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R 18
G 65
B 145
R 0
G 201
B 255
R 104
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B 122
R 216
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R 168
G 187
B 192
Core and background colors:
07/10/2014 1
For internal use
Initial Settings
Click on Option
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Click on OptionsBTS:
to change BTS and
Cell level Settings
Initial Settings_Contd.
Click on Option BTS.
For Display Settings.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Initial Settings_Contd.
Click on Option
BTSCell. Click on
Add for required cell
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Vector Import
Click on Map and then
Drag and Drop in Map
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Site Import
Click on Base Stations
and then Drag and
Drop in Site Area.
Sample .nbf file
attached for reference.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Log Import
Click on Measurements
and then Drag and
Drop in Measurements
Progress can be seen
in Database Loader
Progress & Error while
loading can be seen in
Log Window.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Combining/Superstreaming Logs
Click on
Search Select All the
LogsRight Click and
Join Measurements.
Steps shown in next
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Combining/Superstreaming Logs_Contd.
Search according to
Criteria. As shown.
Select all and right
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Combining/Superstreaming Logs_Contd.
Click on Add Joined
Measurements. Save
as any name. In this
case saved as Test.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Combining/Superstreaming Logs_Contd.
Final Measurements
shown. In this case
saved as Test.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Combining/Superstreaming Logs_Contd.(Alternate Options)
In case of too many logs on server. Its
better to create Customize folder to avoid
any confusion. Click on Add Folder. Give
Name. In this case Test_v2. You can see
the folder created in next slides.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Combining/Superstreaming Logs_Contd.(Alternate Options)
Drag & drop selected logs into folder. You
can see the output here. Rest of the
operations are same as shown earlier.
Joined Measurements will be found under
All Measurements only and need to be
dragged to Customize folder.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
To Open Attributes In Map
Search Attribute in Parameters as shown.
Right Click and open in Map.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
To Set Legends In Map
Right Click on Color
Legend Attribute. Go to
Properties. A Window
will Open where you can
modify legends
accordingly. Set your
default legend as one
you have created now
by right clicking on
attribute. Shown in next
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
To Set Created Legends As Default
Right Click on Attribute.
Go to Properties. A
Window will Open. Go to
Color tab and select
Color Set as your just
created legend.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
To Set Legends In Map With Filter
Right Click on Color
Legend Attribute. Go to
Properties. A Window
will Open where you can
add Filter accordingly.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
To Load Vectors On Map
Go to Maps and Drag
and Drop The
corresponding vector
files on the workbook.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
To Load Sites On Map
Go to Base Station and
Drag and Drop The
corresponding vector
files on the workbook.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
To Show Site & Sectors Label on Map
Go to Base Station and
Drag and Drop The
corresponding vector
files on the workbook.
Right Click on Site Database. Click on
Go to Cell, Click on Show Cell information. Add
parameter you want to show. In this case PCI.
Click on Site, show site names.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
To Show Two Attribute on Same Map
Just drag both the attribute on same Map. To set
Offset, right click on other Attribute. Go to
Properties. A Window will open. Steps shown in
next slides.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
To Show Two Attribute on Same Map
Set Offset
Important Setting
Click on Hide Default Color
Route always if you dont want
to show drive route.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
To Organize Different Layers on Same Map
Order of the
layers can be
changed by
using Up and
Down options
To change the
color of the
vectors, go to
Display, check
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
To Change the Attribute Shape and Size on Same Map
Right Click on Attribute Go to Properties
Select Symbol in Draw Mode Select Symbol
Click here to Select
Symbol Type.
Window open. Set
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
To Open Attribute In Grid/Excel
Search Attribute in Parameters as shown.
Right Click and open in Grid.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
To Open Attribute In Grid/Excel Contd.
Right Click on Grid and export file to MS
Excel(if size is small). To File(if size is
great). To Mapinfo Tab-File if export want to
be open in Mapinfo.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
L3 Signaling Analysis
Search L3 Signaling in Parameters.
Open in Grid and analyze.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Export Settings
1. Set Legends according to your needs. As shown on Slide 14. Save your settings according to your need for classification.
2. Go to File Export Settings Give Name Save Another Window Open Select Legends/Settings you want to export OK.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Import Settings
Go to File Import Settings Select File Open Another Window Open Select Legends/Settings you want to import OK.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Workbook Creation
1. Open Workbook. Right Click and Click on Properties. Rename the Workbook and Select OK.

Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Workbook Creation Contd
1. To add Pages to the Workbook, Right Click go to Page Add Page. Click ok. You will be directed to Page 2

Created by Vivek & Ratnika
1. Right Click go to Page 2 Right Click on Properties to rename the Page and Click OK. You can open any attribute in this page and save
the workbook. RSRP and RSRQ example has been shown in the next slide.

Adding Pages to Creation
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
RSRP and RSRQ Pages have been created in the Test Workbook.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Go to File Save Workbook Give a name for the Report Select where it will be visible. Click ok
Saving Workbook
1 Check the
ing Boxes
where you
want to
view the
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Go to File Save Workbook Give a name for the Report Select where it will be visible. Click ok
Opening Customized Workbook
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Customized Workbook With Layout
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Splitting Workbook For Taking Multiple Data in One Page
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Sample of Splitting Workbook in Different Parts
Split Workbook Drag Different Attributes in separate parts. All of the data is synchronized.
Created by Vivek & Ratnika
Co-relation Of Parameters
Right Click on Log Correlate Parameters A Window will open Select Parameters Correlate Value Select Current A Second
Window will Open Select Output Preferably Grid.
2 3
Created by Vivek & Ratnika

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