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Xoops Groups and

Permissions and Groups
Permission access levels for users can easily be
implemented using Xoops. For example, specific
content can be hidden from anonymous users,
and only made available to registered members
or groups specified by the site administration.
Xoops has an easy to use one-click powerful
permissions management system. In this section
new groups can also be created and registered
users added to individual groups. Group System
Admin rights for modules are also implemented
in this section
Note: Each time a module or block is added in
Xoops the relevant permissions for users must
be added here. For example, although visibility
settings are set to Yes in a block, anonymous
users will not have access to the block until
permissions are set in Groups. The same
applies to modules.

To find the permissions admin go to your site
admin, and let your mouse hover over the
System Admin icon--then choose Groups.
How to create a new Group
To create a new group go to the System
Admin->Groups section in your Xoops
administration. You will now see a screen similar
to the above. Notice the Create New Group
section, and add a name for the new Group and
a description if required. Now add permission for
System Admin rights, Module access rights, and
Block access rights as required. Then click the
Create New Group button to apply your
How to add Module access and
Block access rights
This is where the site administrator(s) add
or remove permissions to access modules
or blocks, setup new groups, and move
users into other groups. For example in
the System Admin->Groups section click
on Modify next to Anonymous Users. In
this section you set up permissions for
module access and block access by just
adding a checkmark to the relevant boxes
How to add System Admin rights
for a group
System admin rights allow users in the Group concerned
full administration rights to individual modules or a
selection of modules. When System admin rights are
added the members of the group concerned will see an
administration link when they login to your site, but the
users will only see the admin links to the module(s)
specified. To add System Admin rights to registered
users for example go to the System Admin->Groups
section and click on Modify next to Registered Users.

Then go to the System Admin rights section and add a
checkmark to the relevant module or modules -- then
click update to apply your settings.
How to add a registered user to a
Registered users can be easily moved to
other groups. For example to add a
registered user to the Webmasters group
go to System Admin->Groups and then
click the Modify link next to the
Webmaster selection
Now navigate to the bottom the Modify Webmasters screen and select the Non-
Member on the left. Move this selected user to the Members section to the right
by clicking the "Add" button. You will then receive a message that the database
has been updated.

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