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Tiger Eye Kwan Hapkido

Rick Tischer, SB Owner and Chief Instructor

February, 2009

Mod III, Technique 1:

1) Punch Defense to Shoulder Throw, Finish with Arm Bar.

2) Same Side Wrist Grab Defense to Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Triangle Finish.

3) Wrist Grab to REVERSE Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Shoulder Lock (Kimura).

Mod III, Technique 1:
Punch Defense to Shoulder Throw, Finish with Arm Bar.

a) Attacker (Right) throws a right cross and Defender (left) blocks and traps the arm.

b)Defender sweeps the arm clockwise to the right and counter grabs the Attackers wrist with both hands.

c) Defender steps in with his right foot between the attackers feet, rotates left, bringing the Attackers arm
up over his (Defenders) shoulder, and completes the 180 rotation by bringing his left foot inside. The
Defender brings his shoulder deep into the Attackers armpit, releasing his grip with the right hand, keeping
his left hand grab on the opponents wrist.

d) Defender now bends his knees and leans forward to cause the Attackers momentum to fall forward over
the Defenders back and shoulder. Defender pulls the Attacker up onto his shoulder and, by now
straightening his knees and continuing the rotation, throws the Attacker to the ground.

e) Defender secures the Attackers extended arm with both hands, steps over Attackers head with left foot
and plants it into the attackers face to prevent him from escaping forward. Defenders right leg remains
behind the Attackers back to prevent him from rolling backward.

f) Defender then sits tightly against the Attacker, then falls back to secure an Arm Bar. Note: The Attackers
little finger is rotated down, causing his elbow to pronate against the defenders pelvis. This creates the
fulcrum. Defender now presses down with his legs, lifts his hips up to fulcrum against the Attackers elbow,
and pulls down at the same time on the Attackers wrist to lock/submit the elbow joint.

A Punch Defense to Shoulder Throw, Finish with Arm Bar.

Attacker (Right) throws a right cross and Defender (left) blocks and traps the arm.
B Punch Defense to Shoulder Throw, Finish with Arm Bar.

Defender sweeps the arm clockwise to the right and counter grabs the Attackers wrist with both hands.
C Punch Defense to Shoulder Throw, Finish with Arm Bar.

Defender steps in with his right foot between the attackers feet, rotates left, bringing the Attackers arm up
over his (Defenders) shoulder, and completes the 180 rotation by bringing his left foot inside. The Defender
brings his shoulder deep into the Attackers armpit, releasing his grip with the right hand, keeping his left hand
grab on the opponents wrist.
D Punch Defense to Shoulder Throw, Finish with Arm Bar.

Defender now bends his knees and leans forward to cause the Attackers momentum to fall forward over the
Defenders back and shoulder. Defender pulls the Attacker up onto his shoulder and, by now straightening his
knees and continuing the rotation, throws the Attacker to the ground.
E Punch Defense to Shoulder Throw, Finish with Arm Bar.

Defender secures the Attackers extended arm with both hands, steps over Attackers head with left foot and
plants it into the attackers face to prevent him from escaping forward. Defenders right leg remains behind the
Attackers back to prevent him from rolling backward.
F Punch Defense to Shoulder Throw, Finish with Arm Bar.
Defender then sits tightly against the Attacker, then falls back to secure an Arm Bar. Note: The Attackers little
finger is rotated down, causing his elbow to pronate against the defenders pelvis. This creates the fulcrum.
Defender now presses down with his legs, lifts his hips up to fulcrum against the Attackers elbow, and pulls
down at the same time on the Attackers wrist to lock/submit the elbow joint.
Mod III, Technique 2:
Same Side Wrist Grab Defense to Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Triangle Finish.

