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The Educated Filipino


Jennifer R. Palacpac
Education is not about
certificates and degrees
- education is about how
a person relates to life.

Education also is not simply about
"intellectual" pursuits.

Education is about learning, not

The word "education" itself
refers to "bringing out" or
"bringing forth what is within"

be distinguished by the
power to do.
must have ingrained in his
speech and conduct those
elements that are everywhere
recognized as accompaniments
of culture and morality, so that,
possessing the capacity for self-
entertainment and study, he
many not be at the mercy of the
pleasures of the senses or a
burden to himself when alone.
should be distinguished not
only by his knowledge of the
past and current events in the
world's progress, but more
especially by his knowledge
of his race, his people, and
his country, and his love of
the truths and ideals that our
people have learned to
Really educated people ...
1. Establish an individual set of values but recognize
those of the surrounding community and of the various
cultures of the world.

2. Explore their own ancestry, culture, and place.

3. Are comfortable being alone, yet understand dynamics
between people and form healthy relationships.

Favor love, curiosity, reverence, and empathy rather than
material wealth.

Choose a vocation that contributes to the common good.

Enjoy a variety of new places and experiences but
identify and cherish a place to call home.

Express their own voice with confidence.

Add value to every encounter and every group of which
they are a part.

Always ask: Who am I? Where are my limits? What are
my possibilities?

Really educated people ...
4. Accept mortality, knowing that every choice affects
the generations to come.

5. Create new things and find new experiences.

6. Think for themselves; observe, analyze, and discover
truth without relying on the opinions of others.
Really educated people ...
7. Favor love, curiosity, reverence, and empathy rather
than material wealth.

8. Choose a vocation that contributes to the common

9. Enjoy a variety of new places and experiences but
identify and cherish a place to call home.
Really educated people ...
10. Express their own voice with confidence.

11. Add value to every encounter and every group of
which they are a part.

12. Always ask: Who am I? Where are my limits?
What are my possibilities?
How to be an Educated Person?
1. Be interested.
2. Learn to entertain others.
3. Have dignity & Gravity.
4. Entertain yourself.
5. Entertain an idea.

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