How To Study A Bible Passage Philippians 2: 19-30

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Philippians 2: 19- 30

4 simple questions.

What Does It Say? Observation

What Does It Mean? Interpretation

Are There Other Verses That Explain It? Correlation

What Am I Going To Do About It? Application

Philippians 2: 19- 30

I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, that I also
may be cheered when I receive news about you. I have nobody
else like him who takes a genuine interest in your welfare. For
everybody else just looks after his own interest, not those of Jesus
Christ. But you know that Timothy has proven himself, hes
proved himself as a son with his father, he served with me in
the work of the gospel.
I hope, therefore, to send him as soon as I can see how things go
with me. Im confident in the Lord that I myself will come soon.
but I think it is also necessary to send back to you Epaphroditus
my brother, fellow worker and fellow soldier, whos also your
messenger because you sent him to take care of my needs. For he
longs for all of you and hes distressed because you heard that he
was ill. And indeed he was ill, in fact he almost died. But God had
mercy on him, and not only on him but also on me to spare me
sorrow upon sorrow.
Therefore Im all the more eager to send him so that when you see
him again you may be glad and I may have less anxiety. So
welcome him in the Lord with great joy and honor men like him
because he almost died for the work of Christ, risking his life to
make up for the help you couldnt give me.

1. What does it say? Observation

A. Paul intends to send two men to Philippi.

Vs 19 he says I hope to send you Timothy to you soon
Vs 25 he says I think its necessary to send back to you Epaphroditus...

B. Paul endorsed these guys as role models.
Vs 20 Paul says about Timothy I have no one else like him.
Vs 29 Paul says about Epaphroditus Welcome him and honor
men like him.

1. What does it say? Observation

A. Paul intends to send two men to Philippi.

Vs 19 he says I hope to send you Timothy to you soon
Vs 25 he says I think its necessary to send back to you Epaphroditus...

B. Paul endorsed these guys as role models.
Vs 20 Paul says about Timothy I have no one else like him.
Vs 29 Paul says about Epaphroditus Welcome him and honor
men like him.

C. So what are these guys like?

Vs 20, 21 He takes a genuine interest in you.
Vs 22 He has proved himself.

Vs 25 Hes my brother, my fellow worker and my fellow
Vs 26 He longs for all of you and he is distressed.
Vs 30 He almost died for the work of Christ, risking his

2. What does it mean? Interpretation

A. A Godly person is caring.

Vs 20, 21 I have no one else like him. He takes a genuine
interest in your welfare and everybody else only looks
out for their own interest.

Timothy genuinely cares for you while others only care about

Theyre all wrapped up in their own affairs. Philips Transl.

"Let them see you" (Luxotica Eyewear).
"Cut to be noticed" (Lee Riveted jeans).
"Be All That You Can Be" (U.S. Army).
"Imagine yourself in a Mercury" (Ford).
"It just feels right" (Mazda).
"I love what you do for me" (Toyota).
"Leave your mark" (Mac computers).

2. A Godly person is consistent

Vs 22 Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father,
he has served with me in the work of the gospel.

proven = tested, verified, checked out, determined reliable.

3. A godly person is cooperative.

Vs 25 I send back to you Epaphroditus, my brother, and my fellow
worker and my fellow soldier.

3. A godly person is cooperative.

Vs 25 I send back to you Epaphroditus, my brother, and my fellow
worker and my fellow soldier.

4. A Godly Person is Considerate.

vs 26, For he longs for all of you and is distressed because you
heard he was ill.

Defn of Considerate = Thinking about how what you say and
how you act is going to affect other people.

Husbands be considerate as you live with your wives. 1 Peter 3:7
5. Godly People are Courageous.

Vs 27-30, Indeed he was ill, and he almost died he almost died
for the work of Christ, risking his life to make up for the
help that you couldnt give me.

Godly People are caring

3. Are There Other Verses That Explain It? Correlation

4. What Am I Going To Do About It? Application

Dont merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves.
Do what it says. James 1:22 to confess? Maybe
P.romise to claim? No
A.ttitude to change? Yes
C.ommand to obey? Yes
E.xample to follow? Yes
P.rayer to pray?
E.rror to avoid?
T.ruth to believe?
S.omething to praise God for?

I. Honor those like this. - Command to obey!

II. Which of these 5 examples am I the weakest on?

Do I need to be more caring
Do I need to be more considerate
Do I need to be more consistent in my faith
Do I need to be more cooperative
Do I need to be more courageous

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