoplace that allows

users to interact with virtual ob1ects for the 2rst time+

#$3$' 4aron 5anier coins the phrase0irtual 6eality and

creates the 2rst commercial business around

History # &evelopment

#$$7' 8om 9audell coins the phrase Augmented 6ealitywhile

at:oeing helping workers assemble cables into aircraft+

#$$;' ilgrim de2nes a continuum of real to virtual

realityenvironments+ A6 is placed as a mi<ed reality on the
continuum spectrum+

#$$-' A=uma published a survey paper which de2ned the2eld of


&77&' *teven >einer is the leading pioneer of augmentedreality(

and author of the 2rst paper on the sub1ect+

>einer( *+ /+ ?Augmented 6eality' A @ew Way of*eeing' 9omputer

scientists are developing systemsthat can enhance and enrich a
user's view of theworld?+ *cienti2c American( April &77&+

History # &evelopment

&77&':ruce H+ 8homas is the inventor of the 2rst

outdooraugmented reality game A6Auake+ His current research
interests include' wearable computers( userinterfaces(
augmented reality( virtual reality(computer supported
cooperative work (9*9W"( and tabletop display interfaces+

&77.' Hori=on 6eport' Bro2le Augmented 6eality as @ew

technology trend to watch+ 8he 6eport predicts thatA6
technology will emerge more fully within ;-.years+

&77.' 9amera system developed that can analy=e

physicalenvironments in real time and relate positionsbetween
ob1ects and environments+ 8his work hasbecome the basis for A6
systems to integrate realitywith virtual ob1ects+

&77.' !aniel Balanker( Ale<ander 0ankov and Bhil Huie develop a

?bionic eye?+

History # &evelopment

&77-' >acial feature tracking to allow for greater

control ofperspective+ >or e<ample( a conductor
couldcommand a certain set of virtual
instruments withthe movement of his eyes+

&77-' edical applications for users+ *ending

visual cues to help * patients better keeptheir

&773' A multiple new innovations and e<amples

of A6 nowe<ist across a multitude of areas+C

+sing Augmented Reality

In an Augmented Reality interface
students can %e seated around a
ta%le and see eac oter at te
same time as a virtual eart
1oating in teir midst- "is results
in conversational %eavior tat is
more similar to natural
face colla%oration tan to screen
%ased colla%oration D5iyokawa
!nce researcers overcome te callenges tat face tem/
augmented reality will likely pervade every corner of our
lives- It as te potential to %e used in almost every industry/
+sing Augmented Reality

ilitary . "e military as %een devising uses for augmented

reality for decades- "e idea ere is tat an augmented.reality
system could provide troops wit vital information a%out teir
surroundings/ suc as showing where entrances are on the
opposite end of a building/ somewat like G.ray vision-

Augmented reality displays

could also highlight troop
movements/ and give soldiers
te a%ility to move to were
te enemy can't see them.
+sing Augmented Reality

,nstant information -"ourists and students

could use tese systems to learn more a%out
a certain istorical event-

Imagine walking onto a Civil War %attle0eld

and seeing a re-creation of historical
events on a head-mounted( augmented.
reality display- It would immerse you in te
event/ and te view would %e panoramic-
+sing Augmented Reality

Eaming . How cool would it %e to take video

games outsideH "e game could %e pro=ected
onto te real world around you/ and you could/
literally/ %e in it as one of te caracters- !ne
Australian researcer as created a prototype
game tat com%ines Auake/ a popular video
game/ wit augmented reality- He put a model
of a university campus into te game4s
software- 3ow/ wen e uses tis system/ te
game surrounds im as e walks across

Accurate tracking and orientation

:or weara%le augmented reality system/ tere

are still enoug computing power to create
stereo A& grapics

"e si>e of AR systems is yet anoter

,ooking into future II

Expanding a (C screen to real

environment--program windows # icons
appear as virtual devices in real space # are
eye or gesture operated/ %y ga>ing or

Enanced media application /like pseudo

olograpic virtual screens/ virtual surround
,ooking into future I-

Replacement of cell pones; eye dialing/

insertion of information directly into

Virtual conferences in JolodeckJ style -

Examples migt %e a virtual wall clock/ a to.

do list for te day docked %y your %ed for you
to look at 0rst ting in te morning/ etc-
,ooking into futureI-

Enanced media applications/ like pseudo

olograpic virtual screens/ virtual surround
cinema/ virtual 4olodecks4 8allowing
computer.generated imagery to interact wit
live entertainers and audience9

And te list goes on as your imaginationI-


Augmented reality will furter %lur te line

%etween wat4s real and wat4s computer.
generated %y enancing wat we see/ ear/
feel and smell-
References I




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