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Constructed by Tran Hien Tin

 What is TVC
 What is the interests of TVC
 When we need TVC
 The principles of TVC production
 TVC production development mapping
 Step 1: Advertiser brief advertising agency
 Step 2: Develop innovative ideas
 Step 3: Production process
 Step 4: Censorship and publish

Constructed by Tran Hien Tin

What is TVC?

A television commercial is a form of advertising in

which goods, services, organizations, ideas, etc. are
promoted via the medium of television.

• 3 minutes
• 60 seconds
Usual duration: • 45 seconds
• 30 seconds
• 15 seconds
Constructed by Tran Hien Tin • 10 seconds
What is the interests of TVC

Introduce a product
Make people switch product

Remind the existence of a product

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When we need a TVC

All categories always have TVC?

Only depend on the Marketing Strategic, especially
Communication Strategic of category, Marketing
Director has approved and allocated an ATL expenses
which included TVC production cost.
Usually, a new product, new variant or core campaign
with the specific benefits and characteristics are often
spaced an account of DME (direct marketing expense)
to produce a TVC
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The principles of TVC production

• Key message:
• Single minded: Should deliver only one message
• Brand association
– Can be associated with brand
– Can be correctly recalled
• Unique:
– Could not be copied
• Purchase intention:
– Possibility of purchase after seeing the Ad

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TVC production development

Present innovative idea and Advertising brief (step 1)

storyline (step 2)
Advertising Agency

Production process (step 3)

Production house

Post production and publish tape to media

(step 4)
Media (television)

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Step 1: Advertiser brief advertising
Consumer insight Position statement Competitive analysis

The advertiser

2. Re-brief 1. Creative brief

Advertising agency

Creative brief: according to brand positioning, advertiser brief to

Advertising agency about: marketing background, target audience,
consumer insight… Constructed by Tran Hien Tin
Step 2: Develop innovative ideas
Account Executive & Creative Director
Briefs the

Creative Team
Art Director

Account Executive & Creative Director

Approve a storyboard Idea presentation (storylines, storyboards)

The Client

Idea presentation often

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by Tran Hienmany
Tin scenarios and to be
chosen by result of FCG research.
Step 3: Production process
Stages of Production

1. Pre Production

2. Production

3. Post production

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Step 3: Production process
Pre Production

First Pre Pro

Advertising Agency
In the first pre production,
Brief storyboard
the advertising agency,
production house, animators Production House
if needed and the client will
discuss and decide what
have to be done to achieve Animator (if animation is involved)
the goal of the commercial.

Constructed by Tran Hien Tin Client

Step 3:Production process
Pre Production

First Pre Pro meeting

Shooting board Casting tape

Music demo Production

Production Quotation
Property & wardrop

Photos/videos of recommended locations

This meeting: Agency, client (advertising) and production house would be

discuss about whole
Constructed things
by Tran Hien Tin above.
Step 3:Production process
Pre Production

Second Pre Pro meeting

Revised talent, music,

shooting board…upon
advertising agency
and especially
client ‘s suggestion

Talent confirmation & contracted

Music should be confirm if…

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Step 3:Production process
Pre Production

Final Pre Pro meeting

Production house presents

Advertising agency
Property, warpdrop… available
Quotation approved

Product, package and 50% down payment

label must be available

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Step 3:Production process
Production - shooting


Casting Lighting 1 Director Assistant

team team
2nd Director Assistant
Camera assistant


Shooting is often only on one day

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Step 3:Production process
Online approval:
Client approved final presentation
Client approved
Editing: Offline Computer graphic
Final Mix: Voice
record, music
Editor using footage After offline
Client approved
and choose the approved,
best frames has audio graphic Focus
been shot to build effective (2D,
up a draft without 3D..) will be After result of
voice, music and input to tape FCG is suitable
computer graphic :voice talent
record, music
playback will be
Constructed by Tran Hien Tin input to tape
Step 4: Final Step
Censorship and Publishing

- TV station
- Beta-cam tape
- Outdoor
- VHS tape
- SVHS tape

Master tape has been dubbed multi tapes and

released to media networks.
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Constructed by Tran Hien Tin

• Document reference:
– TVC production development constructed by
Mr. Doan Hoang Quant – CMM – Tan Hiep
Phat Co, Ltd
– Galih_Bulgamin ‘s TVC production
presentation on internet

Constructed by Tran Hien Tin

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