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Unit 2

Everyday Chemistry
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Personal Needs
Finding Metals
Most metals are found combined
with other elements.
These compounds are called ores.
Some metals, including gold, silver
and copper, are found uncombined
in the Earth's crust. This means
that we can find the element on its
Extracting Metals
We get some
metals, including
iron, from their
ores by heating
the ore with
We get some
metals, including
aluminium, from
their ores using
Using Metals
The properties of metals are the
things it can do and the way it
Metals are chosen for certain uses
because of their properties.
Density of a metal is a measure of
how heavy it is, compared to its
That is why lead weights are used
for fishing lines.

All metals are good conductors of
heat i.e. they have a high thermal
That is why metals are used for
making pots and pans, radiators
All metals are good conductors of
electricity i.e. they have a high
electrical conductivity.
That is why metals are used for
making electrical wiring etc.
Metals are malleable. This means
that they are easily made into new
This property is used when metals
are made into a variety of objects,
such as fencing, horse shoes etc.
Metals are strong.
Metals are used to make many
things because of this strength e.g.
car bodies, girders, tools etc.
An alloy is a mixture of metals, or
of metals with non-metals.
Many alloys have important uses.
Examples of alloys are:
'stainless' steel
Reactions of Metals
Metals react with many different
By comparing reactions and seeing
the differences between them we
can recognise the reactivity of
different metals.
Metals react with oxygen to
produce metal oxides.

Magnesium + Oxygen Magnesium oxide

Aluminium + Oxygen Aluminium oxide
Some metals react with water to
produce hydrogen.

Sodium + Water Sodium hydroxide + Hydrogen

Potassium + Water Potassium hydroxide + Hydrogen
Many metals react with dilute acid
to produce hydrogen.
Some metals, including copper,
silver and gold, do not react with
dilute acid.

Zinc + Hydrochloric acid Zinc chloride + Hydrogen
Iron + Sulphuric acid Iron sulphate + Hydrogen
Test for hydrogen
The test for hydrogen is that it
burns with a 'pop'.
Corrosion is a chemical reaction.
In corrosion the surface of a metal
changing from an element to a
For corrosion to take place the
metal must react with something
in its surroundings.
Rusting is the corrosion of iron.
Rusting results the iron object
becoming weaker.
Both oxygen (from the air) and
water are required for rusting.
Rust indicator can be used to show
the extent of the rusting process.
Acid rain increases the rate of
Salt spread on roads increases the
rate of corrosion on car bodywork.
Preventing Corrosion
Physical protection prevents
corrosion by making a surface
barrier to air and water.
Now the metal cannot corrode
because air and/or water cannot
get at the metal.
Physical protection
Physical protection can be provided by:
Coating with plastic
Chemical protection prevents
corrosion by using chemicals.
Air and water can still get at the
metal, but the chemicals prevent
corrosion taking place.
Chemical protection
Chemical protection can be provided by:
Iron does not rust when attached to
more reactive metals so zinc
(galvanising) and scrap magnesium are
used to protect iron.
Anodising is a process which increases
the thickness of the oxide layer on
aluminium to provide protection against
In a battery, electricity comes from
a chemical reaction.
Batteries require to be replaced
due to the chemicals being used up
in the reaction.
Examples of rechargeable batteries
include the lead-acid battery and
the nickel-cadmium battery.
Electricity can be produced by
connecting different metals together,
with a solution containing ions, to form
a cell.
The ion solution completes the circuit.
The voltage between different pairs of
metals varies.
The size of the voltage depends on the
difference in reactivity of the metals.
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Personal Needs
Keeping clean
When cleaning hair, skin and
clothes the main problem is oil and
This is because oil and grease do
not dissolve in water.
Cleaning chemicals are required to
break up the oil and grease into
tiny droplets
These droplets can then mix with
This happens because cleaning
chemicals dissolve in both water
and oil and grease.
Some manufactured products
contain cleaning chemicals.
Some are :
Washing-up liquids and powders.
Some soaps form a scum with hard
Soapless detergents are used to
form a lather with hard water.
Dry-cleaning uses special solvents
which are particularly good at
dissolving oil and grease stains.
Clothing fabrics are made from
thin strands called fibres.
Fibres are made up of long chain
molecules called polymers.
Natural fibres come from plants
and animals.
Some natural fibres are:
Synthetic fibres are made by the
chemical industry.
Some synthetic fibres are
Polyesters (e.g. Terylene)

Synthetic fibres can be used to
make fabrics which have particular
Dyes are coloured compounds,
which are used to give bright
colours to clothing.

