Pnoy Administration: Malinao, Krisel B

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Malinao, Krisel B.
Complete Name: Benigno Simen Cojuangco Aquino III
Date of Birth: February 8, 1960
Age : 54 years old
Finished bachelor of arts major in Economics from Ateneo de
Manila University in 1981
Chairman of the Liberal Party
president of the Philippines since June 30, 2010
He is a 4
generation politician: from his great grandfather,
Servillano mianong Aquino, his grandfather, Benigno aquino
Sr. , and his parents President Corazon Aquino an Senator
Benigno Ninoy Aquino Jr.
Country Name: Republic of the Philippines
Government type: Republic
Capital: Manila
Administrative divisions:
80 provinces and 39 chartered cities
Constitution: Latest ratified February 2, 1987,
effective February 1987
Suffrage: 18 years of age ; universal

Honeymoon period
Persecute Corona and GMA
Mendoza hostage crisis
Persecute Corona and GMA
Persecute Corona and GMA
Campaign for May elections
Persecute GMA

Chief of State and Head of Government: President
Benigno Aquino ( since June 30, 2010)
Vice president: Jejomar Binay (since June 30, 2010)
Cabinet: cabinet appointed by the President with
consent of commission of Appointments
Elections: President and Vice President elected on
separate tickets by popular vote for a single six-year

Issues on Pnoys Administration
Priority Development Fund Assistance

Disbursement Acceleration Program
&Department of Budget Management

PDAF Brief History and Issues
In a more technical sense, Pork Barrel refers to an
appropriation of government spending meant for
localized projects and secured solely or primarily to
bring money to a representative's district Some
scholars on the subject further use it to refer to
legislative control of local appropriations

In the Philippines, Pork Barrel has been commonly
referred to as lump-sum, discretionary funds of
Members of the Legislature, although, as will be later
discussed, its usage would evolve in reference to
certain funds of the Executive.

Congressional Pork Barrel in the Philippines
* Act 3044, the first pork barrel appropriation, essentially divided
publicworks projects into two types.

The First type national and other buildings, roads and bridges in provinces,
and lighthouses, buoys and beacons, and necessary mechanical
equipment of lighthouses fell directly under the jurisdiction of the director
of public works, for which his office received appropriations.

The Second group police barracks, normal school and other public
buildings, and certain types of roads and bridges, artesian wells, wharves,
piers and other shore protection works, and cable, telegraph, and
telephone lines is the forerunner of the infamous pork barrel
Martial Law and absence of Pork barrel
There was NO pork barrelper se during this time. "During
martial law, there was no pork barrel but that doesn't mean
there was no corruption. The money just went to the cronies
of Marcos.

DBM / Development Budget
Coordination Committee
The DBCC was created on May 14, 1970 through the Executive Order No.
232 creating the Presidential Development Budget Committee (PDBC) and
enumerating its functions and objectives.
Later, on March 1, 1972, the Integrated Reorganization Plan renamed the
PDBC to its current appellation and attached it to the NEDA. In the same
year on September 22, Presidential Decree (PD) No. 136 was issued,
amending the Integrated Reorganization Plan to include the Executive
Secretary in the Membership of the DBCC. In July 25, 1987, Executive
Order No. 292 was issued to reorganize the NEDA including the DBCC to its
composition today.

The role of the DBCC is primarily to review and approve the
macroeconomic targets, revenue projections, borrowing level, aggregate
budge level and expenditure priorities and recommend to the Cabinet and
the President of the consolidated public sector financial position and the
national government fiscal program.

Functions of the DBCC

Specifically, the DBCC is mandated with the following functions:

Recommend for Presidential approval the level of the annual government
expenditure program and the ceiling of government spending for economic and
social development, national defense, general government and debt service;
Recommend to the President the proper allocation of expenditures for each
development activity between current operating expenditures and capital outlay;
Recommend to the President the amount set to be allocated for capital outlay
under each development activity for various capital or infrastructure projects.
Aside from what was explicitly mentioned in the EO No. 232, listed bellow are
other major functions of the DBCC:

The assessment of the reliability of revenue estimates;
The recommendations of appropriate tax or other revenue measures and the
extent and type of the borrowings; and
The conduct of periodic review and general examination of costs,
accomplishments and performance standards applied in undertaking development

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