a) Attacker had grabbed Defenders same side wrist, and the Defender is preparing to
execute an Arm Bar Takedown.
b) The Defender has locked the Attackers wrist and is now readyto counter.
c) The Defender executes an Arm Bar Takedown and maintains wrist control joint lock.
d) Defender steps over the Attackers extended arm, placing his right foot over the Attackers
shoulder and next to his head. The Defender grabs the Attackers elbow joint. Defender
lifts up on the Attackers elbow to bring him up off the ground far enough to now bring
the Defenders own right foot under and across the Attackers chest diagonally.
e) The Defender now grabs his own right foot with his left hand, creating a Triangle Lock
across the Attackers chest. The Defender executes a Side Roll over his own right shoulder
to roll the Attacker over onto his back while maintaining a Back Mount position with the
Triangle Lock secured.
f) The Defender completes the Side Roll while setting the Triangle Lock firmly on the
g) The Defender now submits the Attacker with either a Triangle Lock and/or by grabbing the
Attackers extended left arm, rotating his little finger downward to rotate the Attackers
elbow joint downward, and pulling the Attackers wrist downward to secure the Elbow
Joint Arm Bar Lock.

A Same Side Wrist Grab Defense to Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Triangle Finish.

Attacker had grabbed Defenders same side wrist, and the Defender is preparing to execute an Arm Bar
B Same Side Wrist Grab Defense to Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Triangle Finish.

The Defender has locked the Attackers wrist and is now ready to counter.
C Same Side Wrist Grab Defense to Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Triangle Finish.

The Defender executes an Arm Bar Takedown and maintains wrist control joint lock.
D Same Side Wrist Grab Defense to Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Triangle Finish.
Defender steps over the Attackers extended arm, placing his right foot over the Attackers shoulder and next to
his head. The Defender grabs the Attackers elbow joint. Defender lifts up on the Attackers elbow to bring
him up off the ground far enough to now bring the Defenders own right foot under and across the
Attackers chest diagonally.
E Same Side Wrist Grab Defense to Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Triangle Finish.

The Defender now grabs his own right foot with his left hand, creating a Triangle Lock across the Attackers
chest. The Defender executes a Side Roll over his own right shoulder to roll the Attacker over onto his back
while maintaining a Back Mount position with the Triangle Lock secured.
F Same Side Wrist Grab Defense to Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Triangle Finish.

The Defender completes the Side Roll while setting the Triangle Lock firmly on the Attacker.
G Same Side Wrist Grab Defense to Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Triangle Finish.

The Defender now submits the Attacker with either a Triangle Lock and/or by grabbing the Attackers extended
left arm, rotating his little finger downward to rotate the Attackers elbow joint downward, and pulling the
Attackers wrist downward to secure the Elbow Joint Arm Bar Lock.
Mod III, Technique 3:
Wrist Grab to REVERSE Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Shoulder Lock (Kimura).

a) Attacker grabs Defenders right wrist, same side, and Defender reverses the grip to
counter grab Attackers wrist.
b) Defender executes a Reverse Arm Bar and drives the Attacker to the floor.
c) In an attempt to nullify the counter, the Attacker grabs the Defenders right leg.
d) Defender then performs a Front Roll over his right shoulder while locking the Attackers
left arm inside the Defenders knee joint, thereby securing the Attackers arm for an
impending lock.
e) The Defender has completed his Front Roll and has the Attackers left arm trapped with
his leg crossed over the Attackers shoulder, and the Attackers left arm bent back over
the Defenders hip crease.
f) With his right arm, the Attacker then holds the Attacker to the ground while posting his
left foot on the ground for leverage and raising his hips up off the floor and forward,
securing a submitting Shoulder Lock.

A Wrist Grab to REVERSE Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Shoulder Lock (Kimura).

B Wrist Grab to REVERSE Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Shoulder Lock (Kimura).

C Wrist Grab to REVERSE Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Shoulder Lock (Kimura).

D Wrist Grab to REVERSE Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Shoulder Lock (Kimura).

E Wrist Grab to REVERSE Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Shoulder Lock (Kimura).

F Wrist Grab to REVERSE Arm Bar Takedown, Leg Shoulder Lock (Kimura).

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