Chemists have developed ways of
treating fabrics to improve their
Some fibres form strong bonds with
water molecules
These fibres are hard to drip-dry but
they do not feel 'sweaty' to wear
because they soak-up perspiration.
Personal Needs
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A fuel is a
chemical, which is
burned to
produce energy.
When a substance
burns it reacts
with oxygen.
Combustion is
another word for
A fire needs:
Oxygen (usually
from the air)
A temperature high
enough to start the
fire and keep it going
Take away anyone of
the three and the fire
goes out.
Putting out fire
Fire-fighting methods in the lab
and the home include using
Fire blanket
Carbon dioxide gas
Different methods
of putting out the
fire are used in
Water must not
be used with oil,
petrol and
electrical fires.
Fossil fuels
Fossil fuels are
formed from animal
and plant remains
over a very long
period of time.
Fossil fuels include
Natural gas
Finite Resources
Fossil fuels are finite
resources, i.e. they
cannot be replaced.
If we use too much
of the fossil fuels a
fuel crisis will result,
when most of the
fossil fuels have
been used up.

The compounds, which are found in
fossil fuels are mainly hydrocarbons.
A hydrocarbon is a compound which
contains hydrogen and carbon only.
Hydrocarbons burn in a plentiful supply
of air to produce carbon dioxide and
Hydrocarbon + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Water
Renewable resources
Renewable resources are energy
resources which can be replaced.
Some renewable sources of energy
Methane is found in biogas, which
is made by the breaking down of
waste plant material.
Ethanol is made from sugar cane
and can be mixed with petrol to
make a fuel for cars,
Hydrogen, which can be made from
water, is a likely fuel for the future.
Fractional Distillation
Crude oil is a mixture of
A fraction is a group of
hydrocarbons with boiling points
within a given range.
distillation is the
process which
separates crude
oil into different
according to their
boiling points.
made of small
molecules boil
more easily than
made of large
Different fractions
are used as
different fuels.
The uses of the fractions is decided
by their properties.
How easy it is to make them turn
into a gas (evaporate)
Their thickness (viscosity)
How easy they are to burn
Their boiling point range
Fractional distillation of crude oil
gives more long chain
hydrocarbons than are needed.
Cracking is an industrial method
for producing a mixture of smaller,
more useful molecules.
Water Pollution
Oil spillages can
cause great
damage to marine
life and the

Air Pollution
Soot (carbon) and carbon
monoxide, a poisonous gas, can be
produced when hydrocarbons burn
in a low supply of oxygen.
The burning of some fuels releases
sulphur dioxide, a poisonous gas,
into the atmosphere.
Nitrogen and oxygen from the air
can react inside a car engine to
form nitrogen dioxide which is a
poisonous gas.
Lead compounds which used to be
added to petrol cause pollution.
Benzene fumes in unleaded petrol
are toxic.
Soot particles, produced when
diesel fuel does not burn properly,
are harmful.
Air pollution from the burning of
hydrocarbons can be reduced by
the use of catalytic converters
which convert the pollutant gases
to harmless gases.
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Plastics are synthetic materials, i.e.
made by the chemical industry.
Most plastics are made from oil.
Examples of plastics include polythene,
polystyrene, perspex, PVC, nylon,
Kevlar, bakelite, formica and silicones.
The properties of plastic help to decide
what they are used for.
Advantages and
disadvantages of plastics
For some uses, plastics have
advantages over natural materials
and vice versa.
Biodegradable materials are
broken down by bacteria in the soil
and rot away.
Most plastics are not
biodegradable and their durability
and lightness can cause
environmental problems.
Some degradable plastics have
been developed by chemists to
ease the problems of plastic waste.
Disposing of plastics
Some plastics burn or smoulder to give
off toxic fumes, including carbon
We can get rid of plastics by burning,
recycling and burying.
With burning the heat produced can be
used as a source of energy but there are
problems with gases given off.
Recycling plastics
Since oil is a finite resource,
recycling is to be encouraged and
chemists are looking for renewable
sources of plastics.
Recycling can be difficult because
of the many different kinds of
plastic in common use.
Different plastics
Plastics can be either thermoplastic or
A thermoplastic is one which can be
reshaped on heating.
A thermosetting plastic cannot be
reshaped by heating.
The uses of thermosetting plastics are
decided by their heat and electrical
insulation properties.
Making plastics
Plastics are made
up of polymers.
These are very
long molecules,
made by joining
together many
small molecules.
Polymer molecules are made from many
small molecules called monomers.
The process of making a polymer by
joining many monomers together is
called polymerisation.
Ethene monomers form poly(ethene),
also called polythene; the styrene
monomers form poly(styrene).
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