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"Public Relations is a management function

which tabulates public attitudes, defines
the policies, procedures and interest of an
organization followed by executing a
program of action to earn public
understanding and acceptance. "

Public relations is the art and science of managing
communication between an organization and its key
constituents to build, manage, and sustain its
positive image.

1. Evaluation of public attitudes and opinions.
2. Formulation and implementation of an
organization's procedures and policy regarding
communication with its publics.
3. Coordination of communications programs.
4. Developing rapport and good-will through a two
way communication process.
5. Fostering a positive relationship between an
organization and its public constituents.

Public relations provides an organization or individual
exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest
and news items that do not require direct payment.
The aim is often to persuade the public, investors,
partners, employees and other stakeholders to maintain a
certain point of view about the company, its leadership,
products or of political decisions.
Common activities include speaking at conferences,
winning industry awards, working with the press, and
employee communication.

It provides relevant information on planning technical
and organizational developments, inventions and their
potential utilization, etc.
The scope of public relation is wide and also include
political field. Entrepreneurs, teachers, political
leaders, social workers, religions, leaders are all
involved in public relations day in and day out.
In business public relation is tool of management
like marketing, production and finance. It is
investing and creating asset for an organization
which is finally reflected in improved performance
profitability, and growth of the organization.

Public relation is a window of the corporation through
which management can monitor external changes
We find regular conflicts between employer-employee
consumer-manufacturer, management-shareholders,
citizens-government and so on due to misconception and
misunderstandings. These are generally the major
challenges where public relation practitioners can play a
crucial role. They should get to know the psychology of the
public mind and acquire skill in solving and also avoiding
such conflicts

Other public relations activities

Publicity events
Books and other writings
Collateral literature, both offline and online
Direct communication
Social media and social networks

1. Community Relations-

Organizations can implement various programs to
improve community relations on a regular or even
ongoing basis. So, clearly, one of the major functions
of public relations is to bridge the
business/community gap. When organizations support
activities and programs that improve quality of life in
their communities their image and reputation will be
2. Employee Relations-

The most important resource that a company has are
its employees and the customer service they provide.
The functions of public relations in regards to the
companys employees is the maintenance of employee
goodwill. The image and reputation of a company
among its employees is also another responsibility of
public relations in its function of employee relations.

3. Product Public Relations-

When new products are introduced to the market the
role that public relations plays is crucial for creating
awareness and differentiating the product in the publics
eyes from other similar products. When existing products
need a push public relations is often called on the
improve product visibility.

4. Financial Relations-

This function involves communication with the wide
variety of individuals and groups that the company deals
with in the course of its operations. This includes the
stockholders and investors but is not limited to them.

Financial analysts and potential investors have to be
informed about the companys finances. A well planned
and executed financial relations campaign can increase
the value of the companys stock because of improved
image and reputation. This improved image can also
make it easier to gather additional capital.

Public Relations Management Roles
Public relations can and should make an
important contribution in helping to form an
organizations ideas about what it is, what it
should do and what its publics want and
expect from it.
Communication Management
The public relations role that calls for
developing communications objectives that
are consistent with an organizations overall
objectives. As two-way communicators,
public relations practitioners interact
directly with key publics, relaying the
resulting information (with
recommendations) to other members of the
management team.
Crisis Management
Establishing methods and policies to be used
when an organizations operations become
involved in an emergency affecting the
public. This includes policies and procedures
for the distribution of information to
employees, media, government and other
key publics.
Issues Management
This involves identifying problems, issues and
trends relevant to an organization and then
developing and executing a program to deal
with them. Included is the study of public
policy matters of concern to an organization.
Relationship Management
This involves the role of public relations in
identifying key publics and establishing
strategies for building and maintaining
mutually beneficial relationships with those
Reputation or Image Management
The planning and implementing of policies,
procedures and strategies that demonstrate
an organizations commitment to public and
social responsibility, ethical behaviour,
corporate identity and reputation with key
Resource Management
PRs management of human and financial
resources revolves around setting objectives,
planning, budgeting, recruiting and hiring PR
staff and administering those resources.
Risk Management
As preventive PR, this role involves helping
an organization recognize areas of potential
danger and recommending needed changes
before potential dangers develop into crisis.
Strategic Management
Acting as a counselor, the PR practitioner
serves on the management team helping the
organization develop sound policies that are
in the best interests of the public as well as
the organization. The PR practitioner
integrates an understanding of the concerns
and attitudes of key publics into the
organizations managerial decision-making

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