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Spanish literature generally refers to
literature (Spanish poetry, prose, and
drama) written in the Spanish
language within the territory that
presently constitutes the state
of Spain.
The history of Spanish literature starts
with "El Cantar del Mio Cid (12th
century), an epic narrative that was
transmitted orally through the story
The first written testimonies of Spanish
literature begin in the 13th century with
the Middle-Ages literature, which
cultivated all the genres in prose, poetry
and theatre.
th th
There is a marvelous burst of lyric poetry
in Spain.
Ballads came from these centuries, but
the events they celebrate belong to
Middle Ages and the cruel wars between
Spaniard and Moor.
The Song of the Galley

A song that tells a story
Recalls dramatic events
Popular subjects: tragic love, conflicts,
disastrous wars and shipwrecks
Focuses on one incident, beginning in
the midst of a crisis and proceeding
directly to the resolution.
Structure: four line stanza, with second and
fourth lines that rhymes that often are
slightly shorter than the first and third lines
Lines are heavily accented
Stanzas contain repetition of words, phrases
line and ideas

Spanish literary geniuses were emphatic
of moderation and disciplines living.
Renaissance men were chiefly interested
in fascinating problem of how man may
conduct his life in the present and in
Literary media: comedy, tragedy, wise
and satiric philosophy

Modern novel was invented
The novel of Cervantes is an allegory of
life, unlike Dantes but an allegory that
pleads for wise discipline.
Spanish novelist, poet and
His influence on Spanish
language has been so great
that Spanish is often called
la lengua de Cervantes (The
language of Cervantes)
Has been dubbed el
Princepe de loas Ingenios
(The Prince of Wits)
Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra
La Galatea, 1585
Don Quixote 1
part, 1605
Novelas ejemplares, 1613
Viaje al Parnaso, 1614
Ocho comedias y ocho entremeses, 1615
Don Quixote 2
part, 1615

Considered the first
modern novel
First antiromace
novel, because it
demystifies the
knightly tradition.
Alonso Quixano (Don Quixote): Alonso is a sweet older man
who is absolutely nuts. He reads books about knights and starts
believing he is a knight called Don Quixote de La Mancha.
Alonso is his real name, Don Quixote is his fantasy name.
Sancho Panza: Sancho is a country hick. He goes along with Don
Quixote (Alonso) as his servant. He knows Quixote is crazy but
he pretends to be his servant because he thinks hell get money
from the crazy old man.
Dulcinea: She is a chubby girl in town who is poor, but Don
Quixote is crazy and thinks she is a beautiful princess.
Priest (Curate) and Nicholas the Barber: They are Don Quixotes
friends. They want to rescue him from his crazy ideas. They burn
his books so hell stop reading and acting out fantasies. They try
to get him back to town when he goes wandering out for
The blend of tragedy and comedy
broke decisively with the classical
drama which dominated Spanish
Lope de Vega
Born in Madrid, 15
years after Cervantes
Dramatist who forged
the Spanish comedia
Famous historical
play: Fuente Ovejuana
Based on the real-life rebellion in the
late 1400s of the villagers of Fuente
Ovejuana against a brutal lord.

Wedding portrait of Ferdinand and Isabella.

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