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1-2 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
11i10 Transfer of Information

Oracle Warehouse Management System

Advanced Task Framework
Functional Overview

1-3 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Inbound ATF in 11.5.10-Part 1

ATF Framework
Conceptual understanding of this feature
1-4 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Inbound Advanced Task Framework (ATF)

Powerful and flexible functionality to model inbound
material movement in the warehouse
Using ATF, multiple operations can be performed on
received material prior to final putaway
Consolidation of similar items for palletization
Consolidation of items going to same destination
Deconsolidation of LPN with mixed items
Movement of material requiring inspection to Inspection Station
Movement of loose material to Packing Station
Use of Pick and Drop Locator to perform an n step putaway
ATF is relevant for receipts with standard and inspection
routings only
1-5 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
ATF: Benefits

Link material movement to physical layout of warehouse
receiving area
Material can be monitored and located during the
inbound process
Facilitate modelling of complex routing for inbound
Flexible and rule based process model

1-6 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
ATF Framework
Warehouse setup for
efficient Inbound
Planning of Inbound
Material Movement

Receiving Execution
and Inbound Material
Warehouse Layout
Receiving locators

Inbound Material Flow
Operation Plan Setup

Inbound Execution
Item based putaway
One Step Pack/Unpack and Putaway
1-7 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
ATF: Setup
Inbound process document facilitates ATF setup in WMS
to address specific requirements of a warehouse
Receiving Area Layout
Segregate Inventory and Receiving in warehouse
Subdivide receiving area into functional zones
Subdivide zones into locators and assign locator types
Group similar warehouse locators
Inbound material flow
Route of material in the physical warehouse layout
Operations and physical location where they are carried out
Items that follow a specific material flow

1-8 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
ATF: Setup

ATF functionality requires setup and configuration of the
following entities:
Receiving Locators and zone: Locators and zones indicate
where inbound operations are being carried out.
Operation Plan: Logical sequence of operations performed on
the material after receipt
Operation Plan Selection Rules: Rules to select a specific
operation plan based on item or transaction attributes
Putaway Rules: To select the final storage location for inbound

1-9 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Receiving Area Layout
Receiving area layout should mark functional zones and
a segregation of receiving and Inventory

P&D Area






Receiving Inventory

1-10 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Receiving Sub-Inventory Setup
Receiving area can be modeled as one or more
receiving sub-inventory

P&D Area






Receiving Inventory

1-11 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Sub Inventory Setup
Select sub-inventory type as Receiving
Sub-inventory parameters are automatically defaulted
Location is
New field for
type of sub
can not be
enabled for
receiving sub
1-12 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Locators in Receiving

Receiving sub-inventory can be further sub-divided into
receiving locators


PCK1.1.1 PCK1.1.2 PCK1.1.3
INSP.1.1 INSP.1.2
1-13 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Locator Setup
Locators of following types can be defined to model business
Dock Door
Staging Lane
Packing Station
Inspection Station
Receiving Locator

1-14 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Locators in Receiving
Receiving Locators can be defined only for sub-
inventory of type Receiving
Material in receiving is not On-Hand stock and can not be
Locators can be specified while receiving material
Material can be received in a Receiving Locator only for PO
with standard or inspection routing
Locators can be specified only if receiving is done using mobile

1-15 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Receiving Locator: Dependencies
Defining receiving locators is not mandatory for
performing mobile receipts
User will not be prompted for receiving sub and locators if no
receiving sub Inventory has been defined
Definition of receiving locators is recommended for
using Inbound ATF features
Definition of receiving locators is required for using the
following features:
Monitor physical location of inbound material using Material
Workbench or other WMS inquiry
Packing of Inbound Material using Packing Workbench

1-16 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Zones Setup
A Zone is a logical collection of locators sharing some
common warehouse attributes
Zone provides improved flexibility to define warehouse
business rules by segregating logical locations from physical
Zone may represent a physical area where similar operation
takes place e.g. Warehouse area where packing is performed
Alternatively zone could be a logical area to define business rules
e.g. all floor bins in flow racks
One locator can be in multiple zones or one zone can span many
locations, sub inventories, even other zones
Locators from multiple sub-inventory can belong to a zone
Definition of zone is not mandatory for using any 11.5.10 inbound
1-17 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Zones Setup
New locators
can be added
to a zone
using filter
Locators with common attributes can be grouped as zones
e.g. Zone AAPCK consisting of packing stations in receiving
1-18 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Operation Plan

Indicates Material Routing: Logical sequence of
operations performed on the material after receipt
Supported Operations in 11.5.10 are:
Load: Load of material for movement
Drop: Drop of material to complete a movement
Inspect: Inspection of items for PO with inspection routing
Crossdock: Crossdock movement of material to outbound lane
Multiple operation plans possible in a warehouse
A specific operation plan selected using rules engine
Load Drop Load Drop
1-19 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Operation Plan and Putaway

Final Putaway Location is always determined using
Putaway Rules
Intermediate locations are not determined using putaway rules
Operation Plan is the Means to an End i.e.
movement of material to final putaway location
Operation plan selection rules facilitate the selection of
the most appropriate Means to an End
1-20 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Operation Plan and Final Storage Location
Sometimes the final storage location is dependent on
the results of another operation in the operation plan
Packing of cartons to form Pallet
Inspection results in Accepted or Rejected material
ATF allows termination of operation plans at such
Possible to do a mid-course (re)determination of final
location and operation plan
Load Drop Inspect
Load Drop
Load Drop
1-21 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Operation Plan and Material Grouping

Operation plan also controls material grouping in a
locator and LPN during intermediate moves
Possible to consolidate material in a locator and/or
LPN based one the following attributes:
Same Destination
Same Operation
Same Sub-Inventory
Similar Item
Examples of Material Grouping
Items going to the same final putaway location are consolidated
in a P&D locator. A forklift performs the final putaway.
Item requiring inspection is dropped at the first available
inspection station
Items from a mixed LPN are deconsolidated into individual
LPNs containing the same item
1-22 Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved.
Inbound ATF in 11.5.10
To Be Continued in Part 2
ATF Setup
ATF Example

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