Hitler's Appeasement by Amy S

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First demands were

about Austria and

wanted to unite these
German speaking
Goal was to make
nazism the form of
government after
annexing Austria.

Hitler announced German
claims to the Sudetenland (area
in Czechoslovakia)
Austria was a German speaking
country so France and Britain
thought it was acceptable that
he annexed it. However the
Sudetenland had many different
cultures and languages in it.
This led to the Munich Crisis
Czechs resisted Germany's attempt
to annex them.
France and Soviet Union
threatened to attack Germany.
Prime minister Neville chamberlain
promised to assist France.
Representatives from U.S.S.R,
France, Britain, Italy and
Germany met in Munich to
decide Czechoslovakia's fate.
Britain and France agreed to
Hitlers demands.; Became
known as Appeasement.
Who were the politicians That
Agreed To The Appeasement?

Neville Chamberlain:
became prime minister
to Britain in 1937
government associated
with foreign policy-
Agreed to appeasement
More politicians involved
Edward Daladier
represented France.
Became prime
minister of France in
January, 1933.

Why Did Countries Give In To
His Demands?
Churchill wanted to
avoid war so he thought
appeasement would
ensure peace.
France and Britain had
there own private affairs
and couldnt deal with
Hitler; Appeasement
was the easiest option.
Churchill thought the
Versailles treaty was to
harsh on Germany and
sympathized with Hitler.

More reasons for giving in to
Churchill thought that it
was reasonable that
German speaking
countries should be
Churchill and Daladier
both believed that if
Hitler got what he
wanted he would
eventually stop.
Why Did Hitler Make His
At the end of WWI the
Versailles treaty was written
by the Great Powers
Britain, France, U.S. Italy
Hitler viewed the treaty to be
to harsh; Germany was
forced to take troops out of
neighboring countries such as
France and Poland.
Unable to build up military.
Germany also had to pay
heavy war reparations.
Hitlers demands part II
Hitler also viewed
the Germans to be of
superior race; all
German speaking
countries should be
Blonde hair, blue
eyes= the perfect
race (known as the
Aryan race.
Why Was Appeasement A Bad
The point of
appeasement was to
maintain peace. Peace
would have been hard to
maintain because once
Hitler gained some land
he would automatically
want more.
If Britain and France
opposed Hitler from the
beginning, another WW
might not have occurred.
Cheney, Alexis . "an appeasement History." dec. 1997.
An Appeasement History. An appeasement History. 02
Dec. 2004 <http://www.omnibusol.com/wcessay6.html>.

Hnizdil , Paul . "WWII a balanced attack." WWII a
balanced attack. Appeasemnet. 02 Dec. 2004
Edouard Daladier." Edouard Daladier. Edouard
Daladier. 03 Dec. 2004
applebyjoyce. The American Vision. New York City:
McGraw Hill Glencoe, 2005.

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